Would you still talk to a girl after she friendzones you? Also, why?

Would you still talk to a girl after she friendzones you? Also, why?

No and you should make it a habit not to talk to girls in general

But that's gay, my google

No because I would either already be her friend and the awkwardness of me unsuccessfully making a move would be more faff than I can be arsed with OR shes just some girl in which case who fucking cares theres like a billion more of them

I am pretty sure talking a lot with girls and getting in touch with your feminine side is gay

So I should just talk to dudes and maybe suck their dick every now and then, gotcha.

stalking a girl because she doesn't want to fuck you isn't going to change her mind. "oh, look, there's OP outside my bedroom window again.. sixth night in a row. he must be really dedicated. i'd better fuck him" said no woman EVER.

you'd be better off saving up your allowance to buy a fleshlight.

If she talks to you, yes. And say hi and shit. but you shoudnt go out of your way and try to talk to her. Its better for that way.

Sup Forums never change

Yes cause why the fuck waste the effort of getting a good friemd, also chick who friendzoned me is now one of best wingman's ever. They know what a girl wants and will get you in 9/10 helps cause generally the friendzone girl is bare hot hense why you gave a shit in firet place

no, I lose interest

this is simple
If I'm not fucking her I don't care nor listen to what comes out of her mouth

>They know what a girl wants and will get you in 9/10 helps cause generally the friendzone girl is bare hot hense why you gave a shit in firet place
Did you have a stroke while typing this?

Ndino happana taura english

No. I have enough friends and enough of a sausage to puss ratio. You "just want to be friends" u can fuck off

hablo ingles?????

Uri kudhodi maniwe, futsake. Imini ku bhonyora, uri piri, katatu furanzi mbiini.

sushi eggroll yoko ono

You god damn coin slot eyed cunts, get off my lawn

I'll stay in the friendzone as long as she's single. The second I find out she's dating someone else I cease all contact

But how does staying 'till then even help you?

Ndino nirapo gara ku Asia ndino gara ku Zimbabwe. Ndino murungu ndino hapana coin slot eye

If you're still attracted to a girl that has rejected you and you can't move on that just means you're the clingy / insecure one. A relationship would never work if one half did not feel any type of attraction towards the other, so why even be upset? There's no reason not to continue being friends with a girl that shoots you down unless you're a cringey little fuck or you're deliberately being taken advantage of and embarrassed.

There is always a tiny bit of a shot

I tell them I don't get friendzoned, they take it or leave it

No because it is a complete waste of time and there are literally no benefits to me

Yeah. I have a gf and it doesnt stop me from talking to other girls. Even flirt with them. I just don't fuck them because I got one at home. Damn you guys are pathetic.

Why do people continue to say this hilariously false bullshit?
>good wingmen
On what fucking planet?

Been there and regretted it, now I know better OP. Don't do it

Why is that so?