Other urls found in this thread:



>Are you all fucking retarded? If his cursor would be on any of the profiles other than his it would be shown in the picture. He blacked out the cursor when covering his profile. It's him 100%. Now let's get some shit done before the thread dies and we lose momentum.



vola BFWyPOe

we need original screen guys

Why is it necessary?

in vola BFWyPOe

can we get all previous links to any good sources like profiles, they all 404

I have em all from previous post

We found the 1 mutual friend they have in common. Usually mutual friends show up in the top left in the friends section. Does anyone have the OP to confirm?
facebook com/tessa.kern.31/about

At the end of the last thread, someone message the gurl. Any reply?

On the trail but got side swiped when I started doxing the name and came across this dude bragging On a chat page that he is user hacker. facebook com/heiberm

OPs High School is gonna know how much of a faggot he is

tbh this looks like it says Mohammed

What about the stick on the d?


Is Riley the mutual friend?

Also, there is a find friends in the top toolbar. If you don't have a lot of friends on your list, it automatically has the find friends link. That Search through annas friends, that doesn't have a lot of friends, but also is friends with annas sister (or cousin idk)

And the picture he posted saying it was her had a thumb with an identical skin tone to this mister salmon.

If his cursor was on someone else's profile it would be shown on the screen. Since the page does not show the cursor, it can be assumed that the cursor is on a blacked out image which happens to be OPs. The verdict for me is that he was guilty

just to make sure we have some proof op actually did anything? or at least a screen of the thread.
also: First of all we can't see the cursor on his screenshot, but also it isn't a complete screenshot. he definitely is logged in and his fb chat is missing (duo to the snaping screen) but still, th bottom part of his screen is complete on the pic (until the tasbar border) you can tell that duo to the res of the pic.
which means the only way his cursor could be offscreen: it's not in the browser(it actually is a link is shown at the bottom left) he cursor is on the chatbar. If you hover friends on the chat bar it doesn't show the profil link,(just tried it) after you cllick them in the chat bar, the chat window opens. if you click on the name in the chat window title then the link gets shown.(he can't have a chat window open that res would not allowd it unless he has a magic fgt monitor)
If I remember right, there where no links to profiles seen on the screen so he could only hover himself

We'll see what he says

No. Tessa Kurn

idk. i did that in word. maybe someone an photoshop it to better effect. oop left a lot of data under that mask


Confirmed. Mutual friends pic matches profile of tessa kern

I meant who is this Riley?

its not him cucks. doesnt match profile pic unless he did a switcheroo ruse after he get caught

>fb chat is missing
I keep mine hidden. I have my reasons for hating the fucking thing.

also the close window is not seen.

some random girl I am just messaging a bunch of people from OPs School

It's not him.

doesn't it look like a "t" at the very end there?

Oh fuck, carry on then. Looking forward to the results.


That last name cannot be salmon

when has a screencap ever taken a picture of the cursor?

yeah, whoever is looking look for a t at the end of a last name. possibly an h for first letter? or N?

Wouldn't the data showing the links be on the bottom of the window? Therefore it shows that there is nothing further down the page and that he cropped around the whole window without leaving information out.

The spaces don't fit. The last name is like four letters, definitely not starting with a S

Plus the fact that mackenzie isn't friends with Tessa. Tessa is the mutual friend

To add to it, maybe his cursor was hovered over one of the friends profiles.

Hey guys I screenshots what I could from the last thread if you guys want it

good point.
btw guys just check her timeline and see if you can find a link to that profile if, then this isn't OP

isnt that just Home?

Tessa is the mutual friend to Tessa?

If the bottom left bar is showing the link to a profile then it can be assumed that the cursor was on a profile. If we can't see the cursor on any of the profiles shown, then we can then eliminate everyone else on the page and assume that the cursor was on OPs which is blacked out. This is just theory, but most likely the probable answer.

this one matches. what do yall think?

first tab

Charge your phone and clear your notifications you fucking animal.

Fucking weeb. Must be

The first letter looks more like an H than an M, unless the M is squashed

Yes!!! your right! so where ever the link to salmon got triggerd it has to be on the screen

The OP was friends with Tessa. Op isnt friends with anna. Sorry

That makes sense, I get what you're saying

now were getting somewhere


This plus the the tab that says "Zie Salmon" can be concluded that the culprit is indeed Zie Salmon

I don't see the Mackenzie profile pic on the screen there. Where the fuck did it come from?


I think his one is it. The last word looked like home but it's hinde

well he was on zie's page. what does fb tab say on your own profile?

Any mutual friends with Anna?

EXACTLY. so you can assume that Mackenzie is the one blacked out. THATS MY EXACT POINT

It cant be him. the top profile corners don't match

oh god hes a sjw

it doesnt match though. and the name is wrong. it has to be Hinde

Wouldn't show me. The settings on both of their profiles only let friends of friends see the friends they have added

>This plus the the tab that says "Zie Salmon" can be concluded that the culprit is indeed Zie Salmon
When you have your homepage loaded it just has Facebook on the tab.

its definitely this guy. Nicholas Joseph Hinde.

His likes are "Naruto" on the screenshot you can see an advertisement for naruto.

yes zie salmon

guys the cursor link appears because his cursor was on someone at the Friends list to the left. it is the only time the cursor link appears like this without a &href thingy.

So Mackenzie Salmon is a friend of Anna Kern, possible that Anna took a wild ride on Kenzie's dick and our original poster got butthurt looking at both of their profiles for hours.

Our OP should still be identifiable though

Zie isn't friends with either anna or tessa

Good point. Sorry, I'm not too familiar with facebook. Well then it's probably Hinde then

His name is WAY too long to be the one in OP's screenshot.

yeah i called him a weeb like 4th post in the thread for exactly that. plus tab 3 looks like naruto as well

I don't think the profile tab shows the middle name.

more theory,

The pic "Joseph Hinde" sent, with the nudes definitely had Kenzie's finger on the image. Anna sucked Kenzie, Joseph Hinde somehow acquired pic.

You guys gotta remember that Facebook only shows your first name only outside of your profile.

This is a better fit.tbh

I found Anna Kerns mother.
In order for us to continue, we need one of the girls (Anna or Tessa) to add us in order to find this guy.
What information should I give the mother?


it seems like he was hate-stalking zie and anna then got on Sup Forums for PA request

the last word is home though

you know what? that second word can be "Home"

isnt it?


It has to be, It can't be the caht, try hovring peopl in the chat it wont link' the caht window titel will link but not the individuall out of the list.
If we can't find a clickable to salmon on the screen only option left is HE is OP

As opposed to this one

We have a winner boys

I would say just straight up tell her what it's about.

for comparison. Note that the black before home goes way too far. there needs to be a gap. the white mark where you have your i in Hinde is the last letter of the profile name.

sister maybe mom

ALSO, Nickolaus is friends with Mackenzie, no?

and where is Home tab?

It's also 10:40 there time so don't expect a sudden reply normal people sleep

yes people get to see more of my Heinrich acount

Oh shit you're right. It would only be the first word.


yo send my Heinrich Himmler account some love


and Naruto?

nail in the coffin?