Filthy Frank? More like Filthy Cuck

Filthy Frank? More like Filthy Cuck.

>hates white people
>supports hillary
>his content has gone the fucking shitter

Why are you still subbed to him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you

Because he still makes me laugh. Doesn't matter what you say or do. I'm still subbed. Can't stop me.

>hates white people
He hate everyone
>supports hillary
"I crawled into the industry
A saturated circus manipulating like Hillary" -Fried Noodles @ 1:00
Clearly, he does not support her.
And clearly, he doesn't support Trump either.
I'm okay with that
>his content has gone the fucking shitter
Still better than Keemstar, Leafy, Onision, Maxmofoe, Jenna Marbles, Smosh, and Pewdiepie

>he hates everyone
He signals his hatred against whites far more than he does toward anyone else.

You're talking about weeaboos and neck beards right?

They're a fucking plague

Watch his video about facebook

cause they're his main audience, and they came to be insulted. you're retarded.

Lol the one about facebook being littered with click-bait and buzzfeed videos? Yea... that's definitely a big slap in the face to the white race. Stay woke fam

this thread is fuckup fronk viral marketing.
hideous fucking bastard. die. die. die

He says at one point
>white people ruin everything

his content has always been sperg shit

if you think a youtuber makes any kind of quality, lasting, or meaningful art, then you are probably an underage dipshit loser

But you're not even white negro

Which brings us back to weebs, neck beards, and little white kids singing "Watch Me Whip" in the schools choir. So in theory, yes. Half of us do fuck up everything.

I'm white.
He rarely ever talks shit on blacks and I don't think he has ever talked shit on spics.

Spics and blacks right here

This thread is bait to the max

That is just a few lines, when he has dedicated portions of several videos to talk shit on whites. I will admit though, that was when he was much better and I liked him a lot. He has been going to down shitter for a few months though.

You must be new here :^)

I blame maxmoefoe

>Spics and blacks right here
Fuck hire do you even get past a full second of this...