Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.

I have a Physics problem for you.

If two swamp boats are pushing air against each other with equal force, will both boats accelerate away from each other at double the velocity it usually would accelerate, or will the boats not move at all? (According to Newtons third law.)

Go balls out, I'm curious to see what comes up.



That's a dumb fucking question. like wind coming in from behind the swamp boat is bad for its forward movement

Bumping for interest, come on physicians of Sup Forums


Wouldn't work. Ring magnets won't create air movement for boats to move.

Are you... did you graduate high school?

Fine, I'm a doctor, I'll chime in.
Don't do it - it causes cancer.

>is bad for its forward movement

Depends if the poison reached the cat yet ahahaha

>Is bad for its forward movement

pretty easy but i can only tell in you the answer in German since its complicate...

Stell dir diie Boote sind Magnete vor, welche an einer der Stellen, wo sie m Rahmen vorbeikommen, einen Sensor betätigen, der als Zähler fungiert. Durch die Regelmäßigkeit des Rades wird dann immer nach genau derselben Zeit der Zähler exakt auf 1 stehen und ein Signal in den Sockel senden. Dieses Signal löst im dort versteckten nuklearen Reaktor eine winzige Atomexplosion aus, nicht jedoch, wie der geneigte Leser vermuten könnte, zur Stromgewinnung, sondern um einen Tank mit Wasserstoff in einen Plasmazustand zu versetzen (also den Wasserstoff, nicht den Tank) und in diesem den Wasserstoff zu einer kleinen Eisenkugel zu fusionieren. Gleichzeitig wird die folgende Kernschmelze genutzt um ein winziges schwarzes Loch zu bilden, welches zunächst die Eisenkugel "verschluckt". Dann wird durch die beiden Schellen, die sich seitlich am Sockel befinden, die Hintergrundstrahlung des Weltalls so gebrochen, dass sie das schwarze Loch genau so unterfüttern, dass es in sich zusammenfällt und für einen kurzen Moment ein Wurmloch öffnet. Die Eisenkugel wird sich exakt 314,15926535 Kilometer östlich vom Museum rematerialisieren und auf eine Waage fallen, die daraufhin ein Signal an einen massiven Infrarotlaser sendet, der (natürlich vom Stromnetz betrieben, Perpetuum Mobiles sind schließlich unmöglich) einen Infrarotimpuls zurück in Richtung Museum sendet, der eine Erwärmung der in den Armen des Gerätes versteckten Peltier Elementen um genau ein Grad Kelvin erwirkt, sodass diese einen Kompressor bedienen können, der einen Luftstrom erzeugt, der das Rad durch die genannte Kanüle wieder anschubst. Während das Schwarze Loch in sich zusammenfällt, wird die Eisenkugel, durch den Infrarotlaser aufgewärmt, zurück in das Gerät gesogen und beim Übergang wieder in Wasserstoff zerfallen. So kann der Prozess im nächsten Zeitzykel wiederholt werden. Ich weiß echt nicht, wo das Problem liegen soll.

shut the fuck up and masturbate to your incest porn

Yeah sure. Lemme just post the proof for you after I'm done with my cigarette.


whats a swamp boat

they actually open a portal to hell between them.
thats why its always so hot in miami.

They will move at normal speed since once the boats 15 ft from the other they will be on their own and unable to feel the blast from the other boat

They suck the air from the front.

Say they're 2 feet apart?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The equal forces of both boats will counteract.

No boats are going anywhere.

bumping for shits and giggles

>double the acceleration
>double the velocity

pick one

Velocity cause fuck you

Rip forward movement

They both move equally at regular speed, if one boat was fixed them the other would move at double speed away.

>physics question
>not properly using the word "accelerate"

fucking nazi faggot suck a turkish dick

Answer the question cuck

Imagine your boats both turned 180 degrees - front to front. Force would be doubled compared to one boat hitting a static object. So boats on your picture will start moving with doubled velocity lowering to normal velocity according to bigger distance. Rate of velocity lowering is proportional to distance squared.

I'm no expert, but I think there would be a cancelled force where to two boat's airstreams meet, but the boats would still move.

The resisting force would not be double it would be the same as a wall

Imagine the boats are magnets, which operate at a point where they move past a frame, a sensor which acts as a counter. Due to the regularity of the wheel, the counter will always be exactly 1 at exactly the same time and send a signal into the socket. This signal triggers a tiny atomic explosion in the nuclear reactor, which is hidden there, but not as the inclined reader would suspect, for the generation of electricity, but to put a tank of hydrogen into a plasma state (ie the hydrogen, not the tank) Hydrogen to a small iron ball. At the same time, the following core melt is used to form a tiny black hole, which first "swallows" the iron ball. Then, by the two clamps, which are located on the side of the pedestal, the background radiation of the universe is so broken that they underlie the black hole in such a way that it collapses in itself and opens a wormhole for a brief moment. The iron ball will rematerialize exactly 314,15926535 kilometers east of the museum and will fall onto a scales which then send a signal to a massive infrared laser which (of course, powered by the electricity network, perpetuum mobiles are ultimately impossible) sends an infrared pulse back towards the museum, Which effects a heating of the Peltier elements hidden in the arms of the apparatus by exactly one degree Kelvin, so that they can operate a compressor which produces an air stream which pushes the wheel back through said cannula. As the black hole collapses, the iron ball, heated by the infrared laser, is sucked back into the device and decomposed into hydrogen again at the transition. This allows the process to be repeated in the next time cycle. I really do not know where the problem is.


False. Double the velocity double the force they will collide at

Its called a magnetron you fucking numbskull.

Don't know, I'd assume increased velocity.
You'd get an area of high air density, which means the propellers get a greater push back from the air they're trying to move backwards.

You add vectors with the same direction but opposite sense.

M8 velocity has nothing to do with the force F=MA

TLDR. they'd go a little bit faster but not stay still. go twice as fast. or go at the same speed.

they would move at the same rate cause the equal and opposite reaction will be pushing on the other so its equaling out because the negative movement from pushing against the other would be taken from the effect of force being applied from one boat to another. but that is only if were not thinking about air itself. the fans pull air in from the front not the back. so while not a boost of 2 times as fast they would actually go fast do to less air needed to gain the same acceleration.

no newtons law.

you are working with air pressure. the spinning rotor has a higher air pressure at the backside of their blade, which pushes the whole construction forward. by placing the swamp boats the way you do, you create an area with higher air pressure, but it can normalize in all other directions.

Both boats will change their speed insignifically faster. something like 0.0001%

Assuming VERY idealised conditions, the boats would move forward as if the other boat wasn't there because the boats are pushing the air backwards and due to conservation of momentum, the boats will then go forwards. As the air exits the fans of each boat, the velocity components of the air flows will cancel out in the directions the boats are travelling as the flows meet.

This is the right answer


are they nailed to the ground?

Thanks for the copy pasta guys

>tries explain swamp boats
>ends up creating black holes
What is it with you fucking Krauts anyways?

You are legitimately retarded

The resulting explosion kills both polots and 6 scientists, is blamed on the United States, causes an escalation in international tensions and North Korea tests another bomb.

But mythbusters proved that a fan on a boat blowing into a sail will propel it.

Don't do it, you'll contract AIDS.

Depends. Is it Shreks swamp?

Sam.nooijen is a rapist/blackmailer. Its his facebook

They'll accelerate like normal. but slightly faster due to the interference with water. But since they quickly grow distance this effect is minimal, so...
They move at (just above) normal speed.
Relative to each other they move at double speed, I suppose.

Also, how in fuck's name did you go from Newton's third law to "neither move"?? That's actually retarded


If they were aligned perfectly, somehow, which is close to impossible, they both wouldn't move. The air resistance behind a normal swamp boat is what the fan pushes off of.


The air would flow into the space between them and then flow into whatever directions it wasn't being pushed. The boats might get a small speed boost from the higher pressure pushing outwards between the boats but would ultimately not be so efficient that they would double their output.


They would accelerate at twice the force when they were very very close together (practically touching each other). But that additional force would rapidly shrink as they get further apart. Thanks to air resistance quickly dissipating the force, I figure that the force would shrink on an exponential curve.

>Also, how in fuck's name did you go from Newton's third law to "neither move"?? That's actually retarded
They are trolling...