Perfect Human vs Silverback Gorilla

Perfect Human vs Silverback Gorilla

Perfect Human Stats
>BODYBUILD BIG (more like Arnorld schwarzenegger BodyType)
>Strongest Human on earth (Powerlifter,Strongman etc)
>Faster (more like Bruce lee speed)
>Master of MMA,boxing etc (TOP mma skill)
>Iq of 160+

Silver back Gorilla
>Biggest strongest


Other urls found in this thread:

Not include GRIZZLY BEAR
because we know grizzly bear is king of the beast

100 strong men.

If it was 10men to 1 gorilla it would be different. But 100 men can take out the gorillas 1 by 1 with a hand full of casualties.


1 gorilla could probably take out 10 strong men unless the guys drag out the fight and physically drain the beast.

But 100 guys on 10 gorillas no way. They can just mob kill each gorilla one by one in the end it'd probably be something like 35 guys vs one gorilla

10 vs 10 I would say gorillas

But 100 vs 10 that's too many humans for 10 gorilllas

Dude 1 perfect human could easily kill any animal, out smart, out maneuver and demolish completely. 1 human of that caliber beats 1 ape solo.

I'm pretty sure we are assuming hand to hand.
There is nothing a single human could to to inflict a fatal injury on a gorilla.
It would take a large group jumping in its head to hurt it

In a cage match? Not a fucking chance whatsoever. The most physically impressive and skilled fighter humanity could ever produce would be hopelessly outclassed by a mediocre gorilla.

In this fight it would be the numbers that would win it, and that's the only reason humans would win.

Depends on the aggression of the silverbacks, but I'd say 100 men would win,with some losses. Mostly because they could just dogpile them. Now if it was done so only 25 humans would be on the "field" at a time it would be much more interesting.

>Perfect Human

Hmm, Brock has diverticulitis, a severe stomach disease. Hence he's not "perfect" mentally and health wise.

Your thread is inherently flawed; therefore, debate is over.



>dubs of truth



You have no idea how strong silverbacks are, do you? This is heavily implied to be CQ H2H combat. A silverback as 6-9 times the upper-body strength of a human, which means it can very easily crush bone and muscle. Just look at the end of this

He did that with almost no effort.

The average silverback is stronger than the strongest human alive

I dont see how a human could possibly do any damage to a gorilla


A human without weapons has almost no offense and defense against a gorilla, a primate cousin with teeth that can shred and strength that can literally pull your fucking head off your body.

But this is a silly question considering there's a lot of things, well, that you have to consider. Who knows what 100 humans can do to 10 gorillas if they work together. 10 humans on each gorilla. Ouch, there's going to be some sacrifices for sure.

The humans might win but there would be a lot of dead people.

Humans are going to do things like eye gouge and small joint manipulation which will quickly incapacitate a gorilla.

Wow cool, that is rather strong glass

The gorillas would win because pain (if humans could possibly even inflict it) would just make it enraged.

Meanwhile every human that suffers an injury (which would be gruesome in this scenario) would go into immediate shock and retreat or collapse.

This is precisely the reason human beings developed tools like spears, to be able to defeat animals that would otherwise win even when outnumbered.

Who could win, 10 crocodiles vs 100 mma fighters?

That's easy. The MMA fighters. They know advance grappling techniques, which a lot of zoo keepers use to submit crocodiles. Crocodiles get put into submission all the time by humans without weapons.

All my money on the Silverbacks, Lesner is a bitch.

Considering 1 standard nature show host or zookeeper is more than a match for most crocodiles, i would say the MMA fighters.


Man you have never seen what animals can do. There are plenty of animals where one on one, unarmed, a human has absolutely zero chance of surviving if the animal decides it really wants to kill him.

A silverback gorilla has up to ten times the upper body strength of a man, they can weigh 500+ pounds, and if you've never seen it, even if they couldn't rip your arms off or crush your bones, they can fucking BITE. A human with no weapons would have virtually no chance against one. And that's to say nothing of things like tigers or polar bears, where this issue would be even worse. You ever been attacked by a really angry cat? Think about how much that hurts, how much (relative to their tiny size) they can fuck you up when they grab on and kick with their back legs and such, and then imagine that instead of 5lbs that cat weighed 800lbs and wanted to eat you.

Polar bear would be still worse. Record size for a polar bear is fucking 2209 pounds.

Having said all that, I think 100 humans is just too many. Sure you'd lose some, but you can just gang up on one gorilla at a time, and 100 humans vs 1 gorilla is a no contest win for the humans. By the end you'd have probably lost at least half your guys though.

Nah man. Polar bear is. Outweigh the largest kodiaks by 600+ pounds, plus they're purely carnivorous while grizzlies and other brown bears only eat a little bit of meat and mostly subsist on plants and such. Not saying they're not impressive- I'd definitely never want to piss one off- but imo polar bear is just a whole different level of nope.

1000 ants vs 5 anteaters

Thats 6-9x the average human.

OP says the humans are world class body builders which are easily 10-20x stronger than the average human. If not more.

Humans can get as strong as a gorilla.

who would win, 1 T-Rex, or zillion ants.

This. Crocodiles are ambush predators with a body plan that means that if you get on their back there's not much they can do. They're not great in a fight.

That said, crocodiles are the single greatest predator of humanity precisely because this scenario would almost never happen. If they're going to try to kill you, you won't know until it's already way too late.


crocodile are intelligent animals.

>Humans can get as strong as a gorilla.


no animal knows martial arts like a human does

1 perfect human could rek 10 gorillas like this through shear tactical might

there is no fight here, humans win this fight 100-0

Pretty sure its arena match unless stated otherwise.

If its ambush and preparation then humans vs gorillas match gets turned on its head.

Ain't a fair fight to begin with, son.

yes. its easiest to just bite gorilla in the neck, and roll to cover.

there are plenty of tactics in an arena match

it would be like bait and switch one human distracts the other makes a injurious blow

10 humans could just lift up a gorilla and throw him anyway lol regular humans not even strong ones

Gorillas are around 5-6x the strength of a human

Strongest human we've had recorded yet, is about ~10x the strength of a normal Human, maybe more. And you're saying strongest Human on earth, at that, so this fucker will be even stronger than that, we're reaching 2-3x the strength of a Gorilla. And since you said they're Bruce-Lee level of bullshit, and intelligent, he'll know HOW to use that strength. This mother fucker will be able to punch a hole straight through you like you were Yamcha. And there's a fucking 100 of them? They will all together dog the Gorillas like shit. This one was really night and day and it's pitiful some people on here don't realize it. It's like saying what will win, 100 loaded to the teeth, armored cops or 5 dirty naked niggers.

niggas dude cause they dindu nuffin

I might disagree with the 10vs1 argument. If it was hand to hand maybe, but what if the humans canablized one of their own for bone weapons that could stab?

They really are. They're way smarter than most people give them credit for, and they have some absolutely incredible biological features (ie the ability to literally turn off organs while submerged to reduce passive oxygen consumption). That said, a small number of humans can definitely capture one (just look at Steve Irwin and the number of crocs he's captured). In a situation where we're saying it's a 'fight' between humans and crocs, I'm assuming the crocodiles aren't hidden and are actually going to engage in combat. This basically ruins the entire evolutionary design of crocodiles. They hide and wait until a perfect ambush opportunity, strike quickly, then leave. They don't hang around and fight stuff. They don't need to. They've got tens of millions of years of evolution to help them hunt the way they do. Fighting humans on land is just not a reasonable thing for them.

the guy with the gun

>Gorillas are around 5-6x the strength of a human
>Strongest human we've had recorded yet, is about ~10x the strength of a normal Human, maybe more. And you're saying strongest Human on earth, at that, so this fucker will be even stronger than that, we're reaching 2-3x the strength of a Gorilla.

Slow down and rethink your math.

And every single swing of the gorillas arm will kill or cripple a human. You can see video of a gorilla grabbing and dragging a fully grown man with one arm without even thinking about it.

After looking at the answers to this question for years, or similar questions for years, we'll never know.

So let's throw a hundred convicted pedophiles in a cage with 10 silverback gorillas and get our answer. Let's start a petition and get this started.

yeah but these humans are smart and can simply dodge the attacks leadng to perfect opportunities for the humans to strike

gorillas dont understand martial arts

in fact, they would probably cower and run even before the fight started

With brute force and strength, gorillas don't need to "understand martial arts." Besides, don't underestimate gorillas natural, instinctive offensive and defensive skills, you fucking idiot. You can put a wild lion in captivity for years, for example, and it will still have its instinctive, hard wired behavior.

humans also have our hard wired, instictive behaviour, and that has led to the extinction of countless species due to their tactical might

no other animal has as much endurance as humans

they could just run around the arena while the gorillas starve to death legit

also humans are faster the gorillas, so strength does not matter.

>no other animal has as much endurance as humans

After that statement, everything you said and say henceforth is irrelevant and invalid. It's time for you to step away from the keyboard, kid.

no FAGS here

>Perfect human
>photo of Bork and not BretGOAT


i guess u win this 1 m8

Victory is mine

it only takes one (1) brock lesnar to kill 1000 gorillas

I'm not the kid you're arguing with, but humans are (were) pursuit predators, and we're sort of top of the pile for feats of long term endurance.

I don't know how marathoning helps to fight a gorilla though.

Every single thing about Sup Forums is stupid now.

Its because of the efficiency of biped locomotion, in a fight we are going to tire fast.


Gorilla could kill any human with one hit, or just rip off limbs

10 dudes wouldn't matter when a gorilla flies in at top speed swinging and biting, it would be like Brock Lesnar vs 10 toddlers