Before I write this I want to say how anti war I usually am...

Before I write this I want to say how anti war I usually am, but just can't take this shit anymore im sick to death of it.

In Vietnam, we carpet bombed an entire country. Although we lost, we managed to get the majority of Congress to go to war in order to help some southern gooks out.

Why, oh why, can't we come to an agreement to just FINALLY nuke the fuck out of the entire countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria, or any country that the religion is majority Islamic?

I know it's been repeated daily for the past 14 now years or so? But seriously, an entire group of people who wish DEATH upon every other believer of a different RELIGION should not be allowed to live.

They are a literal threat to every person in the world and they don't hide it at all. There are people, right now, this very second, wishing YOU dead, user.

Why aren't we annihilating our common enemy? These dirty fucking sand niggers, Israel included, need to go.

No I don't mean start another war. I mean just launch missiles, one after the other, into these countries just like Israel does to their Palestinian neighbors on a daily basis.

Realistically how many nukes would it take to bomb each capital city and surrounding larger cities? Theoretically, how long and how much would be needed to completely annihilate every man woman and child shitskin for all eternity?

Other urls found in this thread:

These pieces of human waste are doing this daily. They are slitting living breathing brothers because of their beliefs in fictional characters.

Think about this. Every. Single. Day. Murdering. Brutally.

They are a product of the violence enacted upon then

Eight this second some poor guy is kneeling down wondering why he about to die for his religion. Why can't he just be with his family right now? What will happen to them too?

Why are these men doing this to him?

>an entire group of people who wish DEATH upon every other believer of a different RELIGION should not be allowed to live
> just FINALLY nuke the fuck out of the entire countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria, or any country that the religion is majority Islamic

Go fuck yourself

What the fuck did you just say?

600AD the nation of Islam was as far into Europe as France and were faught back with the Crusaders.

They have been trying to do this for the past 509 years nigger.

But let's say for a minute we started this all. So what? How do we fix it? It will never end unless the other side kills us or we kill them. Prove me wrong. You cannot.

> an entire group of people who wish DEATH upon every other believer of a different RELIGION should not be allowed to live.

I think OP means himself

Eat a dick shitskin loving faggot.

There is no other way to ever end this. They will never give up.

Shitskin detected dumb nigger

The greatest murder machine in history.

You think Hitler is bad? These are the people Hitler wanted dead. They now rule the world.

In all seriousness though, does anyone know a better way to finally bring a resolution to all this conflict?

When will it end? How can it possibly end in our lifetime?

Only someone like you would claim that

You know nothing about me and you're not even close

Fuck it saddens me you sjw apologists exist. The world would be much better off without you.

Theyre all equal though right? I can only hope, while you're begging for your life on your knees one day, about to be beheaded, you think back on this thread and wonder if you should have changed your mind.

Would you feel the same way if you were one of these poor fucks in the orange jumpsuits?

Would you still be apologizing for their actions?

These daily beheadings and murders have been shown so many times we've become desensitized to them. That is not a good thing. You think this shit is ok? Are you seriously going to sit there and try to justify these shitskins killing people? These people killing others over their religious views deserve to live?

Please answer honestly this time.

People are responsible for their own actions. You probably grew up hearing propaganda against Muslim nations and now it's impossible for you believe otherwise...

Yeah it's a violent nation but to think every single one of them are radicals is just dumb user. Never deal in absolutes.

Disagreeing with religious fanaticism is not the same as saying all members of a particular religion should be executed because some of them execute others (mainly different branches of their own faith).

Honest enough?

Propose a better idea to bring an end to this war that's been going on since the dawn of Christianity.

I grew up on the same shit you did. Im firmly against all war. This is the only acceptable war I'd agree with. They all have to go. It's the only way.

There is no innocent victim in Islam. To accept Islam, is to accept the ideal of death to every other religious group.

Just because there are the "innocent" ones who aren't killing people, doesn't mean they didn't want that murdered person to die for their beliefs.

You think im stereotyping the entire nation of Islam? I can do that, because it's true. They all believe this stupid shitm

In all seriousness, killing the leader would just spawn another martyr, so the only way to end it for good is to nuke them, just like OP said

Do either of you know how logic works?

OP wants to kill everyone of a different religion that belongs to a different religion who wants to kill everyone of a different religion.

It's circular. I'm not apologizing for a bunch of middle eastern savages who murder in the name of their God, I'm shaking my head at an idiot who doesn't seem to understand that he's advocating for exactly what he's advocating against.

It's not that difficult.

One person itt gets it at least.

There is no other option. It's the only way.

they aren't going to do shit ffs. The only thing that is going to ruin your lives is your imaginations

Protect our borders and leave them to their own devices. Offer Israeli's a place to live in a peaceful country and let the Muslims have that land back, tell the Isreali's they're free to live there if they wish but we will not be supporting them any longer.

They'll either smarten up or kill each other off.

Bombing their countries into the stone age was not a way to win them over though, neither was shooting and raping their citizens while crying "don't 'chu care about yer freedom?!" was it?

I don't like Islam and have lots of reasons for disliking the religion. Most of the fighting is between Sunni and Shia (like ISIS vs Assad).

I take people as I find them, and most Muslims don't want to kill anyone, whatever you might think.

Are you gonna start by nuking Indonesia? With 249 million people that's the most populous Islamic nation?


You are wrong, its the arabs killing every one else.


I understand the hypocrisy. This is one of those times where it's the only way though .

Islam/Christianity is THE good vs. evil. Yes innocents don't deserve to die. With the way they are all brought up with this toxic religion forced upon them from birth, there is no other cure than extermination by nuclear means.

Its sad, I understand how shitty it sounds, but it's the only way. Prove me wrong. You cannot. It must be done.

This is one of those rare times you should be allowed to say Nuke them all.

Pick a side faggot. It's war that must go on.


Im not scared Islam is going to eradicate or kill anyone overseas. Im saying it's a disgusting idea that needs to be uprooted from the source.

The only way to protect the world from this insane mental illness is to eradicate it from the face of the earth.

Its sad, but true.

Haven't we been doing that for decades now though? It's not working.

The logistics of two smaller countries warring with eachother would take forever. They need a little boost with nuclear strikes. Completely eradicate everysoul with the toxic belief.

Um yeah, do you mean the Muslims you meet in the states? Im not talking about killing people in our countries. Im saying go straight to the source and make Muslims the new Jews without a home.

completely annihilate the shitskin headquarters and its all over.

Start by nuking all of Saudi Arabia through that tiny country to the NE of Iran I don't study maps nor wish to remember all the names of sandnigger scoundrel countries to sound smart.

We can do a much better job of protecting our borders. Canadian border is hardly regulated and Mexican is apparently easy to get past.

You can't nuke a way of thought off the planet.

That's what I mean, Islamic people in the Arabian states territory.

Be it England or America or any other superpower, there has never been a time where they didn't further their world domination by any means possible and available to them. And interfering without a care in the world is exactly what breeds extremist thoughts.

Christianity is forced upon the pageans by the jews.
they call us gentiles for a reason.

A Christian should want to turn the other cheek. To forgive an enemy, and to show him love and compassion, even if it means your own death. That's why Christ chose to end up on the cross. That's what the cross is supposed to signify. Sacrifice and suffering in the name of love and forgiveness.

You want to exterminate a good portion of the human population because you don't like the cut of their jib. Granted, it is a bunch of zealous lunatics who would love nothing more than to murder you in the most brutal way possible, bathe in your blood, and tell the whole world what they've done.

Now, that being said, do you understand the hypocrisy of your own statement, let alone OP's? You can't be a Christian and stand for murder in the name of religion. That's not what it is. That's the entire fucking point.

Good isn't good if you use evil to make it happen. That's why evil is so easy. Because it's doing wrong when you know what right is. And to be right is to do what Christ would have done.

And that's why, though I am Christian, I don't call myself one. So many of you don't understand what it means to be one.

It means making the hard choice. It means suffering, and sometimes, it means dying.

It's love.

It is possible to nuke every country that adheres to Islam. Make them convert just like the olden days. Deus vult the fuck out of every country that stands their ground.

It would be the most expensive, time consuming, largest war since ww2, but it could be done. Split the cost amongst euro and Asia and it could feasibly be done.

US owns enough nuclear weps to encompass every square inch of the middle east in blast radius of some kind.

The only end to all religious oppression is to end all religions.

A just because you dont want to or are killing doesnt means you dont support it and those who do it.
You should check on 8ch they have a islam board.
They are simply awaiting the moment the us falls or until their numbers are big enough to take over.
They hate us.

>atleast dont let them in to your country.

>Im not scared Islam is going to eradicate or kill anyone overseas

This shit is really getting to me anons.

Thinking of others being murdered daily because of their religious views. Thinking of some husband or wife on their knees crying, knowing their life is about to end due to some sandnig thinking HIS beliefs are superior, so he can kill this person.

Its making me sad. I don't want them to live. It makes me more sad we can't literally nuke them off the planet either.

What the fuck can we do to help the people on their knees being forced to accept their immediate bloody fate?

So are you talking about nuking everything across North Africa from Algeria to, say, Pakistan (189 million people) in the East? Throw in northern Nigeria and all the Sahel countries. Then you've got Bangladesh between India and Myanmar (156 million) and after that you get to Indonesia (249 million).

In short, you're talking about 1.6 billion people, and numerous countries with significant minorities.

So you nuke what you consider the core (say, the Middle East, ... Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? Syria? Iran? Iraq? ... maybe 400 million people) ... then, what do you think the rest will do?

I dunno why I'm posting in this thread, tbh. You may feel frustration and hatred towards Islam, but in getting rid of it you are talking of killing 20% of the planet.

I guess I should just let you vent in this thread. Hope you feel better.

You guys are retards. They can't truly cause any harm. It's like the kid at the playground who's kind of a bully and we're the parents. If you get rid of the meanest kid on the play structure then that just means the new bully is the second meanest kid. Before you know it all the kids are in time out. Instead of nuking the mean kid on the block you just slap him back into line when he goes too far and chastise when his travesties are light. The solution is to have drones patrol the most violent areas and then make an example when it's necessary, otherwise a patrol is sufficient. Like in black communities

No they dont kill the other arabs.
There are so many groups they dont all fight eachother.
Yet are on opposing sides.

Then there are others that get attacks whilst being against the same side.

The non arabs are the ones dying.
The fights are fought by atrision, so they start to fight in the neighborhoods with out arabs and starve the people.
The fighter deaths are so minimal.
But they hold siege on the non arab communities and starve then to death.
Then the 2 fighting groups migrate else were stare another neighborhood of kurds or coptics.

OP, I would normally agree to a point, but the problem is that being muslim doesn't even remotely make you a terrorist, nor someone that want's to end the western world.

That being said, I'm voting for bigger, more indiscriminate bombing. Something with some ass behind it. Some fuel-air bombs, MOABB style but lots of them.

Nuking would give them the reason to go haywire that they want. Treating them like we don't a give a fuck about them is the worst punishment we can give them

The jews created Christian.


This is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard....and I don't even follow/care about middle eastern anything.

I *know* you aren't saying that they are they way they are because of the violence that *we* enacted upon them.

Maybe violence from other factions over there but not us.

>Now, that being said, do you understand the hypocrisy of your own statement, let alone OP's? You can't be a Christian and stand for murder in the name of religion. That's not what it is. That's the entire fucking point

Yes, of course I understand it's hypocritical to want to kill them back. Yes I understand the Christian thing to do is to turn the other cheek.

Ive also been educated to understand sometimes you have to kill your brother for the greater good. There is no good or righteous choice here. It's a nation of people hell bent on death and destruction, like you eloquently put.

However, the lesser of two evils would be the most Christian thing to do.

If every Muslim must accept the idea to kill everyone not like them, wouldn't it save more lives in the long run if every murderer was murdered?

Sometimes you have no choice. This is one of those times Imo.


You dont understand that they only survive because iof the aid they receive.

Stop feeding them. THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU HOME.

Because as soon as we launch nukes again, we open the door for the rest of the world to use them, too. Everyone will use them on each other for bullshit reasons and we'll all go extinct.

Oh look at that, minesweeper.

Syria is not that islamic though, plus, according to usa, shia are bad muslims and suni (isis, Saudi Arabia) are good muslims

I should have said that's the least of my worries. That I am more worried about the poor souls overseas with no protection from choice of religion. It's just be born into shit and have to accept shit or be brutally murdered, by law.

And yes I believe his can happen overseas. It's just that I don't sit scared in my house in fear of this at the moment.

Islam is an ideology, they declare that any other Muslim that is not following every Islamic doctrine is not a "real Muslim" and that a better fate for them would be death.

this is how they justify killing other Muslims that are not advancing their Islamic Sharia law. that are just moderately worshiping Allah

Look at the countries you just named.
they used to be christian countries.
Every time Muslims settle in less then 80 years they take over the country.
The have the believe that having 3 sons gets you in to paradise, so they breed like rabbits.

They take over financial systems by destroying and boycotting and undercutting looking establishments.
Then they take power implement sharia and prosecute and kill every one under sharia.

And the oil. I think you forgot the oil.

Hearts and minds, man.

You aren't going to win over the guys perpetrating these heinous acts. You win over their kids generations from now by instilling a sense of wrongness in the acts of their fathers.

It's as simple as a commercial, a PSA, declaring that the word "retard" is now off limits.
(for those not in the USA, this happened here) and now the social consciousness is of the opinion that using retard in polite company is not the done thing.

This sort of hearts and minds approach installs the idea, inception style. They don't even know they've been infected but long term, it lasts.

It's just a lot harder to instill those values in these 3rd world countries because nobody gives a fuck, especially the government. I guarantee you that a long term (10-15 years) billboard campaign admonishing terrorist acts and values,along with commercials ( if they actually have TV over there) will sink into they younger generations psyche and have measurable effects down the road.

And in the mean time they all want islam to rule the world, they all agree on this part.

genocide doesn't work. people breed to fast particularly the ones that are being culled. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Rwanda, the crusades, Europes Catholic vs Protestant wars etc all failed in the long run.
Cultural dominance is the way to go, look at native peoples.
They lose their history and identity and either die off or get assimilated into the greater culture.

You have your faith i have mine , you will never join mine and i will never join yours.

You cant integrate muslims, they take over.

this is why i am not a Christian, or any faith for that matter. I am a realist

i completely understand the meaning of choosing a pacifists approach, showing mercy, and not even becoming violent even when being attacks or killed yourself. its a choice to renounce violence altogether and love the small amount of humanity left in your murderer.

but that shit just doesnt get anything done nowadays, it was a neat idea to calm the masses

Hypothetically, if I had the power and was entrusted by the nation to eradicate Islam, yes I would do that. It's also possible if every other UN nation pitched in.

There's no other way. They either all die or it will continue to spread. The religion was built in order to continue the war. Until one side fails. I don't want it to be my side. Im stronger, why should I let these fucking lunatics that will not stop, ever, survive?

Win the fucking holy ear once and for all and do a genocide on the largest scale ever heard of, wash my hands, then be done.

A better solution would be to stop using oil, period. Build nuclear power plants everywhere in Europe and stop dealing with sandniggers. Build a wall along the Caucasus, black sea, Bulgaria and Greece (Turks are roaches and can go suck Erdocunts dick). Let the claps, gopniks and chinks fight over the scraps.

Then kick back and enjoy Eurovision

Dude, muslims have been living peacefully here in america for EVER. Fuck, even Mohammed Ali formerly Cassius Clay converted to Islam.

Being muslim has nothing to do with muslim extremism.

Why can't you understand that?

What about the innocent people being murdered in these countries because they didn't want to convert their own belief?

Im sick of other humans being killed daily by these degenerates.

Yes ofcourse they are they are staying under the radar.

"If a stronger enemy offers peace accept it "

do you even know the doctrine Islamic Sharia law you dumb cunt?

you dont need to be a "radical" , their fucking governments do this beheading and stoning shit in public


yeah, alright.

You win. I bet you want Trump to win?

WE did public hangings as early as 1936.

They dont kill other muslims, they kill al the non muslims, it is ethic cleansing.

Why do you think there are fighting groups based on ethics

It won't work if you just nuke them. You have to nuke their souls, too.
Just a few nukes, at first. Mecca, to start with. Ask them, why didn't your impotent deity protect his most holy city with an army of angels with flaming swords? Nuke Jerusalem, ask the same thing. Nuke Dabiq, where the mudslimes believe the final battle will take place. Ask them how there's going to be a final battle if there is no place to fight it.
You don't just kill them, because that spawns martyrs, enrages them. Break their spirits. Destroy their ability to believe. Steal their children, and raise them as your own, and show them video of the children living and thriving in the western world they hate so much, proving our way really is better.

Besides, breaking them is so much more satisfying than simply killing them.

I don't think Iran was ever Christian, nor anything further east. Saudi Arabia was pagan prior to Islam. The Arab invasions conquered those countries in the 7th and 8th centuries, and yes, took millions of slaves and converted most of the population to Islam. It was a long time ago.

I'm not defending Islam. I see lots wrong with it (and any religion, for that matter. Most here obviously don't understand the crusades - mostly invasions of Muslim countries by Christians in the Middle Ages. Some were simply private vendettas by those who bribed their way to being Pope).

Well, aren't forums fun? You can say whatever you like.

i know that all the muslim forums want her and are scared of trump.



its Islamic Sharia law that is the problem here, they have declared a caliphate which is a holy war on the west, meaning ANY Muslim must assist the cause, if you do not then you are labeled an apostate and a "false Muslim" and they will kill any "false Muslims" this is how they justify killing their own,
same religion , different Ideology

And Rome. I think you put Rome in there too. Do we really need a Pope?

Why do you think SA didnt take refugees, Why do you think SA is funding the fighters in the FSA.

Even the north african berbers revolted against the muslim arabs.

Theyre already, and have been for quite some time going haywire. They can't go any more haywire than they already are. A nuke or few nukes would make them keep doing what they're doing.

They aren't powerful at all. All they can do is continue to do small scale murders that are pissing me off. They can't win the war against Christianity. So they take it out on the dog. Or in this case, their nextdoor, weaker, other religion believing neighbor.

Even the seculars want islam to rule the world.

I'll point out, non argumentally, that Catholicism has caused more death than ANY other religion.

I would gladly dir for my religion
>deus vult

Is this suppose to portal how all the murders done by Muslims across the sea is just a large scale form of bullying and would happen either way?

Kekd at pic related thoug


also we didnt hang or stone women for ridiculous outdated rules like standing too close to a man

i cant believe you are defending this shit


Idiot. Hitler was aligned with Muslims. I think it was their shared hatred of the jews.

I appreciate you taking the time to read what I said. I read through your response a few times, and took a minute to think about what I would say before I said it.

And the fact is I'm not sure how to respond, in all honesty. I truly don't think that I could ever nod my head in agreement to a edict of holocaust, even against those who seek to do as much harm as they can muster against me and mine.

I don't think you're wrong for using the rationale you have to justify the points you've made, I simply don't know if I could justify it to myself to the point where I would believe it was right. I truly believe what I said earlier. I know it may come off as weak, or cowardly, or pitiable, but it's a belief that lives at the very core of who I am.

So, for the time being, I'm going to say that I hope we can agree to disagree. You've certainly given me food for thought.

You're alright, man.

catholicism is a denomination. christianity is a religion.

>being muslim
being a Muslim, Islam has called you into the caliphate, a holy war which is a blessing to be born in , that in your religious book, states you need to fight, any non Muslim belief is punishable by death, including Muslims that do not follow Islamic Sharia law..

go figure that into your #notallmuslims

If Catholicism gets up to shenanigans like they did in the middle ages, maybe. But normal bombs would be all that's needed for Vatican city. I don't want to nuke Rome. I like the architecture. Granted, I also want to rebuild the coliseum and bring back gladiator matches (they were like WWE, except with swords and spears and vicious animals!), so I might have a bit of a bias.


8 need something new in my life. I would honestly welcome my death in an inferno of nuclear destruction. Fuck I can imagine it now.

On my way back to work from lunch at the sub place. Stuck at a red light, I see the flash in the distance. All I can do is manage to get my door open and stand with one foot out of my car as the fiery blast comes for me. The warmth feels good on my face. I close my eyes. I die happy.

SA=Saudi Arabia? Saudi is part of the problem. Factions in Saudi funded ISIS. In Qatar too (interested to see that Qatar also donates to the Clinton Foundation).

Saudi funds Wahhabism/Salafist movements worldwide, which are fundamentalist. A bit like funding the Westboro Baptist Church.

again, HAS
PAST TENSE idiot, thats not an argument for current affairs, ya'know AOL once had a great email service mate

it's time for another crusade, but this time, we don't charge in on horseback, we fly in with planes and carpet bomb them