Okay Sup Forumsros Canadian fag here

Okay Sup Forumsros Canadian fag here
Convince me that American cigarets are better than Canadian

Canadian here. They are.

>not vaping

smoking is scientifically proven to give you eggs

Really I hate them They taste like shit and are small

define better?

as in what will kill you quicker or..?

we dont make the packs 8ft x 36 ft with pictures of black lungs and dead babies on them

As in taste and potency

fair enough

Tbh you're retarded if you don't approve of the negative reinforcement on cigs. You are playing into the tobacco corps hands.
Tl;dr; you're a nigger

main lesson I learned when visiting Canada for the first time was save a Empty pack of cigarettes from the US so you you don't have to walk around with the fucking sheet of plywood that is a Canadian pack

they cost like 1/3rd the price.

They are for the working class. Would you not hate it if you took out your pack and it is all crumpled

Im a big boy. I know lighting a stick of chemicals on fire and inhaling it is bad user. I dont need a graphic novel on my pack of smokes to tell me that

I keep em in my hardhat

BC /bro here

been smoking these for a year and ive been pretty content

If thats the case then why dont we just put pictures of a failing liver on a bottle of vodka



Because in this day and age it is still "cool" to drink but give it another 10-15 years they will more than likely start doing it

user wtf is that

Watched my sister die from a failing liver (she was a raging alcoholic who drank hand sanitize and cooking wine) She straight turned yellow like yellow crayon yellow. good times