You guys will argue over anything so runescape or warcraft which is or was better go

you guys will argue over anything so runescape or warcraft which is or was better go

I've played both, and they're definetle equally good

rs ofc

Personally I prefer RS

rs is love, rs is life

old school rs

WoW, RS is fucking bad compared to WoW.

RS: worse graphics, only recently got raids and they have less tactics than a vanilla WoW boss. RS is lagging 12 years behind. don't forget the world is smaller, less lore and the lamest battle system of all MMO's.

WoW: ^ better in everything mentioned above


i tried wow, fucking sucked dick. rs is much better

OSRS is more simple and easy so that more people can follow and get into it

OSRS by light years
Currently playing on furiouspk spawn server


RS is really bad compared to WoW. yes you say what you prefer ( both games are fine ), but WoW is a better game in every aspect in gameplay or visual


WoW of course. RS is a piece of shit that happens to be famous, but WoW is a well developed game that earns it's appreciation although MoP and WoD were crappy expansions, Legion is nice though

RS, they both screwed themselves with expansions but only RS made legacy servers


>RS is really bad compared to WoW. yes you say what you prefer ( both games are fine ), but WoW

Wow your a real faggot

wow is gonna bring back legacy servers aswell

I will believe it when I see it

Wow was good up until Cata, as soon as cata was released the game was bad, it just got alot worse when Mop got released. That stream of piss that was content became a stream of shit

Furiokpk is a rat, enjoy being keylogged

nexustk > rs > wow


you're faggot

Xenimus wins hands down.

Osrs wins just by a little if we are comparing to legion but vanilla wow and bc is better than osrs. New runescape 3 is shit. is a new dank osrsps that's fun and scripted

I played the older version of RS as a kid/teen, you know, the one with 2D sprites and what not, then a little bit of RS2 when it was released. After WoW was released, I've played much more of that though.

I really like WoW of course and would personally probably play it more likely than RS now (at least if it was pre-Cataclysm WoW), but game design wise I think RS is much more interesting.

What I really dig about RS' design are a couple of things: first, the fact that its suitable for all ages, and the F2P model they used was particularly non-exploitative yet suitable for younger players.

Two, the game isn't all about combat, or at least wasn't, which is quite opposite to WoW's Diku-type gameplay. While the truth is that in the end its really just a bunch of grinding down at the bottom, the game has a very deep economic system tied to it along with a ton of variety when it comes to crafting. And the quests and other stuff, inspired by adventure games, are just damn well executed. Also, people with slower reflexes can play RS just as well.

Mop wasn't that bad imo. The patches were pretty good, no content rushed, and the lore made sense. it's just that it didnt really fit the main wow picture.

Another P2W shithole.

Runescape 3 is the only option.

Legions pretty god tier so far. better than mop and about as good as the start of cata end of of wrath.

But the end of Wrath was one of the worst times the game's ever seen?

Runescape before 2007 was it.

New Runescape is literally a private server full of carebears and no pvp. Te younger generation couldnt stomach 5 years for a good account so they changed the EXP rates so you literally get 1,000+ exp per mob.

I remember when it was 7 exp per hit...

WoW was okay. new wow is shit too.

The only people saying Runescape is better cant afford a pc to play WoW on


Dude WoW would literally run on my dishwasher.

Fuck outta here.

OSRS players can fuck outta here too. Jagex ruined a perfectly good game. 2005 rs wins any day.

Mate I have a computer that's powerful enough to destroy uranus, let alone able to run a shit pc game for faggots.