Describe your life in one picture

describe your life in one picture

















or general pigeon life?


Picture is worth thousand words

I didn't chose the pigeon life, it chose me.

Also check'd










judas cradle, no?





Right now this






Can u post more of these ?

worst non-trap thread i've ever seen. who of you would ever safe any of these to be posted later?

I second this

> safe
> criticises anybody

yeah, i do.

I am a fat weeby fuck








It hurts.

I'd like to shoot the stupid bitch that took the picture though







Sorry, is the only one I have




















Beauty is everywhere, even if others don't see the world the way I do



Get that ifunny-tier bullshit outta here nigga


When I'm watching normies




filename related.









I don't have a picture but I was obese as a kid, adopted, major depressed since I was 12, played basically every instrument since I was 10, musically frustrated, found out I'm bipolar type two, my meds make me not depressed but I can't feel really happy anymore, got put on Vyvanse and Adderall and I'm addicted to those now, I fell in love with a girl and last time she blew me she told me she loved me, we talked about it later and turns out she meant "as a close friend" (what in the fucking hell?), I slowly ignored her after that and she texted me asking what she did wrong, after I didn't respond she apologized and told me she'd leave me alone, I've lost about 60 pounds over the past year but I'm still covered in stretch marks with no confidence, I'm slowly realizing that I have no idea what life will be like after college and my poetry is apparently VERY good according to my literature and philosophy professors but I'm slowly realizing I want to kill myself.

Sorry for the massive run on sentence.
