You wut you loose

You wut you loose

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Bring me a mooring line and a sturdy branch.

This faggot deserves nothing more. Both are reusable for the rest of their kind. Look at that mug, they're even fucking sorry to be alive.









that whole movie is a wut




this is not okay

Toph mmh...

Baked beans...Gotta love WKUK.








holy mountain?

THE Geralt of Rivia?


holy shit


Sleep tight, pizza.

this right here

I've got a couple

If you don't lose with the videos of this faggot, you lying nigger

A 20-year-old man presented to the emergency room complaining of rectal pain. A well-nourished, well-developed man without signs of intoxication was admitted in no apparent distress. Digital examination of the rectum revealed a stony hard mass. Abdominal plain films showed a vertically oriented, low-lying radiopaque object in the rectum. A spherical radiolucency was noted in the upper pole of the mass. A blood alcohol level was negative. No other drug testing was performed.

Upon further questioning, the patient said that approximately 4 hrs earlier he and his boyfriend had been "fooling around." After stirring a batch of concrete mix, the patient laid on his back with his feet against the wall at a 45-degree angle while his boyfriend poured the mixture through a funnel into his rectum. After the concrete mass hardened, it became so painful that he sought medical care.

Under general anesthesia, the anus was dilated and two Foley catheters were inserted alongside the rectal mass to relieve suction. A concrete case of the rectum was delivered without incident. The rectal mucosa was intact with a hyperemic and edematous appearance.

The patient was kept overnight and discharged uneventfully the following morning. The attending physician recommended a psychiatric consultation, but the patient declined.




That's hot



google concrete enema




did they save his life?

fuck this
thats fucking nightmare fuel

looks like mexican mafia



Its shopped


lemme guess, russian/slav engineering


It looks like a mouth trying to eat a tongue


wait this isn't a ylyl thread


OMG!!! lost

i really really like this image

sleep tight, pizza

Sleep tight, pizza.


sleep tight, pizza


What movie



That's more: 'Rage You Lose'

dang it a wut slipped my lips when i saw this. you have legitimately made me lose


but what if alien is not kill?

I win.

dude that's great

Sleep tight, pizza.

that's just retarded, and not in the funny way.


what is it?



yup. def a WAT.

>you loose

fucking MORON


sleep tight, pizza

dragon? like the mythical flying shits?

sleep tight , pizza


nightmare fuel can't melt steel dreams

Gotta' be Ocotillo Wells. Only place more full of retarded assholes is Glamis.


It's so beautiful



shame its not real


my best ever get

wtf is that

hahaaaa this is from a firework. We used to put crow-scarers in the public toilets round my town, it fully blows the porcelain apart spraying shit everywhere.

Ham rolls