Steam ID: Thanatos

Steam ID: Thanatos

Address: 3530 Louisa St apt 20. Pittsburgh, PA, 15213

Send this address pizzas and w/e you want and I'll gift you 5 bucks per prank through Steam, have a friend that lives there that will confirm.

>inb4 not your personal army

You fags are being paid for this.

phone number?

which thanatos faggot

I'm ordering him 99 ice scoopers along with 99 5lb bags of ice

NYPA Faggot
Do you think we would believe you'd pay us for "pranks" ??
You're a prank.

It has this image

Just sent you a friend request and ordered 15 large pizzas. You better deliver OP

And he did what?

Bullied a highschooler to kill herself. And he's in his 20's.


OP delivered.

My disbelief.

Whoever sent the noise complaint your a genius.

I just sent an invite and am sending an escort steamId: mopslopmop


Show us proof

proof of what?

Whats your ID? I have 6 pending requests.

If you seriously send an escort your getting $70 o swear to god. Needs to be confirmed by roommate though.


My id is in the post bro mopslopmop

gimme a few minutes and Ill see what I can do

This thread has potential

I'd do it but my dick's not big enough for this

We just struck a deal for the price. she should text back any second.
