Do you think alcohol is a drug? Give me your opinion Sup Forums

Do you think alcohol is a drug? Give me your opinion Sup Forums

>pic unrelated

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Shameless self bump

>chemical addiction

Sure it is. And this drug is made readily available for mass consumption to dull the naturally inquisitive mind and help you accept the status quo imposed by our Jewish overlords.

Yes, alcohol is a drug. And one of the worst, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I drink myself, and alcohol made me feel worse than any other drug I ever took, which are plenty. The intoxication and the hangover are terrible, every time I'm drunk I feel like a different person - not in the good way a lot of times. When people are drunk I can hardly recognise them for the ones I knew when sober. The effects it has on your body and mind, including addiction can not be argued with. One time, after drinking a whole bottle of tequila and a half bottle of vodka with my best friend, I could literally feel my liver dying inside of me. Of course alcohol is socially acceptable, but I don't think it should be treated like any other drug. But taxes on booze are easy money for the state, at least where I'm from.

treated differently* than any other drug is what I meant to say

Have you ever done something you regret while being drunk?

I'm not the person you're replying to.

1.) I sexually harassed a hotel receptionist.
2.) Jerked off with my own shit.
3.) I've peed in so many sinks it's unreal.
4.) Blew my dog.

That's not the definition though.
Is it intoxicating? Yes. But there's a juridical definition that seperates alcohol from other drugs.

Is alcohol dangerous? Very.
Should that be the reason why weed should be legalized? Certainly not.

Is weed dangerous? Yes. If you smoke it, you will get cancer just as you get cancer from cigarettes. Does it make you physically addicted? Perhaps not, but mentally it does.
It passifies you.

Is weed medical? This is the biggest lie ever created. It does not treat any form of disease.

Alcohol in its original "form" is indeed a drug. It's not easy to explain (which requires plenty of tl;dr and which I'm not in the mood in doing so), consider it the same case as caffeine.

That sounds like a fun night, user

Alcohol's not a drug, it's a drink

Painkillers don't treat disease either.
But both weed and painkillers ease pain, making disease and ailment easier to deal with. So they both do serve some medical purpose

But painkillers don't have the same negative effects that does

Technically, every addictive substance is a drug. Including alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, etc.

Just not every drug is as harmful as another

Some diseases don't have cures so the only choice is to make the pain manageable. And compared to opioids weed is so much better for pain control.

not getting this reference is an extremely accurate faggot detector

technically, drug is a non-technical term that can be used to describe just about anything depending on your context and parameters

>a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

Yes, it is. I agree with . When my friends are drunk they are embarrassing to be with especially if I am sober. Since it is legal it is also one of the most dangerous and readily available. A family member of mine was reliant on alcohol for decades and he finally croaked last year. Since he was an alcoholic he died alone in his house and wasn't discovered for a few weeks because he literally just drank by himself every day. Whenever he visited he would either bring a pack with him, ask my parents for some or go out and buy it. It is very depressing and the reason I don't drink.

Smoking excessive amounts causes cancer. People can OD on painkillers. It's all about how much you use.

I live under a rock, not much references to get

proving the accuracy

Brass Eye reference. Neat.

I hope I made you happy user

this combination makes me super happy, now I'm going to have a beer and a wank

Jesus Christ.

ITT: a bunch of beta virgins who don't know what they're fucking talking about. Yes, alcohol is objectively a drug. Caffeine is a drug. Sugar is not a drug. A drug is pharmacologically defined as a substance, other than a vitamin or nutrient, that when ingested produces a physiological effect on a living system. Go back to watching anime and leave the medical questions to people with actual knowledge and credentials.

or to people who can use wikipedia, like you?

>MFW someone takes the bait this hard

alcohol is a drug, it's not an optinion, it's scientific fact.

I'm a paramedic with a bachelor degree in paramedical science. I give out schedule 8 drugs on a daily basis. Not everyone here is a dropkick.

[Citation needed]

That's right. But weed has just as many side effects. So what's your medical argument?

and I'm Steve Irwin ya cunt

you know it's pointless trying to claim credentials on Sup Forums right

>im too retarded to google
how did you manage to get online and use a browser?

Yeah, but still

sounds like you know to party user

Can you proof I am NOT Jesus Christ?

Checkmate atheists.

yeah ill just fucking stab you to death and wait 3 days

Oh yes they do. Liver, stomach and kidney damage from abuse of OTC painkillers, plus addiction and possibly death as well as all the the above for prescription painkillers.
Anything taken to excess can be dangerous - including water.

Definitely a drug. Look at it from a substance abuse angle and how everyone can't wait till the weekend to get black out drunk and only to do things they regret. It's pretty fucking stupid how alcohol is legal despite how much damage it does to your liver and brain, but weed is illegal. The reason is that weed is too easy to grow compared to brewing alcohol.





Do some research!

weed have less negative effects than painkillers you dumb cunt

It has medical effects and it's not dangerous at all if one eats it instead of smoking.
Also alcoholic can die from the withdrawal symptoms if (s)he stops drinking