Look at this cuck... Knows his own wife won't even vote for him...

Look at this cuck... Knows his own wife won't even vote for him. Well I'm on way to vote for the next president Hillary Clinton. LMFAO TOP ZOZ

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow he doesn't trust his own wife?

He's copying her ballot because he can't read.



You didn't seriously vote for him did you trumpfags? If you didn't it's not too late to save yourselves :^)

Pics load as usual, sometimes.

But sometimes they take AGES to load.

Very tedious!

4chin skimping on server costs really sucks.

good, it's not just me



Some people gonna die. Not in my neighborhood of course. Also I totally voted Hillary.

Hahahahhahahhahhah wow!

Duh, he's been LITERALLY cucked before, he probably doesn't trust anyone

Get Google fiber. Everyone in the house is watching Netflix, two of the TV's are 4k, and ones an hdr. Load time's pretty fast.

How can she even vote? She's in the u.s. illegally.

>get [extremely region restricted service]
gee thanks for the tip


I'm sorry, but did Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 86%. Does not having the lead at 86% count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Trump are still playing right now and they have been the best party in the US for how many terms now? He's against one of the worst presidents in history who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the projections of the voters. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Trump is one of the best fucking candidates in the Republican party, it was 50/50 last month and would of won the debate if the nigger didn't cheat. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just got west Virginia, just like Bush did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the Republicans because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic Iike this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Yeah thought it was just me but everything else works fine. Some pics load directly like they used to and some don't.

Got 100/100 internet and don't do anything but lurk so not my fault either.

>or not, it's still pretty fucking funny either way


diversity is basically killing Europe.
If you want to join be my guest.
Even your niggers are going to hate the diversity scam in due time

>Hillary is projected widely with 302 electoral votes
>Holding out hope all the retards make it to a voting booth to elect an actual idiot into office
>Doesn't get why this country sucks
You're part of the problem you fucking asswad.

your pic doesn't matter when you are sent to war against Russia because "I want my no fly zone".
But Americans are truly known for their stupidity

Looking forward to Trump's victory :)

Wow you really are a moron. Please take off the tinfoil hat and join the human race.

>who doesn't like the Republicans because they're good

good at what?

>not filling out your wife's ballot

literal cuck

What a great argument.
>Doesn't support Trump
>Hurr durr they must want war with Russia

>empowering women

>CtR shills makes a shit post

>other CtR shills start quoting it like it's gospel

open the border to muslims
live under an islamic state
lmao @ ur life
i'm sure your granddaughters will thank you

Well then some other regional brand of fiber-optic service.

Maybe they'll make a VR simulation where Trump wins and you can watch it in your parents basement

> Everyone who thinks Trump isn't a good candidate must be a CTR shill
Have fun losing tonight you fuck.

No cheating, Don

Yeah buy into your racist propoganda, also, learn how to greentext. Try harder next time, underage fag

Looking forward to Trump's victory :)

Of course he checked you cuck's, stupid bitch has to learn her place. Liberal shillery cucks so fucking stupid.

Worst elections ever. This is the beginning of the decline for US.

It's like bait from an 8 year old.

God this fucking moron.
Hillary has made it clear, on multiple occasions that she will go to war with Russia in her term.
How can you be so blind. Everyone knows it that has 2 functioning brain cells and actually listens to the fucking people that you can vote for.
But no, she is woman, must vote for her
trump bad because media said so.

You Americans are as brainwashed as you have always been. There is a reason why your college degree''s have the same worth as a high school degree of Belgium or japan. Because you fucking skimp on educating people, but focus on brain washing them

>ignoring who controlled congress during those years

The Republican congress is who balanced the budget under Clinton. Yeah I know modern republicans have been fucking retarded but the republican congress of the late 90's was pretty awesome.

I'm a 34 year old oldfag so I remember shit like that.

I like that idea. I've always loved dystopian scifi

go away Slav

you are not wanted here

You JUST KNOW she would vote Hillary if Donald wasn't watching over her shoulder.

It has been declining for a long time now. We are finally just hitting the rapid decline phase.

Hold on to your butts.

Fuck yeah black mirror

Grow some balls you fucking coward

Putin is a murderous fascist tyrant who has politicians and journalists publicly assassinated for extra effect. He must be killed for world peace. Pick a side faggot.

No. She said she'd want to restrict the flow pf air traffic over a war zone.



What are you on about? Calm down and speak properly please I can't understand you with all the conservative dicks shoved down your throat.

Obama is the most popular President in 50 years.

He is literally more popular than Reagan, and Conservatives names half the fucking country after him.

>Hillary has made it clear, on multiple occasions that she will go to war with Russia in her term.

Citation needed you scare mongering blowhard.

he had to check. You libs are all so brainwashed you don't even notice the MSM subliminal messaging, wake up people you are being enslaved and hypnotised by MSM.

Always buddy check your friends/partners ballot to make sure they weren't mine controlled by the MSM!!!!

You don't exactly boss the Russian air force around. Clinton is a moron. This is not fucking Iraq or Iran we are talking about here.

She want's a no flyzone over syria.

>Hillary has made it clear, on multiple occasions that she will go to war with Russia in her term.

good, time to torch that shithole

>get a load of this witty little newfag

>making up erroneous arguments with no basis in reality whatsoever
KEK, go fuck yourself

Budgets take effect the next year and the money saved or lost can take years to take effect. PRESIDENTS, on the other hand, have the ability to waste billions of dollars instantaneously with executive actions, just like Bush did and all Conservative Presidents have been guilty of in varying degrees.

You should really look more closely into what she's proposing.

What does popularity have to do with anything? The average citizen is a fucking idiot who couldn't name one of the state senators if you offered them $100 cash on the spot. They also couldn't solve a 7th grade algebra problem or any other basic question that demonstrates intelligence.

People have been systematically dumbed down for years. Promise them free shit and they will vote for you, that's the democrat scam that continues to work.

Don't worry about it, somebody else will pay for it!

>liberal media
>liberal schools
>liberal Europe

When will you realize that you're so fucking brainwashed that you think ultra-conservatism is actually normal?

>Putin is a murderous fascist tyrant who has politicians and journalists publicly assassinated for extra effect. He must be killed for world peace. Pick a side faggot.

Just like kadhafi, which was loved by his people in the past, but because america and Europe put an oil embargo in place the country went in decline. The oil embargo lasted for more than 10 years. kadhafi wanted peace with the west so he gave sarkozy money during his elections. Then came the arab spring which was supported by america. The groups fighting kadhafi where from outside of the country, they are now called isis ( which america trained and armed). kadhafi warned the west that if he where to fall europe would suffer a migrant crisis.

Everyone knows America wants war between Europe and Russia because your economy is a war economy, the more war in the world the better your country does.

Also america has developed a heart attack gun. Don't tell me you put millions in a weapon the stealthily kill someone and will never use it.

no fucking fly zone.

>I'm on way to vote for the next president

where I can check the results online pls?

Correct comrade. Shut down the US supremacy myth, they must bow down to Russian might.



Kek none of the newfags remember this pasta from the 2012 election.

>But I'm smart enough to see the TRUE arc of history
you're fucking pathetic, get some goddamned perspective

Republicans are the ones dumbing people down, which is why Trump beat every single politician they have.
>yfw when Republicans are LITERALLY opposed to teaching "critical thinking"

Hillary commited treason. Anyone who votes for her is a traitor and deserves prison just like that evil witch.

sure kid. like you know anything. TOPZOZ little faggot.

Kek. None of your votes even matter. Have fun fighting Russia and potentially your "leader" to lead us to nuclear war.

I'm not defending bush at all, in fact I even said Republicans have been retarded lately. Perhaps you ignored that part of my comment because you are so blinded by your partisanship.

I'm simply stating the fact that the Republican controlled congress of the late 90's is who balanced the budget and who got us on a course of totally eliminating all national debt and being on a path toward true prosperity and greatness.

Then 9/11 happened and the jews got us back on a path of massive debt (in which the interest just happens to be paid to them)

Have you ever considered what the interest is on the national debt? There is nothing "federal"about the federal reserve.

Ghadaffi was a terrorist who blew up a plane full of Americans and tortured and raped his own people.

You're a piece of shit, I literally hope you die.

Lol no it fucking isn't dickhead. Fuck off back to your Sup Forums hugbox nigger.

you honestly believe everything you are told?
wow millennials are fucking dumb.


The entire school system is opposed to critical thinking. It teaches you how to regurgitate garbage that they want you to "know". Kind of like what you're doing.

both parties are the different sides of the same coin. Republicans pander to religious idiots, democrats pander to ghetto trash idiots.

Both just want to keep people un-informed and in the dark.

When will you wake up to what's happening around you. Read the wikileaks emails it clearly spells out how Crooked hillary is using the media and secret military psyc-ops programs to control the sheeple.

This election is our last chance to break free before our country is taken over. Vote Trump, vote FREEDOM.

doesn't stop the democrats. don't hear your whining then kid.

>Republicans balanced the budget in the late 90's
They continued the work that Democrats started under Clinton's administration, anything else would have been political suicide. Quit misrepresenting the facts you stupid faggot.

They also deregulated exotic risk speculation laws, leading to Bush's global economic depression.

How are you not a millennial? They're the only fags that browse Sup Forums. Myself included.


sure kid. the video shows people cheering.

You have literally no fucking idea.

Libya was literally the most successful african country under Ghadaffi.

Its a fucking crater now and thats all thanks to the USA imposing their "freedom".

Please nigger, their shit-tier air force is about 30 years behind ours and falling to bits. They don't have the finances or will for a real war.



>muh memes
>it's only okay when anti-social Sup Forumsacks do it.

lies. CNN says people jeered him not cheered him.

You're simple-minded and your understanding is laughably superficial.

Quit using your shitty jaded personality to justify being lazy and stupid,

What a lazy shoop job. Clearly the creator didn't care at all.

>mfw to intelligence too vote Trump

this is like Brexit all over again. Fucking fags and shitposters spamming "hahaha KEK cucks you will lose remain will win hjahaha"
Look what happened. Retards like you got btfo'd.


You sure like believing propaganda.


America is the biggest threat the world peace, you bomb and disrupt country's so your economy can keep going. And the people of america are so blind that they only listen to american news outlets


>I didn't delete any emails
