Anyone else starting to feel embarrassed about supporting Trump...

Anyone else starting to feel embarrassed about supporting Trump? I wore my MAGA hat today and was getting stares and snickers from people (mostly girls my age). I'm a 23 year old virgin and I don't want my chances of having sex decreasing over a fucking political candidate.

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They would never have sex with you anyway

Wear that hat with pride, I don't think they were laughing at your hat, I think they were laughing at you're face being covered in acne or maybe at you're overweight body. The point in this is, don't be afriad of supporting the right choice.

Trust me OP, it wasn't the hat. Whenever I wear my MAGA hat I turn into a complete pussy destroyer and can't keep women off me. Maybe you need to shower more.

It's your attitude that needs to be great again.

the truth is that hat is more likely to get you laid than anything. You just have to be the one to initiate conversation with some submissive hispanic girl who wants you to run a wall on her

Well, Trump is seen as a loser for a majority of women. So are his followers.

1. Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:

2. Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP


3. Trump's true position on citizens united - literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign.
Reminder that citizens united empowers the influence of corporations on the elections.


4. Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"
Just in case it wasn't clear for you already that trump has dictatorship tendencies.

5. A collection of some other things trump has done, including lying over and over again during this campaign and a vast criminal past:

Bonus: Trump lying 250 times

There drumpfkins, now you will feel good when trump loses.

>let womens snickering affect his pride

You lost when you started giving females power over you.


>I don't want my chances of having sex decreasing over a fucking political candidate.
Then don't wear the hat you 'gloid. You can support parties without having to cover your body in their propaganda you fuckwit.

this too


Then don't advertise your choice. Mongo.

Underrated post

I'm laughing at you because of this post.

how much did hillary pay you?

Wearing that hat is like wearing an "I'm an idiot who can't understand fundamentals of modern society and is filled with petty white rage" sign. Yes, it was the hat.

>wore my MAGA hat today
>23 year old virgin

Just grab em by the pussy.

Wait don't do that. But it may give you a clue as to why most women look at you funny for supporting an out and out misogynist.

>wore my MAGA hat today
>23 year old virgin

This really happened, everyone. Totally true.


Libtards have been going full force with the bandwagon approach. It's pretty much the only thing they know how to do. Bullshit: the thread here is proof.

Everyone knows that drumpf supporters are lonely men who fap to anime. no wonder you are 23 and still virgin, memester.

I'm feeling right
come baby come on
I say to you it's alright

Supporting Trump is embarrasing and most women will hate you for it, but if you're going to do it at least be proud of your choice.

Although I voted Hillary and am definitely not happy about it... so maybe not.

Idk #feelthebern

If you act like an embarrassed bitch it shows you lack any confidence, that will be the cause of you not getting laid, not a MAGA hat you faggot.


Hello. OP.

Publicly supporting either of these ridiculous piss poor candidates with their propaganda on your body is cringe worthy.

This election for 96 percent of Americans has come down to voting for whoever they hate less, no matter how much the dems try to make it seem like EVERYONE just loves Clinton.

Maybe they just think your a tool for wearing political propaganda.


I wore a MAGA hat a couple weeks ago, and the assistant Dean took it up for "racial incitement".

What the fuck. Why are women such pussies.

MAGA hat is like the FOREMOST way to confirm you're a virgin edgelord beta cuck faggot to all women you encounter.

well done you fucking idiot.


Wat is pot calling kettle black


They probably were laughing at the hat. its probably your fedora tan line you neck beard.

git em

ITT: fucking morons taking this thread seriously.


Reply to this post as much as possible to make sure people see it, everyone should know trump is an absolute maniac.

Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"

Trump's reaction to 9/11: Bragging that now he has the tallest building in down manhattan

Trump said he supports waterboarding. he said he "likes it alot". in case you are not aware of it, waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to lungs, and brain damage from oxygen deprivation.
It's illegal by international law, and interviewer asked him about why he supports a form of torture that is internationally illegal and trump's response was "i dont care".

Trump also advocated for killing the families of his enemies, including children and babies.

I'm sure the stupid hat didn't help, but it's probably your terrible personality that prevents you from fucking.

>implying this is some sort of proof of the election being rigged

All magazines do that. They print each candidate as a winner then the bookstore puts out the appropriate one.

By bandwagon, I assume you mean hearing what Trump says out of his mouth and being appalled by it....

CTR out in full force. Gotta earn that last paycheck.

Get your copy pasta shit out of here. I've seen that fucking post in multiple threads today.


Basic Bitches and FemaNatzi Lesbianic Amoeba's aren't going to fuck you anyhow. Tell those bitches to make you a sandwich.

Trump is a fucking retard anyway.

>Just grab em by the pussy.

this will make you feel better

This guy is OP

If you are just "starting" to feel embarassed for supporting Trump then you need to come to terms that you will probably never, and should never (need to remove your retarded genes from the gene pool), have sex anyway

lol in a year all of his supporters will pretend they hated him from the begining.

This is now a cringe thread.

>all these hillshills

beta cuck nu male faggots