Atheists claim to support science, yet they are unable to provide evidence that God doesn't exist

Atheists claim to support science, yet they are unable to provide evidence that God doesn't exist.

Science does not need to provide proof against the claims of the insane. Claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

Take your low-quality bait back to Faggot Town.

do not post in this thread unless you want to see more nigger cocks

In the scientific method, a lack of evidence of existence IS evidence that something doesn't exist.



I forget how that whole burden of proof thing works. Also, nice negro dongs.


Do we need to prove santa doesn't exist next?



Yeah... because god is an infallible concept that cannot be tested. Fallibility is a pretty important component to scientific inquiry.



theists claim to believe in god, yet they are unable to provide evidence that god does exist.

i'm using a weak argument to make the other theists feel at home.


nigger cock

Oh good it's this guy again


OP are you the same poster every day? I see the same post here all the fucking time.

Just here for the cocks.

good job, you just confirmed you love nigger cocks

>Atheists claim to support science, yet they are unable to provide evidence that God doesn't exist.

Lame christtroll is lame


When will you realize the True Path is actually Zoroastrianism? When will you apologize to your parents for your juvenile "christian" phase?

nigger cock

Is that Desiigner?

dont bump this thread

Scientific prove that god doesn't exist:

Donald Trumpf or KilLIARy Clinton will become POTUS.


Uh, that's a lot of cocks.


It's true, you know. He is correct.

one does not prove a negative

you need better bait. :)


nigger cock thread

you search for pictures of black cock online. telling. very telling indeed. :)





Can Christfags prove the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist?

What about the ultra-demigod flying spaghetti monster 2.0?

Can they prove weo8iruweotut doesn't exist?

been out for a year and this shit still exist, bravo



I don't care, I'd hate-fuck anything with a pulse

If you're gonna criticize people for not using science, at least know how the principles of science work.

dont bump this thread or else nigger cocks

can i get some more nigger dick please?

>I'm gonna threaten you with something you don't believe in.
Nah mate, it's not gonna happen, I've got a unicorn protecting me and you can't prove I don't.

Hey look this faggot got a new picture. Still the same movie though.


Eh I can look past the nigger cocks, sometimes these threads attract either interesting science and theology discussions. Not from the op but from other posters.

no you cant

Sure I can, I just refrain from enlarging the pictures.