Dear entitled redpill PC whiners:

Dear entitled redpill PC whiners:

Have you ever wondered about the etymological similarity between "political" and "polite?"

There's a reason we distinguish between "free as in speech" and "free as in beer." You can damn well say whatever you want, but there is NO guarantee, even in a perfect world, that there won't be consequences.

Oh, boo hoo, you hated on a coworker for being black or gay or a woman or something and HR got you fired. A durrrr, muh free speech! A hurrrrrr, I'm supposed to be entitled to a personal audience!

No. Unless your mouth is being taped shut -- unless your self-published books are being burned -- you're not entitled to jack squat.

You're entitled to say what you want. That's ALL. You're not entitled to be heard. You're not entitled to be agreed with.

What's more, you're not entitled to say what you want WHERE you want, because, generally speaking, you're not entitled to BE where you want. Property laws, bucko. Oh, booooo hoooooooo, radio censorship. Media censorship. Muh lost jobs. Radio stations, television stations, and businesses are NOT public property. They are OWNED, and the owners get to decide who they want around. And if they don't want you around, fucking suck it up and DEAL. You wanna bitch about trannies? Start your OWN goddamn radio station. "Muh free speech" does not automatically make the world your personal soapbox.

No one's saying you have to be nice. All we're saying is you have to be nice if you want to be around the sane people. If you don't want to be around the sane people, then leave us the fuck alone, because that's the choice you're making. The law protects your right to free speech, but it doesn't protect your right to sit on the fence and throw nukes over to the other side.

no u wrog


>expected entitled assholes to acknowledge their entitlement

Well, ya tried.

You are wrong.

So free speech should flourish in public schools and college campus yet it's dying or dead. Go preach to those who stifle diversity of opinion. Those who equate words with violence and in favour of safe spaces.

>Trying to justify censorship by 'private' individuals.
>Trying to tell me what I am, and am not allowed to say.
>Thinks he knows best about what people should be allowed to think and feel.
>on Sup Forums.

>is retarded.
>is a bully.

Go kill yourself.
PS. Build wall.

>telling me off for doing a bunch of things that indeed only a retarded bully would do
>not reading far enough to realize i actually did not do any of those things

Free speech should indeed flourish in any public space.

Most contexts to which free speech complaints pertain are not public spaces.

u r wog

attitudes have consequences

ye ye this

You're supposed to build a straw man out of straw, not shit.

It's not a strawman OR a shitman if people actually believe this shit.

If you're an alt right whiner but aren't entitled and don't whine about PC, great, that's fine, whatever. I still don't like you, but that's my right, and it's your right to continue to be the kind of person I don't like.

But surely you acknowledge nonetheless that there are a shit ton of people who generally agree with you on sociopolitical issues and ALSO are fucking morons who would actually need to see this message.

OP, is this you?

lol all libfag are fat









u rog

You moron generation zers think rights are given by authority which is why you can't acknowledge the concept of freedom of speech. My rights don't end where your faggot crybaby feelings begin. Fuck with my first amendment. Go right ahead I'll move to the second.

It's not about authority, it's about property. Your right to bitch about gays ends on the boundary of my lawn.

You damn kids.


are you ok with being a faggot? becuase thats what you are.

what the hell are u yakking about

OP is baguette

actually, rights ARE given by the authority
if there were no laws, you would not have any reasonable guarantee of safety that the present laws provide unless you can provide your own protection
if you were not physically capable of stopping someone from sawing off your arm, you no longer have your right to your arm
however, laws are in place to both deter people from doing things like this as well as to punish those who decide to do them anyways
your right to free speech exists literally only because your government says you have it
PS freedom of speech only protects from the government, you might want to read the 1th amendment again my guy