Old/ interesting picture thread?

Old/ interesting picture thread?









Is that the elephant's foot?
if so, why is that guy barely wearing protective gear?

it's the most toxic object on the face of the earth...



Back story?

yea that guy is dead as fuck
interesting thing about it is all that pixilation is not shitty cameras, that is radiation fucking with the film

Person being starved to death in Mongolia
I do not know what her crime is though

Anyone else like these memes?

bump..great thread

The people around it died a couple of hours after they took that picture. The man you see there is nothing but dust now he use to be a living and emotional human until he met his end when he came near the elephants foot for that is the most radioactive point on the planet. Hes DEAD MUERTO ASTA LA VISTA BABY!!!! He is nothing but bones now. Imagine a kid meeting the world and fastforward years into the future now he met that and hes dead DEAD nothing gone none existing there will never be another him on this planet. all the memories he had will die with him and nothing can bring them back imagine yourself in a game you can revive and rewind in his case he couldnt do both all he could do was die from radiation. His life ended in that moment and now hes nothing none existent funny part is that he worked soooo hard to become a scientist probably spent nights in his room studying when he could have been doing other stuff probably trying to further humanity but now all he can further is the grass because he is now fertilizer. Alright imagine thinking tomorrow im goint to d this and this now fastforward and think fuck im dying now what dammit!!!! Yeah you can say he was living but you also have to addrress that everything he was is gone now and nothing can bring him back imagine a remote control rewinding a movie now try doing that in real life yeah you cant you only have one shot and one oppurtunity he took it and look where it got him dead the elephants foot is pretty cool tho. random webm for bump

Thanks for that

I always thought the Elephant's Foot was a lot larger. Regardless, fuuuuuuuuck, look at the noise on the photograph.

PS. Bionerd for radioactive world god-queen.

I have already dumped everything
it's up to you know

This was before they knew what it was. That guy and the guy taking the photo are dead.

There are really good meds with very few side-effects that you ought consider trying before the police lock you up for climbing lamp-posts naked.... for the third or fourth time.

Come on. Your family misses the normal you.

Rest in pepperoni

at least they never saw it coming

This is the scariest picture I've ever seen, and no it's not retouched. That's the core glowing red hot.


Look at the spooky ghost telling that guy he's doomed.


fuck man
anyone else got Chernobyl shit? I know it must be pretty rare