And GO!

And GO!

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Gary Johnson





Im voting Hillary

Gyurcsány Ferenc


Voted early for Trump.

Trump 2016

throwback when I met him and he signed my hat


Gf and I both voted Trump.

Jill Stein

> to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea

murica is doomed

Gary Johnson

That's not Trump's signature.


I feel sorry for you two. Your hearts are in the right place, but the US political system is so obviously rigged.

pretty sure it is because I fucking handed the thing to him

>"pics or it didn't happen"

ok here's the picture then, faggot


Well, then he didn't care enough about you to write it properly.

All aboard the Trump train. 10 other people immediately close to me are going Trump. I only know 2 people supporting that crooked bitch and one of them is an overgrown child who'd vote Clinton no matter what she did.

what did his ass taste like?


But it can only be changed by voting against the system. If I lived in the states (not a swing state), I'd vote for Gary Johnson.

>Charlie (Carlos Irwin Estevez) Sheen

Voting against the system shows that you're unhappy with it, but this election goes to show that even when forced to choose between "terrible" and "oh shit what the fuck are you doing", Americans will still vote for a main party. There's just no reasonable chance without major political revision (i.e., the end of the two-party system).

Don't care, still met him
Like freedom


pokemon go to the polls

Clinton. The only vaguely-rational choice.

For someone with a mental illness or symptoms of brainwashing, perhaps.

most amercunts are irrational, ignorant, one sided, racist, bigoted and stupid.

just look at the candidates, youz picked them


Giant Asteroid 2016

I was going to vote for Johnson, but after his whole Aleppo fiasco I changed my mind and decided for Trump

Trump, it's the only option.

kek, saw that on the lewis black special or was it michael moore trumpland

Not voting because this rigged oligarchy won't count it anyway.