Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums.

I am currently doing a math project and I need your help! I have graphed all of the given equations, however I do not understand what I am supposed to do at question VI. Do I substitute something in or am I seeing it wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Have you tried not being a retard?

Put 1/x in (x). I m not even a math grad. Molecular biologist here.

So the first one would look like 1/ (1/x) ?

Don't listen to the newfags


i) y=f(x), y=3f(x), y=10f(x)

another hint:

v) y=2f(x), y=2f(x-1), y = 2f(x+2)-1

apologies for mistake,

v) ...,y=2f(x-1)+2,...

Okay I think I got it, if I graph my version in I get a line that strikes through the points of the asymptotes (i.e. it goes through (1,1) if I draw the line 1/(1/x) )

Don't listen to this fag

math is for nerds

yes precisely!

Thank you so much!

listen to this guy: Think of f(x) as just another variable, lets call it V = f(x) = (1/x).

So in #1, when y=(1/x): y=(1/x)=V
when y=3/x: y=3*(1/x) = 3V
when y=10/x: y=10*(1/x) = 10V

im sure you get it after that

I'll add more of an explanation. Do what I've done in those examples for all equations. They will end up in the form

y = a(fx-b)+c

your discovery will be that each graph is f(x) but translated by +b in x and +c in y, whilst stretched by factor a in y

So for example for number III equation 2 I would substitute 1/x into the equation and then get

y = 1 / (1/x) - 2 ?

ffs fuck off back to biology, you clueless cuntmonkey


Y'all suck at math

if f(x)=1/x

i) f(x), 3f(x), 10f(x)

ii) f(x), -1f(x), 5f(x), -5f(x)

iii) f(x), f(x-2), f(x+3)

iv) f(x), f(x)+2, f(x)-2

v) 2f(x), 2f(x-1)+2, f(x+2)-1

there did the question for you retard

and you just spent ages typing it out like a cunt


Sup Forums is 18+, fuck off.

Okay I got it now, thanks for the help!

For all we know this kid could be 3 yo and far superior to you butthurts

no problem, I just wonder what as happened to the community spirit here on Sup Forums. Some right fags lurking

So this is what STEM edgelords do for fun...

I think I'll stick to saving the world, please.

>or should I say, "You're welcome"