Does anyone else peel their feet skin?

Does anyone else peel their feet skin?

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i peel my hand skin
no idea how you would peel your feet

Hell yeah dude, dermotilomania for life


Had some crazy rash when i was a kid and after it cleared up all the skin on my feet and hands peeled off. Good times

I pick my shoulders, chest, and back. Hooray dermotilomania!

I don't wanna encourage but what do you use to get the long strips?? Like a mandolin slicer or something?

Another way to pass time while taking a shit

Hey me too. Sucks that my body looks like ass because of it but it's so hard to stop doing it.

i googled it but all the example images are of regions i never touch
maybe others use teeth or external appliances? i only use my fingers and nails, so it usually starts by the base of the nail on a finger (usually the thumb) then goes farther and farther, sometimes making a circle around the finger
sometimes a lot of pain and blood is involved, usually not
>tfw you get a large strip in one go

I thought i was alone. So theres plenty of people doing this?

I pick at my finger and thumbs in this way. Always have since i was a kid

Yepp, it's not fun. But at the same time I think of the people who are retarded or can't use their legs, and I feel a little better about my skin haha

Oh for sure man, you're not alone. Look up dermatilomania on Google, learn about it. It's an issue with brain chemicals, your brain gets addicted to a specific action when you're stressed. Some people do heroin, we pick our skin. Personally I prefer picking, but it doesn't mean it's impossible to control. Once I save up money I plan on getting specialized therapy from someone who knows how to treat it. But you're definitely not alone, no worries there.



How many more should I find & post?

Why are you doing this to me?

Just buy some lotion guys. And stop walking barefoot.

Feels good man.

dafuq is wrong with all your feet? mines doesnt have nasty dry skin like that


it makes me drool

Had this shit when I was a kid, teen, and up to the age of around 16-17.

Literally go out and buy foot spray from your local superstore or supermarket or whatever, buy it online if you have to.

Spray on feet and in shoes before you go to sleep and when you put your shoes on.

Shit will go away in a few months.

Still kind of miss it though.

Getting those mega-long strips without having any pain or tender skin is a god-like feel. Similar to that of itching your itchy asshole through your boxer shorts with your long finger, occasionally letting it slide in, taking it out and licki---... too much?

I've divulged enough of our way of life for now.

I tried picking the skin around the heel a fair few times, but it's always too hard to stop and I just keep fucking going until most of the skin is gone and it hurts to walk for the next few days.

I stopped doing it cuz of that shit.


when I was 8 or so I did this using nail clippers in the bathroom after a shower. heel and ball of my feet.

Ive done this for more than a decade with the result that I have barely any feeling left in my fingers. Every time I force myself to stop it (which results in eating tons of sweets and using up like 300g of gum every week) it results in heavy bulks of cornea building up so in the end I result to nail scissors, knifes, my nails an teeth to remove it.

If I manage to get a perfect run there is no blood or pain, the fingers look a bit red but there is no pain or blood involved and I can feel again while my fingers dont look hideous for about 1 or 2 weeks. Then it heals up for about 1 more week before the growth starts again.

Since my finger nails dont grow any more (maybe 1 mm in 2 month) and I mostly leave them alone I can actually manage a nice looking result which people actually complement me on, ,however it can also go terribly wrong with my fingers bleeding for days or flesh-like wounds that you can see from afar.

It is one of the factors which has lead me into social isolation, with other reasons being loneliness, depression, social anxiety, a negative world view and low self esteem which then results in even more skin picking, social anxiety which then results in more loneliness, social isolation etc.

The ride never ends anons.

>bad bike accident
>to hospital
>induced coma, surgeries
>three weeks later
>apparently swelled up while I was out
>few days later
>notice flaking around my hands
>comes off easy
>it's like ripping parchment
>feet too
felt good, man

I had to stop because sometimes I would pull too far and damage some fresh skin. It would be like a paper cut in the wedge of the flap and I would try to get as much of the rest0 off as I could with a nail clipper

thats some good work there OP.

i am jealous of the satisfaction you recived after such work as that

i want to peel but my feet simple do not shed like this... do need to stop washing them or something?

Found you!!

Hey. Ever since you said that, I've been thinking - Maybe if we worked together we could take that satisfaction from OP and make it ours instead. 8 wouldn't even turn on you

The thing is when I do this, I eat it. I eat the dandruff I pick off my scalp, the dead skin on my feet and hands, Also I eat my scabs and jizz. When I was younger I would eat my boogers, I think that's why I rarely get sick. I really need to get treatment.

For me, it happens when I'm on my feet 12+ hours a day for a few days.

never realized it had a name. but yes i do. i got some a few weeks back as a matter of fact.

I do, but I eat mine. It's so satisfying to chew it up. sometimes I swallow it and sometimes I spit it out

the level of self control here

no because im not some fucking weird goldmember faggot

I do too, but i eat the skin i peel off my feet and hands

now that looks satisfying

Glutathione synthesis is needed. Eat more meat, dairy, eggs, and legumes and/or get some N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) pills. Get it at a drugstore or natural foods stores. if you do this or pull your hair out. trichotillomania sucks too.

What the fuck dude? Why would you do that?

i sometimes eat 300g cheese a day
i don't think i need more dairy
i remember long ago the thought crossed my mind that my skin would eventually become super thick and strong due to regenerating so many times but as it turns out that never happens

I am It depends how deep you go, I have removed not only the upper layer of skin but most, if not all of my epidermis for years over years again and again. My nails dont grow any more because I have completly removed the cuticle on the sides and the back of my nails, some of them are actually loose and can be moved around a bit.

I have a dent on the side of my thumb because I have scraped over it so often that the dermis has become extremly thin and new skin hardly grows there, it doesnt even bleed any more.

The new skin that grows on most parts of my fingers is more alike to scar tissue than it is to normal skin, I can feel something with most of my fingers but some have hardly any sense of touch, including both thumbs, even more if I dont remove the excess skin. If you poke my thumbs with a needle or I cut myself on a knife I dont even feel it.

I come from a pretty sucessful family, both career- and social-wise and expectations have always been extermly high for me, even if my family members dont feel like they have spoken them out. I failed a lot of them and put myself under extreme stress, "attending" to my fingers was always some kind of relief, for some minutes I would just focus on them instead of the world around me, it is more of a trance than it is a conscious action.

How does that even happen? I'm a big guy and I usually walk anywhere between 2 and 15km in a day easily, so I get a bit of dead skin now and then too. But holy shit how do you manage that?