They're minerals Marie!

They're minerals Marie!

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Geologist here.


nice rocks, got anything else?

bump 4 crystals

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you heard it here first. stay strong, Sup Forumsros

i must go now

hippie bump

Explain "nope"
It would appear you aren't a geologist at all.
If you're a geologist, name 6 of what you that pic.
If no response you admit to being an eternal faggot that talks shit on the internet

Harder to get to, but I could probably get some pics if you're interested

Here's an easy one.
Just had to drag it out

I'll see if I can find you the big one...
It's less.dirty than it sounds


Nope, it's in storage so.ewhere and it's take longer than 404 to find it.
It was a single quartz Crystal the length of an average forearm

Thats pretty boring user
Glad you're contributing, but I feel you're trying to take the piss

nice dude! sorry was taking pics

Dude those are rocks bro


just got back from a little place called glass butte in the high desert in OR, crazy obsidian everywhere

nice phantom

thank you..?.not familiar with the term, didn't go to school for it or anything. all ways love to learn more tho that pic related opal?

Shut the fuck up Marie.
They're minerals

hell yeah this one too

neither did I. I just learned the term while I was browsing crystals. It's when a crystal stops growing then another starts on top of the 1st.

Anywhere in San Diego where I can go hunting for gems/minerals?

ddaaaayyyumm son!

yeah this bitch is a heater tho

what does it mean really?


Everything has a price..
What would you sell it for?

any one lurking live in OR ?lets go get some sunstones!

What a grumpy cunt.
Sorry you don't like minerals.
Was it the lump of gold that triggered you since you're a jew?

pshh i cant even think about it W/O an offer one of my favs

Exactly as I said.

lo,l im to baked i just stopped reading for some reason, thus missing the knowledge u threw down

What kind of offer would you consider?
I am an ausfag, so you k ow most.od them so the price is lower than overseas, but I like that one.

Give me a price range and I'll go fro. There..
I've shown you my case, trades are a possibility

I think I'll never understand why people spend money on some of the shit they spend it on.

i honestly talked the guy down from $175 to 100 at a gem fair, but i would need like $400 US to get rid of it.....and that's absurd

why do you think we dont understand how you spend so much on tranny hookers

no probs

Yo fellow ausfag.

Nigga how much disposable income do you think I have? do realize that these minerals will always be worth something unlike your Modern form of "currency"

Don't really care tbh. They're a lot like most of the people on here: They just sit there and don't do anything.

Says the faggot doing nothing.
>shitposting doesn't =something

haha fair enuf......whats the difference between a hockey player and a hippie chick?...........the hockey player takes a shower after 3 peiords

Barely enough for food, bills, toilet paper and granny hookers.

Be happy I reminded you that you need TP

Well.i won't pay that much, but I am interested.
Nothing in the case you'd consider as a trade?

Hey ausfag.
What state?


Don't start that nonsense.. .
If everything collapsed into anarchy, when people are struggling to produce food and water, why do you think rocks (THEY'RE MINERALS MARIE!) Would have any value?
What hungry person would trade anything for metal?

I for one collect rocks.

Not some faggot minerals that I order online.

I go outside and pick up a nice looking rock and then take it home.

I also collect sticks.

I literally have the tools required to break bones all around my house.

id have to trade it for another chunk of opal i think. it sounds like u can get some heaters on your corner of the map tho

projecting much

was not talking about the collapse, go the other way, why and where do u think the idea of value ( in material terms) or the concept of material gain was even forethought in the dawn of humanity?

I feel sorry for the doctor that's going to have to extract all those sticks


Yes because this particular moment in this particular thread reflects the entirity of my life.

Granny hookers? Earlier it was trannies. Make up your mind.

Because it was given a numerical value.

I can, but I want yours.
I missed a chance for a piece much like you're when I was a kid.
I want yoyrs

That doesn't make sense. Did you reply to the right post?

numerical value?? the advanced homo sapiens brain decided to make a an entire system up (math) to try to even comprehend what ever the fuck is going on on this reality. when it comes down to it "the only thing we know is that we know nothing" and who are we to give shit value. and why did it happen this way? if for some fucked up reason we have to enter the bronze or stone age again as a species, rock and minerals will have worth allways

yeah man sorry idk if i can let it go
