Aboriginal awareness thread

Aboriginal awareness thread.
Other nations don't know much about abos.

Let's answer their questions and tell them our personal experiences

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Here's an example of one of their better looking women

So what's the difference between Black Africans and Aboriginals?

black africans are half useful

americunt here. would you say they are better worse or equal to nignogs in terms of general obnoxiousness

Whole the females may appear peaceful, they are often more aggressive than the males.

Moments after thus picture was taken, they tore off all their clothes and attacked the cameraman while screaming unintelligible nonesens with the words "My Land", "White Cunt", and many many "Dawg",s

they sniff petrol, abuse white people for stealing their land, and live off benefits.


When the stench of the children becomes unbearable (which is a level no human could comprehend),
some random ano will cram them I to a trash bin filled with water in the hopes they will smell less terrible once the bin is kicked over and the boonglets dry out.
This should be the duty of parents, but the concept of responsibility of foreign to abos, even when it.comes to family

You basically just described every fucking Native American. I did hear that there are aboriginal female models, is that just a myth?

Fuck The Half caste

for fucking what?

Its not a myth, its a lie.
It means it's a white girl with maybe 10% boong in them because their great great great grandmother was raped by a coon

only attractive ones are like 3/4 white

picking cotton

Confirmed. Cool, thnx.

Even in an urban environment, completely.funded and subsidised by welfare, they steal anything they can whenever they can.

The specimen in pic related attempted to steal a donation collection container for blind people and blind assisting dog training.

It was not smart enough to realise this giant collection container was actually not full of donations and was only to attract awareness

HA! Dang Aussie Niggers.

Do abbas have big dongers?

Yeah but they cant get it up, drugs smokes grog

All countries love their own versions of "aboos"

Ours in Canada get shit loads of money to replace trucks that have been run into the ground by not changing the oil etc.

Their reserves, even in a place like North and west Vancouver, the Squamish "nation" as they tern themselves is a cesspit of drugs, alcohol and garbage strewn everywhere

Here is an example of a boong that decided he was too hot, so he should take a quiet nap in a pool of water in the middle of a road meant for vehicles.

Note the 4 X's reflected in the water.
That is actually a sign advertising the brand of beer he had been drinking for the previous 97 hours before passing out.

It's mid strength beer, which is all that is legally allowed to be sold in that town because our government put sanctions on ano drinking because we recognise they do not have the capability to co tell themselves.

Many other abo towns have alcohol bans.

Why do they look like that? like, how on earth did they evolve to be so ugly?

In the mineing areas the mining company pays each local 20-30 thousand every three month for being on their sacred land, instead of buying stuff and looking after it they trash it and buy a new one, car furniture everything

a family of 4 get $100,000~ every three months and complains theyre hard dun by

Which bring us to our next educational fact.
Boongs are so dumb, they needed advertisements on television to tell them not to sleep on the road...

I know how that sounds, but it's true.



Don't you remember that first time your parents told you not to sleep on the road?
Me neither...
Who would be so stupid even sleep o the road in the first place, let alone think it was a good idea.

These creatures needed an actual advertising campaign to understand this..

There is more examples if you search youtube

Is it true you can set them on fire and they die?

>Be me, be white australian living in Australia.
>Go on news site and read article with new proof that aboriginals were making tools like sewing needles and axes 45000 years ago, which is a lot longer than was previously thought.
>Have newfound respect for an ancient culture that will likely endure when most others are long gone due to some stupid war over who can have the most orange skin or twerking or some shit.
>Feel pretty good about life and go and shitpost on Sup Forums for the glory of the australian peoples.

Pic related, it's one of their women.

Dey need dat monies do moooor flooorbooords.
How da fu k else dey gun have woods for da fire?

Yeah, I'd breed that.

I would like to state that they are called boong's because that is the sound they make when you hit them with your car

Sounds like a good trade off with criminal aquaters

But that's not true.
Link this article.

Why would a culture that didn't wear clothes have sewing needles?

Stop believing media portrayal and research the reality of the situation.

We had to develop fuel that doesn't fine, to stop them using fuel as a drug...

You can't even use the argument of the no parity making a bad name for the majority here...

If.it was actually the minority doing this, we wouldn't have spent the money it tool to modify and develop a different fuel would we?

>one of their women

no, try again

>culture that will likely endure when most others are long gone

>The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated the total resident Indigenous population to be 458,520 in June 2001

soon to be extinct race which has brought nothing of value to the world.

selling the internal doors from their housing commision house then ringing up and saying the door broke and needs replacing,
>frew the brokded one out bruv
repeat as man times as necessary

Even that bungeye beesting lipped
Monstrosity is over 50% white blood.

When in Rome...

They are so full of alcohol and petrol fumes they are practically explosive

You think that suicide rate might be related to centuries of living with people like you and your fuckhead ancestors?

>be ausfag
>fill car with petrol on wednesday night
>go to start car on Thursday, tank almost empty even though I didn't drive it anywhere
Fucking abos

I think they call her the "Abo Hood"

The only article on ED that is not satire.
It's remarkably accurate

wassamatta dere whitefulla? Did anthony mundine bang your girlfriend while you were busy playing pokemon?

Hey now!!

No, the suicide rate is because after years of living a life of steal alcohol, drink alcohol, fight, steal alcohol repeat....
Eventually they get a moment of clarity and realise their entire existence can be summarised into 2 days of activity.

Imagine if you did literally nothing other than drink and steal to get more dri k with fighting and molesting mixed in...

At some point you'll understand that all you've ever done is all you'll ever do.

She's like 90% white and still ugly af.

>B-but it's the white man's fault that the Aboriginies suffer till this day!
>Trough colonization, you destroyed their culture and tradition!
>Y-You are to blame that they can't progress in society!

Good riddance

Now now, doesn't that sound familiar about your ancestors and why they were sent there in the first place

She's not sharing shit with no cunt.

When they get their welfare money, they withdraw it all in $5 notes and stash them all over their body.

Some in their shoe, underwear, belt, hat, socks.
Because they will expect to have a share of anything anyone has.

With $5 notes stashed everywhere, they just pull one out and say that's all they have...

Even boongs have to plan for other boongs wanting their shit.
Even though it's welfare, so technically it's out shit

I'm finding this thread most enjoyable and informative. Tell me more interesting facts about these aboriginals

And yet here we are, we managed to make a life for our selves

Yeah, there's distinct pattern with being descended from genocide and hardcore racist colonial societies and drug abuse and alcoholism.

If someone murdered my whole family and all my friends, I would probably just move on with my life and stop complaining and making a big deal out of it like your ancestors did when it happened to them.

Ey dere unna.
Why you clicking thems Innernets on dat stolen phone?
Dun you know you brother fingering you daughter tuppy hole in da backyard unna

Samefag who can't spell & only barely string a sentence together who calls out a race for being retarded

>If someone murdered my family I'd just move on

Emotionally stunted zero life experience neckbeard detected


Sarcasm detected faggot, but seriously, every race, every country, every nationality or ethnicity, has had to let bygones be bygones and move on from being raped/pillaged/nearly destroyed--that is, if they wanted to evolve and have a meaningful existence.

Props for that but never forget that it's still and will always be their LAND

Abo walks up asking for change, wearing only one shoe on his feet.

"Looks like you lost a shoe."
"Nah mate, found one.

So they somehow mange to look more hideous than the average nigger yet have better hair

Not anymore

On the American end the sqamish are the only non shit nation in my part of Washington.

Why would you even download that image fag

Nobody murdered any of the current living boongs families, except for.other boongs, that's actually very common.

> I would probably just move on with my life and stop complaining and making a big deal

Like the Irish, Armenians, Jews(kind of), and every non black race to experience the same thing?

You make a damn good point user...
Why can't blacks gets over things?

It's almost as if they are unable to progress in general

My great great great grandfather was treated extremely.badly....
Better rape my daughter in this free house on this huge community isolated from all the white people we hate so much.

Easy for someone with no experience of those things to say. Not trying to be an apologist here, but growing up in a culture whose way of life was ripped out in a generation must be very depressing. Recent studies also suggest that trauma can be passed on genetically


> correcting autocorrect.
The sure sign of a retard

Being this mad about downtrodden minorites at 4.43am on a sunday morning. You ever try having a girlfriend hitler-kun?

Then, don't fucking complain

Nah, I'm just pointing out that you only lash out at people you perceive as weak because you're a loser in your own community.

> Genetic trauma

Starting a colony aint easy m8


Found another one

When did I ever complain, y u so butt hurt

Some people are genetically predisposed to depression and feelings of hopelessness, but we fight. And we all have been shit on at one point or another, whether by a friend, a girl, a job, a school. We move the fuck on. Just because they lost once, don't mean they have to concede defeat. Like bitches.

Easier when you are technologically superior to the natives who have no immunity to the diseases that you brought with you


filthy nigger detected

Who's mad?
This thread is entertaining.
Nobody's mad about boongs, they're making fun of boongs.
That's the opposite of mad.

Also not 4:43 Here because we are not retarded enough to change the clock numbers thinking it will.give us extra daylight.

Yes, but most of us are fortunate to live in a society where we feel included and supported. Clinical depression coupled with a culture of defeat and a lack of purpose would be tough.

dubs faggot

Im not responsible for that mate

Angry white boi detected

Gd detective wrk Timmy.
It's almost as if u hve nuthing butter 2 doo than inspict 4chin posts for spell wrongs

confirmed drunk angry stoned abo

Nice delusion

Didn't say you were. I'm a white Aussie too. I don't think today's generation has anything to apologise for, I'm just saying that life in those communities must be fucking hard.

Confirmed jobless angry white boi

The armenians have not "moved on" they can't even get recognition that genocide even happened to them, let alone reparations or apologies.

THe irish are generally white for one, allowing them to assimilate into positions of power like the police force/politics/law etc, they have their own homeland, and there are roughly 65 billion of them on planet earth.

I'm not going to get to too into it with you, you are clearly not the brightest spark, or you wouldn't be posting all this evil shit about koori peoples.

You could try, you know, educating yourself about world history and about anthropology if you want to understand what leads a race to becoming downtrodden.

You are clearly aware that kids under ten years old are killing themselves in outback australia, your reaction is make gleeful posts about it on Sup Forums. You are a fucked excuse for a human being. I hope you get glassed by a black trannie.

I think this thread now is in need of an Abo Spiderman if one exits

knock another 10 points off vs american blacks who have some white genetics...

aka borderline retarded

It's almost as if you can't spell & then talk shit about the intelligence of other races. Good show m8

That society is open for all here.
In fact the opportunities for abos is amazingly.outragous.

I know a few decent ones, and they love.it.

Government basically pays for anything they want.
They take.full advantage and have good schooling and careers and nice cars because of it.

And I like them, because they are people, not boongs.

No point arguing with those types, friend. For whatever reason they need to deny as hard as they can that indigenous communities really do have it tough.

Sorry pal, I am shocked to hear you don't live in a modern world class city like Sydney or Melbourne, I never could have guessed. What I meant to post was

Being this mad about downtrodden minorites and daylight saving at 4.43am on a sunday morning. You ever try having a girlfriend hitler-kun?


They are killing themselves because rape and child molestation is unbelievably commonplace in those communities.

So white oppression causes rape and child abuse now does it?

just look.

Samantha Harris is at least half white, the original plan was to breed them out to improve them, a plan ruined by the white liberal which has condemned them to this state.

The real problem that natives have is clinging to the ways of the past. The 'advantage' that 'white culture' has is a complete lack thereof. A man is a man & is free to do anything. The world is a big place with a long, long history. Human culture is the ultimate social construct and the bane of humanity's potential.

the oldest girl is cute