I just walked on my best friend's girlfriend at party getting fucked by a black guy...

I just walked on my best friend's girlfriend at party getting fucked by a black guy. She didn't notice i saw them because she was moaning really hard and was really enjoying getting fucked by him.

Should I tell my friend? He plans on getting married with this girl.

Yes, tell him, obviously/


Story doesn't check out. OP has no friends.

race is unimportant.
cheating is cheating, you have a friend's duty to report this shit.

That's a lie. Girls don't even really like dick. They like money. And niggers don't really have it

oh yes, tell him! It's your obligation buddy.

Blackmail her for sex. Wear a condom so you don't get nigger aids

nice try, mr "why do white girls like black dicks so much" guy.

fuck off

If he is your friend, why wouldn't u tell him?

Don't snitch white boi

Of course you tell your friend. Friends doesn't let their friends marry cheaters.


Save him the heartache
>put her in a noose
>tie other end to wench point on pickup truck

but I know you OP and you don't have any friends, you're just always a faggot

Dont and wait how long takes to him get nigger aids. Just for science

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

No don't bother. If he's your best friend and you feel the need to ask if you should tell him something about his girl that is devastating, than you already know exactly how he'll respond. "No she didn't! you're just jealous because girls cheat on you/you can't get pussy! than when he figures out you were not fucking around you're still the asshole for not "making him see shit clearly.


He'll find out once he tests positive for AIDS.

More of op chick

There's something wrong with your picture, I can't read what it says

None of this ever happened, OP. There was no girl. There was no black guy. You don't have friends. Hell, I bet you're not even a real person. Whatever you are and whatever your reason for posting this, just stop. This shit is retarded and obvious.

Uhhh yea if you actually think of him as a friend and not material to fap to with your cuck fetish.

This nigger cuckold posting is top notch

Lol you can just feel how disgusted she is....

if shes dumb enough to cheat yes tell your bud a slut is a slut after all and you really cant let a bro be forced to settle for a dumb bitch

Cool story breh, shame it's just that though.


>best friend
>best friend has a gf

Your story has many holes. I suggest you try again with something more believable you fucking faggot.

tell his and film audio