What do you hate most about leftists?

What do you hate most about leftists?

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Their arrogance.

cause they say they're fighting "racism" and "woman abuse" when they're the ones enabling it.


hahahaha I fucking hate trump but this is some good shit

Their college degrees

Above everything else they're just no fun.
They can't just enjoy life and ruin everything for everyone around them.

Trips don't lie.

I used to be left but this election has changed me. I honestly don't know how I feel about myself. I hate how the current left has to scream "racist" and "sexist" at every thing they have no real argument about.

Same. SJWs turned me into a nihilist.

just chill in the middle, the right and left can't compromise on ANYTHING

Their tremendous phalli.

They have way bigger dicks than us tiny cocked conservatives

at least give it time before you start samefagging

Their seething hatred for the right.

At least the right-wing keeps its cool and respects other peoples opinions to a degree.
They understand the importance of freedom of speech and that people should NEVER be silenced, even if they have a different opinion about matters.

The left wing on the other hand.. if you do not agree with them, you are a racist, sexist nazi scum who must be silenced. Oh, and you should die.

And they either wanna be some kind of martyr by bullying you on purpose until you lose your temper and resort to punching them. So they can point their finger how you are crazy, bad and evil, and they are victims.

If that doesn't work, they resort to intimidation, blackmailing and violence/killing themselves in order to shut you up.

I hate leftists because they're smarter and more successful. It's scares me, so I lash out unpredictably.

Yeah, I am in the middle now. Can't really be republican either, but it seems more comfortable now than whatever the fuck is going on in the left.

I can't even believe I am saying this.

You were saying?


The fact that liberalism is no longer about standing up for the common man, and is now just "hey, what's the best way we can fuck over white people?"

The fact that they have absolutely no arguments for anything, and just scream RACIST SEXIST XENOPHOBE BIGOT FASCIST LITERALLY HITLER at things they don't like.

Reminds me of my uncle.

Someone in the neighborhood once a month or so would get drunk and run over all the mailboxes going down the hill.

So after the tenth time despite video evidence from multiple people the driver was never cited.

My uncle asked dad and I to help him install a new mailbox.

A 6" round piece of steel 8 feet long was buried 5' deep in a hole with twenty bags of concrete.

The guys jeep was a complete and total loss.

Uncle received a $25 fine for an improperly installed mailbox.

>posts one from laptop
>then posts one from mobile
>take screenshot from mobile
>'You were saying?'

A liberal cucked me, so I hate them all.

>not really listening

Their intolerance and petty whining over every little fucking thing. It's like children constantly saying "that's not fair".


>At least the right-wing keeps its cool and respects other peoples opinions to a degree.

·Southern strategy
·Keeping black votes down
·Patriot act
·Obamacare was originally Richard Nixon's idea, almost follows it to a T
·Always corporations side
·Pro war at every chance
·Always runs with religion as their base but don't come close to actually following their religion
·Constant fear mongering

they always have to fucking tell me. i don't give a shit if you eat left handed

It's even easier than that. Posts one on wifi, turns wifi off, posts on cell network. Mobile fag here...

>blaming obamacare on nixon
Jesus christ. Can the left take responsibility for any fuck up ever?

I honestly feel college today are spitting out some seriously brain washed cucks.

Their annoying level of patience and tolerance with ignorant redneck conservatives.

Same. I used to be pretty left-wing but hateful identity politics changed my stance

not sure if you're trying to be ironic, but as someone who's predominantly left wing i've caught nothing but vitriol from people on the right.

sounds like you're getting SJWs confused for the entire left wing

>but this election has changed me.

probably the only one you've ever participated in, see above comment on SJWs not being representative of the left. it's like saying the inbred donkey fuckers in the deep south are representative of all conservatives.

here we go again with the all libs = SJW rhetoric. good show, keep fighting that scary strawman

yes, i too think it is fair that this nation was built on the backs of hard labourers and all that money has reverse-funneled itself to a handful of people.

If you changed delivery a bit this could have actually been very funny.

yeah its pretty awful either way
the whole thing's fucked lol

This is my 4th presidential election now. Still relatively new I guess but meh

Hard labor still pays well, what the fuck are you talking about barista?

But it was nixions plan.
They just added that they couldn't be dropped from insurance companies.

This is old news user

>At least the right-wing keeps its cool and respects other peoples opinions to a degree

I see you are a time traveller from the 1980s. You have much to learn about the present day.

I hope we have a civil war or WW3 so we can start removing the cancer that has been infesting the US for several years now ever since the 60's

their laziness for sure

That they feel that they "deserve" something. That it's not ever their fault, and there's always someone else to be blamed for their problems.

>common man
>white people

That you believe those things are the same is the whole fucking point.

This is number 6 for me. What really made me cynical was 2000. Since then it all feels like a scamjob.

That they arent lefty enough.
Goddamn capitalist swine, all of you.

how they want to force other people to do stuff in the name of "liberty" "justice" "freedom" "democracy"
but only if you accept their ways, otherwise they accuse you of being a fascist/racist/homophobic
the hypocrisy of calling other people fascist when they are the ones demanding the world to curve to their will is what gets me angry

>hard labour pays well

I guess we have different ideas about 'paying well'.

haha youre fucking brainashed and probabaly a cuck too

Obamacare isn't a fuckup.
It's the first step in the right direction to fix the leaky, broken bucket of shit that is the U.S. health care system.

LOL STFU Commie Scum

Dont be foolish. The right tries to silence as much as the left does. Sjws are fucking idiots but goddamn right-wingers are just as much to blame for the stupid shit this country has put itself in. You think that fucking Republicans know whats best? All I see from them is a increased NEED to divide the fucking US because they fucking refuse to listen to reason or logical arguments or factual statements or even TRY come to the middle on issues! FUCK them.
FUCK the left as well, they can't even fucking get their heads out of their asses to listen to what their constitutes want and a LOUD minority of their base JUST WONT FUCKING STOP BITCHING ABOUT SHIT THAT DOESNT MATTER.

They're fan base. I've never seen a more degenerate lot of adult children.

the last 3 years of my life have been this confusing for me too

I will choke you all to death with my huge communist cock.

cause the christian right and conservatives are known to be such jolly party animals who don't care about other people having fun while riding on the high horse of "morality", anti sin mentality and pro governmental substance control.

don't think your side doesn't stink just cause you see the shit on the other side of the aisle

make me ur cumslut daddy

>how they want to force other people to do stuff in the name of "liberty" "justice" "freedom" "democracy"
>but only if you accept their ways, otherwise they accuse you of being a sjw/cuck/welfare recipient
>the hypocrisy of calling other people fascist when they are the ones demanding the world to curve to their will is what gets me angry

The flipside of the coin. It's funny how similar people are.

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the amount of liberal brainwashing in society. and the fact that it's so extreme nowadays. it's becoming a cult almost.

the nice thing though is that they dont have guns, they prefer iphones and whipped creame lattes, so if worst comes to worst, we can just mow them down.

like I give a fuck what you think of me faggot

SJWs turned me into a fascist now when people call me racist and sexist I just say why "yes in fact I am thank you for noticing" it confuses them, they don't really know what to do with people who they can't bludgeon with muh oppression.

Wrong. Mandatory purchasing of insurance isn't then answer. The two biggest drivers of cost in healthcare *is* the insurance companies, and drug companies. Both are getting rich as fuck, and sitting back laughing because people are now forced to buy their shit.

Opening up insurance to be competitive, and regulating the pharma companies better is the answer. Also, big pharma is one of the biggest lobbies in Washington DC. Do you think that's just a coincidence?

Good little conservative faggot slut

nah im just a (red) pill head.

So, six figures isn't good enough? The boss is always going to make more, so are the owners but if you learn a trade and don't expect someone to pay you more than what you do merits you'll make bank doing hard labor. My job is blue collar, no secondary education required and I made 160k USD last year. what's your excuse?

The right in the last 30 years has only been taking rights away from people. Not sure where you get that they try to keep freedoms. Shit they care so much about taking away freedoms that they want to monitor which bathroom you use. They have become the new authoritarian party and trump proves it

my rates are going up over 100% next year user. I lost my previous insurance, lost my old doctor because they don't accept my new insurance. Obamacare has been largely a disaster



>mfw you say that to the wrong group of people and they bash u the fuck up

>implying niggers should be aloud to vote

actually I'm noticing more and more pushback AGAINST that kind of behavior
the average person is quite a bit more levelheaded than the media would have you believe

If you believe in freedom they would

Losing to them every four years?


Oh look!
Here we see a typical leftist that wants people to be assaulted for their opinions!

As a democrat, please believe that there are plenty of us that lean to the center and WANT the republican party to be healthy again.

I dont believe would be better off with dems running everything. The republicans need to shed the crazy and start electing serious candidates that can compromise and be productive. I am in favor of that and I would absolutely vote for them.

I honestly feel like you dropped out of community college

>aloud to vote
>please hand over your voter registration card please, your rights have been suspended

nothing, i'm leftist.

That was the plan all along.
No worries though.
Single payer to the rescue.



Righties are cool but they dont care about the environment.

hating the haters is not doing wrong. that's why when those trump supporters got their vehicles torched in california, i laughed.

WOW youre literally autistic arent you..? he is obviously a trump supporter, not a leftist.

Nor others rights

yeah it really depends on location. some places are resisting it, some are eating it up

here in cuckland, we're the latter.

live in burger land and always carry a gun so that's not really a problem.

Just you

That they think there are more than 2 genders.

I don't I'm a national socialist

well theres 3 actually. cuz mayonaise.

not that clone brush isn't the easiest fucking tool ever especially with solid background.

>rights are the same for everyone
>dont care about other people's rights
stop trying to be a special kind of snowflake

too late for that m8 make America great again

>it's not raining over here, so there must not be rain anywhere!


congrats, if you're really just doing regular manual labor and are making 160k, you won the job lottery! Most construction workers and the like make around 14-17$ an hr.

Explain to me how the value of your country shot through the roof, how you became richer than you were in the 1950s (adjusted for inflation), but the average worker's quality of life has dropped?

there's no sense of solidarity in america anymore.

I believe in personal responsibility.
Voting should be a privilege for those who abide by the agreed upon rules of society.
in order to vote you should have to conform to ALL of the following:

>Pay income tax.
In order to have the right to vote, you should be contributing to the system.

>Have never been convicted of a crime.
Someone who doesn't have the mental or morale strength to abide by laws, doesn't deserve the right to vote.

>Not be on social assistance/welfare/government assistance of any kind
By default, if you are in any way supported by a government body, you are incapable of making a vote based on facts, reason, or progress. You will be compelled to vote in favor of whoever is supporting you.

So, 99% of blacks wouldn't have a vote in a fair system.