Who /Wolverine/ here?
Who /Knights/ here?
Jourdan Lewis not dressed for Second straight game.


Jesus christ

>Michigan game presented by Walmart


Pure Michigan

>pedo state getting BTFO already

Los Angeles here. What's Wal-Mart like? There's only one in Compton that I've never been to.

I go to White Suburban Mom's Club Aka Sam's club so idk

It's filled with degenerates and scooters.

ucf reporting in pls be gentle


>Howard scored 2 TDs on Rutgers in the first 6 minutes
>Pitt did the same to Ped State

The way he was running I'm surprised Michigan didn't strip that

Gazoni is having a party at plaza you're welcome to come.

>UCF kick blocking

nm that one's all on the kicker

>ucf in charge of kicking

Based fullback

I heard some of you talking shit about my school

Welp UCF, you tried. GG

well gg gonna go for a bike ride or something

>Giving it to hill not poggi after poggi saved the drive

I am not sure why the refs aren't calling any penalties, it's not like Michigan isn't going to win by 30+ , they don't need to ignore DPI and blatant holding.

with the amount we spend on out athletics we should literally be top 25, fuck

>it's not like Michigan isn't going to win by 30+
Don't say that. They need to win by a minimum of 35.

sorry I forgot about the spread

wow UCF sucks

>dat kickoff return
Oh shit nigga what are you doing?

literally another DPI what the fuck

refball for Michigan

Inb4 blocked punt

Those Michigan cheerleaders are fat as fuck

They always are. Not sure what it is but Michigan always has fugly cheerleaders.

Kek. Gg UCF



Whelp when do they switch games to something competitive

They have ugly students

at least we're not usf

Where's the dipshit from last week's /cfb/ thread who wouldn't shut up about how he put $125 on UCF this week?

Any stream links?

ayyy right here, IDGF it's my dad's money

You're a degenerate

Jourdan Lewis was dressed last week. He was on the field with his helmet jumping around and congratulating teammates. I imagine he is this week too. They're holding him out for a minor injury because they don't need him.

Is there anyone in the top 25 that's going to get kek'd by the cupcake they scheduled? LSU?

Daddy bout to go in on yur bum bum

When I want there they weren't so bad. Some of Chinese chicks were sexy as fuck.

Too bad they didn't put out and smelled like fried rice.

It's ogre.

Come on guys, annihilate that spread.

I don't know if I can continue to watch this. It's just embarrassing.

reminder that ucf has the hottest girls in the nation behind fsu and asu.

Whatever "sexy" girls you have is trumped by UCF

Neat. I'm 30 and no longer care.

If im not on UCF campua why should I care?
>more concerned about girls in campus than team

Can we just watch highlights of UCF vs Baylor again?

>he cares more about fat, sweaty men in spandex than sexy women


People said we wouldn't learn anything from this game, but it's taught me that UCF has a marginally better defensive front than Hawaii. Totally useful information.

At least we're not a flyover state with detroit in it.

Do you think Papa John fucks that pizza girl?

>tfw Peyton will never pencil you in for Nachos on Sunday morning

>michigan fans will defend this

>ucf running a cripple out there on special teams
That's just embarassing

>my face when people actually think the team with the best defense and a top 10 offense in the country will miss the playoffs next season

>Brandon Peters (objectively and statistically the best QB in the 2016 recruiting class, it isn't even debatable)
>Ty Isaac (best RB in the game who will be 100% healthy, unlike the entirety of last year. he will put up 1200+YDs/10+TDs/5.0YPC)
>Jake Butt (a top 3 TE already going into this season, 1000+YDs/7+TDs)
>Sean McKeon (literally a Jake Butt-clone)
>Amara Darboh (top 10 WR, 900+YDs/5+TDs)
>Jabril Peppers (a black guy trapped in a black's body, one of the smartest players in football, elite measurables, incredible upside)
>Kareem Walker (one of the fastest and most explosive players in football)
>Joe Beneducci (best blocking FB in country)

>Best pass rush in the B1G
>Best LB corp in the B1G
>Best secondary in the country
>Top 5 D-Line

Barring major injuries to key players, there is literally no way the Wolverines are missing the playoffs this season

The Michigan B1G championship drought ends in 2016-2017

You can't prove me wrong

Cap it

UCF starter has only one hand
>literally explains everything

>not pushing him back for the safety
You blew it

Lel, you're going to choke to OSU, again.

>ucf trying to punt on third down
Keks out the wazzu in this game.

Don't reply to this Copypasta please

Dude, you're fucking Florida. America's tropical trailer park. The methamphetamine capital of the South. Get off your literally high horse.

>not being able to count

get it together

>michigan fans

>TFW no games worth watching this weekend

It's all just scrimmages to get ready for next week.


That's Detroit, not Ann Arbor

>Getting Bootyblasted by Michigan and still gloating
>UCF fans

Peppers confirmed for Heisman

Jake "pick your" Butt lol

>ucf """"""""bantz""""""""

Don't go beating your sister/girlfriend after we blank you by 60 points, Cletus.

r8 my oc



J-Booty gets it done again


stay mad wannabe ohio state

>his stadium is a toilet seat

>Not a piss-stained pit of rednecks and meth

Pick one, home school.

Whats with you Guys down south and your obsession with Michigan? Like seriously why are you in this Thread? And im a UCF fan dude.

ayy lmao the comeback begins



>michigan hasn't won a national championship in 68 years

Now if they repeat that another four times they might be in this game.

>1997 was 68 years ago

I can't look at harambe on commercials anymore without thinking of those disgusting nudes

don't see a qb from michigan starting in the nfl

>SEC went 5-7 opening weekend

Hello, sailor.

>UCF hasn't won a national championship ever

I want ucfidf to leave

UCF doesn't pretend to be good though

lol everyone jealous. They want to be like Michigan.

Maybe they should, they're terrible


again why is Michigan trying to cheat against a terrible teal

I'd settle for them putting their meth pipes down long enough to bantz decently