Is Rothschild chosen by God to govern Earth ?

Is Rothschild chosen by God to govern Earth ?
> pic related

This particular Bible passage and the events of September 11th 2001 are the perfect arguments in favor of Atheism!

OP is a fag

yes... i used to be hardcore biblefag... now I'm losing the religion ...

The concept of God is just a creation of human mind

Any answer to this Sup Forumsros ?
> pic reltd

define atheism

exactly. i dont care about being classified as god-believer, atheist or whatsoever. I'm just contemplating on the world we were all brought to, in order to live(enjoy/or hate) the time here

Lack of belief in God, or any other greater spiritual idea

ok. but without falling into simple classifications as god-fag or atheist. how would you answer these
questions ?

i somewhat of a theory, based off of string theory, if string theory is true then there are infinite dimensions if there are infinite dimensions with infinite realities then in some alternate dimension god does exist and is all knowing all powerful and so on, therefore he could encompass all realities therefore isn't it impossible for god not to exist?

any atheist can answer plz





>submit to Satan
No, this verse is not saying to submit to Satan because the Bible also says those who control the world are indeed evil working through people.

I don't care what you think you're trying to prove, but this verse is not saying what you think it says and it does not mean to obey Satan by obeying who he chose to install as his puppets.


thank you.
im not against or pro-God.
im just contemplating reality.

you see - we did not choose to be given life on this planet. however we have to go through life anyway here. I'm looking for the answer why and what for and how to spend the time given here.





i personally think there's a creator, something, but i don't think its the christian, or islamic or any of those gods. i just think it's a creator, whatever it is, it

to add on to my original post, do i think it cares about us? who knows, did it have this elaborate plan of redemption, etc. probably not. It probably just made us cuz, meh why not



Currency is a human made invention to raise societies. It is the membership fee of being a citizen.

Quia non est nobis conluctatio adversus carnem et sanguinem, sed adversus principes et potestates adversus mundi, rectores tenebrarum harum, contra spiritalia nequitiae in caelestibus.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

yes. but if we had unlimited money we would be free. even though it is a human creation, we have to slave our asses to make it, in order to live on a planet we were born free...


Of course the ROMANS would fucking say that

Yo she looks like the pornstar Riley Reid.

why does this creator have to be an intelligent being? Couldn't it be just natural causes? what do you compare it to?

Were they Jews ?

We were born free to a planet that kills 99.999% of what it produces. Humans have actually gone away from a cruel mother nature.