Hey neurologists of Sup Forums

Hey neurologists of Sup Forums,

What part of the brain is responsible for desiring social relationships and for feeling loneliness?

And is it possible to have it removed without dying?

I'm getting lonely to the point that I want to be an hero, and I'm looking into some kind of neurosurgery that can cure it.

Thanks Sup Forumsros.

limbic system

The limbic system supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction.[4] >Emotional life is largely housed in the limbic system, and it has a great deal to do with the formation of memories.

basically it's what makes you a human, if you remove it you become a retard or die

>fuck you
>t. god

Fuck. Well, I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Thanks, Dr. user.

nigga don't worry, I felt the same way

just realize that it's worth it to live life at least for what pleasures it is possible to provide you with, maybe not pussy, but something else

so just try thinking that the negativity you think life has and that loneliness is just you obsessing over it, you can easily force yourself to stop giving as hit

through drugs, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy or sheer will

good luck

Nurse here, you cant fix it thru surgery. Consider you might have clinical depression. Try meds thru your doc. Might take a while to get em right. It will be worth it tho trust me. Swallowing a prozac is better then swallowing a gun.

this but honestly try psychedelics a good ego death might help clear your head

I have no doctor. I'm an independent college student who can't even afford to eat most of the time. How do you afford a psychiatrist?

molly if you like just the feeling of good acid fi you can handle the existential and shrooms if you wanna take a journey within

then just take psychedelics 10-20 for good amount of acid 25-40 for good amount of shrooms 15-25 for a good amount of molly

No health insurance? Try googling sliding scale or free mental health clinics in your area.

>neurologists of Sup Forums

I've never done drugs in my life. Which one has the lowest risk of a bad trip and doing shit I'll regret the next day?


I afford it with health insurance thru my work. If your a student you should still be on your parents. If not get on your states.medicaid since your low income.

Take the advice of a nurse or of some retard who could kill you and make your life even worse. Go to a psychologist.

Heres my dick since im a man

Nah, I'm a 30 year-old college student. A loner fag. No family, no friends, no outside help with anything.


its a complex answer, molly you might wanna smoke weed on the come down you feel like shit cause you won't have any dopamine left. shrooms the only thing I had the next day was weird lapse in thinking and eyes were still kinda dilated. acid is a 12-hour high you'll feel it the next day but if you were doing something fun for most of it you probably won't care

You already sound like a dead man. Why would you want to kill yourself?

Way to not know about male nurses. Hows your parents basement working out?

easiest way to not have a bad trip is to just let it take over

If you were friendless through your 20s and were now 30 with literally not a single human being in your life, no one to talk to or spend time with, no chance of basic human contact at all, and you can't meet a single person who wants anything to do with you, you'd probably get it.

Then off to the free clinic with you or apply for medicaid youll probably get it. Its not just for nigs.

just play videogames 247
no need to thank me

Thank you

wow, noice

That's part of why I was alone throughout my 20s. Now I've lost interest in games, but it doesn't seem to be helping the friendlessness issue. Maybe I should get back into them so I have something to take my mind off of being a depressed, lonely piece of shit.

You anticipate too much dude. Theres no other goal in life but to live. All the other things are ultimately useless. If youre going trough hell, just keep going. Theres definitly something beyond.

Nurse again, make friends the only thing stopping you is you. Dress less creepy, be friendly find a hobby. Also get the fuck on medicaid or go to a free clinic and get some meds. Take some control of your life instead of whining.

>definitely something beyond
>more hell

I've been trying desperately. Tried to befriend a half dozen people in the last month. None of them want anything to do with me. I invite them to meet up on campus or go out to eat, and it's just excuses galore. None of them talk to me. Nobody wants to be friends with the old guy on campus. I don't know how to make friends anymore. It was an organic process before I was an adult. Now I'm 30 and have no idea how to make anyone want anything to do with me.

Just be here, now. Dont wait, dont look behind. Dont repress feelings. I was like you. Took acid twice and realized that you dont have to know how to live to live as much as you dobt have to know how to breath to breath. Get rid of your bad toughts and go watch tv.

Could be more hell, could be light, could be a wizard cat shooting chocolate waffles from his anus. Take the risk.

Fond common intrests with people your own age. I was older on campus still made friends. Maybe your.coming on a little strong? Dress like a creep? Are you going to look into the mental health treatment? I gave you plenty of options my nigga even posted.my dick on this thread. Im your motha fucking guardian angel listen to me.

I'd eat chocolate waffles out of a wizard cat's ass if it meant he'd be my friend.

Yesterday, I watched a Taiwanese chick flick TV show with a crazy butch lesbian SJW type that I ran into in the student center just so that I'd have an opportunity to be in the presence of a human being for an hour. Of course, like everyone else, trying to get her to have anything to do with me is like pulling teeth and borderline impossible.

So bring on wiz-cat's ass waffles. Hell, I'd eat the SJW dyke's shit if it meant I'd get to stop being alone for an hour.

Solitude is a bliss.

Hey you know what, ill be your friend. I aint a wizard cat tho

I haven't found anyone my age on campus. They're all 20 year-olds obsessed with Snapchat and Amy Schumer, who already have their own social circle, which means a boring old guy is redundant and has no place in their lives. I even went online to websites meant for this purpose, found only one person in this town. She's in a sorority and has dozens of friends, so any effort to talk to her is met with disinterest, and she's too busy with her massive social life to have any need for me. This is how I'm feeling about everyone I want to be friends with.

What's dressing "like a creep"? And "coming on strong"? Surely wanting to talk to someone and saying once that "we should hang out sometime" (and being rejected) isn't too strong.

shrooms and molly have shown to help clinical depression much faster and better than regular medication

There's a difference between solitude and loneliness. I'm a massive introvert and value solitude, but being alone 100% of the last decade is absolutely soul-crushing, and I've never felt so depressed about it until the last month or so. This is the first time it's actually made me want to take up drugs or be an hero.

Its all about dosimg your substance. I had a toxic psychosis on 2c-i. You dont want that. Unless youre bat shit crazy.

Is that permanent?

Well shit , if theres no reason to live, theres no reason to die. Let that sink in my friend.

I sometime still feel like im trippin. Maybe its aint just a feeling. Mayne life is one big trip. Buy the ticket, take the ride

thats why ive only take molly acid and shrooms, i had a bad time with 3 tabs of 25-i

That night i felt like reality was melting. I felt like an electron waving around a sparkle of light. No more individuality. I felt like. Nothing ive know was important, that we always put too much pressure on our selves. it was total chaos and calm at the sametime. Paradox. The next day i waked up at tue hospital attached to my bed tubed all the way up my vein

The first time i tried acid, it was 2 tab of al-lad. Pretty big dose for a first time.

you can cure that easily.
just pursue relationships with American women. soon enough you'll never want a relationship again.

Why's that? I'd kill for a relationship with any woman at this point.

then it wasnt acid?

They're insufferable cunts.
try japan or south korea

Aren't Asians soulless, loveless, asexual robots, though?

And i still have this wierd feeling that im peeing/shitting myself while trippin.

The part that keeps you alive you twat.

stop going on Sup Forums or reddit
start exercising
start doing psychodelics

not asexual, but better than man hating entitled feminists who can do no wrong. id rather have a bitch who I can fuck however I want than a bitch who I cant fuck at all or will cuck me with a nigger.

Yeah, that's a worry I have. I need something that will make me stop being aware of my loneliness, but that won't make me shit and piss my pants, destroy my apartment, or wander out the door and end up naked in a parking lot across town.

2 blotter*

Is there a psychedelic that will make me lose weight, so I can kill two birds with one stone?

Psychedelics are great tho but as Alan Watts used to say, "once you get the call, you dont need to answer the phone." . In other words, you can use meditation too and prolly go further than you would with any psychedelics.

If you think that psychedelics odyssey are casual experience, youll have a great surprise. The first 2 hours, you forget you took the substance the suddenly you find yourself plundering the universe