For every porn you watch, there is some cuck waiting at home for the girl

For every porn you watch, there is some cuck waiting at home for the girl.

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Still think it's harmless?




Every time you masturbate you're participating in a cucking





You just know this girlhas a white boyfriend


how about porn actress that are single ?

They probably won't stay single. Especially if they're attractive. Attractive woman don't stay single. Your only option is amateur porn and then you're the cuck

lots of people wants to stay single, especially when they are attractive so they can fuck who they want

Might as well enjoy it.

you have literally no idea what you're talking about. attractive women who dont stay single are insecure. attractive women who know they are attractive stay single until they meet someone they consider to be an equal in attractiveness. girls reach/settle too you know. the attractive ones who are always with some idiot chad are settling.

Name a porn star that's single.

And it's the insecure ones who do porn.

Did OP go to school with Clarrissa (melissa may) as well?

honestly it's a mix. the main porn stars you see and know regularly are not insecure. the ones who are attracted to the industry for the money and burn out after 5-10 shots, absolutely yea they are.

how am i suppose to know who is single and who isn't ?

i don't really care


You to?

Sympathy for the cucks?