Ask a black guy growing a 3rd testicle anything

Ask a black guy growing a 3rd testicle anything.

I already know too much

That's.... Cancer.

I know your african ancestors would believe that it's a sign of the gods, that you're the chosen one, and these kind of bullshits.

But in the developed world we just call it "cancer".

OP, you wanna maybe go to the fucking doctor? Because you're probably gonna need chemo

>ask a black guy growing a malignant tumor anything


How much of a nigger are you on a scale of 1 to 10? And why is it 12?

Why the fuck does it look wet. Get that checked out OP.

Are you stupid? It could be anything

Don't listen to them OP, they're just jealous of your third testicle.

Have you named it?


Roll dubs to many my extra testicle


Rolling for "Cancer"

More pics first

Call it donald

Where did you steal it from?

Real doc here! You should open it with a razor blade! Now! Or you will die!

This is the only course of action op. Do it.

I too am a doctor, and second this opinion.

No joke OP. Do it now!

Nigger nut




Med fag here. Thats not a 3rd testicle, it could possibly be an in grow hair or a small mid size tumor

>Ingrown hair

If you are a real doc tell him to do this

I'm pretty sure it's a ingrown hair and a allergic reaction to some shitty soap I tried it hurts like hell

Pubertarious, the almighty!

>a allergic reaction to some shitty soap I tried it hurts like hell
Only way is to open it with a razor blade. Believe me. I am a real doctor. Do it now.

Fuck yes!

are the white bois jealous?

It will eventually come to a white head and bust them I'll remove the hair

Top kek

will you return it?

Nigga yu cancer. Be dead home boy.

I think you meant "Ask a nigger..."

I think you meant aks a nigger

It depends i have a '3rd' testicle as well but really it's just a sack of liquid.


do you like memes

Underrated post

Have you gone to the doctor?
