Post shit that make you angry.....GO!

Post shit that make you angry.....GO!


Gary motherfucking oak

Shit threads like these where OP doesn't contribute to start things off.

Sorry, eating a burger....Gun law






hey ive seen this guy somwhere

In Mexico (Where I live by the way) there are some people (Most of them) that at the end of a verb, add one more letter to the verb and it just SO FUCKING ANNOYING, an example of what this retarded dumb fucks do is something like "Vistes" when the normal word is "viste" it sounds so goddamn bad

>rotten and corrupt seed

That doesn't seem legitimate.



Horror films where there's a locked door and the people who moved into the house never got it opened because there was never a key, like that makes it fucking impenetrable.

Fat people






The Jews.