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Its a lack of any faith, that's the literal definition, stop shitposting.

atheist - someone who believes that gods do not exist.
agnostic - someone who believes that gods do not exist but is also a huge insecure faggot who doesn't want to look bad to their pleb theist friends, so they claim that they "can't know the answer and therefore neither believe or disbelieve in gods."

whats that chick from in OPs pic?

Have you explored the entire universe in the search of what would seem like a "God"?

Then shut the fuck up.

atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

but I'm not an atheist so I guess one has yet to define it

OP needs to get laid. OP is a virgin.

Never ending story.

Here's the actual pic.

it's because they don't rly want to

No one has, no one ever will, we have a lot worse problems than sky fairy things. How about the fact that some people think Suicide Squad harley is hotter than jester suit harley?

They have faith that a God exists. You atheists are slowly changing the definition.
>atheists believe a God or creator doesn't exist
>theists believe one does
>Agnostics don't care. Its beyond our minds to even start taking a path either way

Fucking tragic.
Although, SS Harley does resemble comicbook harley, the ones where she's banging Ivy. And that's hot.

Faith is belief in this context, why do you give a shit? No one should give a shit about this! Just carry on and let other fuckers be, no one cares.

Atheists do not "believe", rather, it is quite literally the lack of belief. There is no belief to begin with. What you would ascribe to an atheist as "belief" is in actuality an "assured confidence" in that something does not exist.

Hence why I am an Agnostic Atheist.

I am 99% sure that the thing that we would call a god, does not exists, but since I have yet to explore the entire universe, top to bottom, from left to right, and everything in-between along with the possibility of multiple dimensions, I cannot 100% say that there is no "God".

I'm up for a debate or thought provoking practice, as we are all here for the truth.

Help me understand Sup Forums. Give me food for thought.

Without being a total faggot I might add.

And as a full on atheist, I'm just gonna assume that since theres no proof of a god, there isn't one. Your view is pretty thought provoking too. Ultimately, we need more R34 of jester suit harley.

Define catholiscism as something that isnt made to make people fear a great entity

This harley is hot

Atheist: Useful idiots for revolutions since the eighteenth century until this days, Pawn, Cattle.

Dude its literally just people who don't believe in a god.

I think the isolation, lack of proper stimuli and constant degenerate behavior have damaged your mind. You're barely trying anymore with this bait. Why don't you go outside and do something? Have the bananas taken up all your time?

>hundreds of religions
>Atheists are flip flopers, lawl

Because they fail to understand the ontological and moral implications of placing the selves as the highest beings in creation.
Now please stop.

I'd soon rather have you tortured until you confess your sins to the Catholic Church and upon doing so, light you on fire for the holy creator to dance among your ashes, than accept your insult to a great and up-in-coming era of genius.

They can and do. Just because you fail to accept their definitions it doesn't mean they don't have then.

Why can't you define what faith is? You can't really, so don't even try. Even if you can define it for yourself it is inevitable that it will clash with someone else's definition, meaning you would have failed to correctly describe it.

DOOM can be hot too

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

Shit! The Sage Bandit has struck again!

I was just in that other thread where another OP was asking what her pussy smelled like.


Get it? Hot? Cause its set in Hell?

Because most atheists are edgy fedora-wearing faggots who are just trying to go against the mainstream of society. It's literally a lack of belief in a deity or higher power. That's it, it's an incredibly simple definition.

Im not as much an atheist as much as i dont worship a god. Religions really dont give people who dont worship many options. your either one of them or an athesit so i just get stuck with the name and am stuck with these dumb cunts so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why can't this retard stop making this thread?

Because they have impirically proven beyond any reasonable doubt that even as they had never does anything other than make it often it goes together even.


get thread

Why can't you define what Faith is?

Isn't Faith the translation of what it means to believe in something without proof or fact?

Why would there be another definition?

And if another person defines what Faith is, how would it be the correct definition when the accepted definition is backed by more people?

Do definition exist as definitions because of the amount of people invested in them?

I think I just had a stroke.

Sweet little cows

Welcome to Semantics.

Stop being an edgy bitch and post weird porn.

I second this notion.

Each post of porn should be met with more food for thought!

Consider the following
Tide goes in, tide goes out.... You can't explain that.

Also, I have a small folder right now cause my main died, so I need porn, thanks for the slime lad.

>inb4 Earth is flat and the Moon is just an illusion created by perfectly chiseled hexagons held together by some unknown government secret energy source code-named "Tin-Hat".

Being so close to Earth, the Moon creates enough gravitational pull, that big bodies of water are influenced by the presence of said pull, and show this through what we call "tides".

Faggot swims up with tide, faggot washes away with tide.

I suggest you drink Tide.

Atheism = belief that there is no God.
Theism = belief in a God
Agnostic = it is unknowable.

You atheists are trying to steal Agnostic for some reason. I don't care about all the facts that science has provided. The concept of God is something no one in this planet can prove or disprove. I don't see how you folks can say that being an atheist doesn't take blind belief just like theists. I'm with you all about religion, I think it's all made up, but there could still be a God out there.

Apathetic Agnostic is the only label, if i had to, I would put on myself




But ...how does gravity act on matter?
You can observe the effects, but can you actually explain how gravity works? By what mechanism is matter attracted to other matter ?

Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that.


Amen. Don't ever tell them that what they are doing takes just as much blind faith as religion



>I don't see how you folks can say that being an atheist doesn't take blind belief just like theists.

Agreed. Although, I think that atheists have the right idea about wanting to rely on another source of thought other than "faith" ---even if it had any thought--- they fail to see that you cannot search the entire universe for whatever said "god" is. They cannot, by usage of Logic and Reason, state with 100% certainty, that there is no "God".


fuckin kek

SS Harley is way fucking hotter than dumb shit Jester Harley. Dafuck u on m8?



> lack of belief

This is a dumb line. Stop using it. The only people with a lack of belief, i.e. absence of belief, are people who were born in the woods and never had contact with other people, and were never exposed to the concept of whatever religion and religious belief is in question. Once you are exposed to that idea, from that moment on you either belief it or you do not believe it. There is no middle ground where you can claim to not have a belief.

>100% certainty
There is no such thing...anyone who tells you differently is lying.

Take that back right fucking now you dumb fucking shitmeister, how DARE you have an opinion different than mine!


Exactly my point.


thiest=one who believes in a god.

you're retarded

If I say there are invisible unicorns that created us, you would think I was crazy. You're not going to sit there and think, "well, I can't disprove it." Replace unicorns with god and suddenly it's fine for you?


Errmmmm... Google couldn't answer this so I don't know...is it God?




% certainty
>There is no such thing...anyone who tells you differently is lying.

So you can't be 100% certain that a 10 foot tall liquid squirrel and his army of golems made of fedoras lives on Mars and rules over us with the use of his magical telepathic turnip?

I love theese threads. The laugable comments & attempts to describe faith, make my non-belief in any spiritual shit (including ghosts n phantoms) stronger.

This guy has to be in 5th grade or something. The rest of us learned about in school... He must not have had the class yet.


Bertram Russel expressed this sentiment infinitely more eloquently with his "Teapot orbiting Jupiter " quote


You can't be 100% certain that the sun is going to come up again tomorrow, but you can be pretty damn sure based on the evidence provided.

Explain it then...
By what mechanism does matter attract other matter?


Who is this?

More b8

His name is Travis. He has two knives.

Are you saying atheism doesn't actually exist?

Actually, matter acts on space time, warping it. Like pushing down on a sheet on a bed, causing a ball to roll into the dip. But it happens in three dimensions.


But atheists generally don't do that, that sounds more like laveyan satanists to me.
I'm an atheist and I don't consider myself the highest being in all of the universe, heck I'm barely past the hunter gatherer stage, just like the rest of humankind.



>Are you saying atheism doesn't actually exist?

No, I'm saying that atheism is not believing in something. That's still a belief. It's not the absence of a belief.

The Gravitron is only a theoretical partical and has yet to be discovered....in fact, they are very puzzled at CERN on why they haven't been able to detect it yet....almost as if it doesn't exist and their current model of the theory of gravity is wrong.

Are you out of 6th grade yet?
Did they teach you about Gravitron theory there?

There are right opinions and wrong opinions. Right opinions are things like "Bunnies are god-tier pets."

And then there are wrong opinions... like anything that doesn't come from me.

You can't defend your religion either. There's no way to know, so claiming you know anything is fucking retarded. We all die so just fucking live your life and don't tread on me.



Atheism: The desire and confidence that causes an human being to, based on an immense amount of facts already proven to be accurate by themselves, and in comparison with the lack of the proof of an universal explanation of the apparent intervention of supernatural phenomena in the everyday life, decide to choose to disbelief and disprove the possibility of such events to exist until being confirmed, analyzed and backed up by an irrefutable proof.

That is only a description of the effects of gravity, it doesn't explain at all by what mechanism it achieves this


> Disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

>The only people with a lack of belief, i.e. absence of belief, are people who were born in the woods and never had contact with other people, and were never exposed to the concept of whatever religion and religious belief is in question.

>absence of belief

Quite wrong you are sir, you can indeed, have a lack of belief. The reason why atheism is defined as having a "disbelief"


English is not my main language. Would take forever to explain it. Look here, this is the basics.

>not beleiving in something
>That's still a belief

It literally isn't. You sound like you just took your first hit of pot.

Tide goes in, tide goes out ....you can't explain that