Cute goat dicks

cute goat dicks



satanic goat dicks
i guess that's right
i'm pretty tired and kind of skipped over that part in my mind
thank you

Trump's 54% there.

hey wat I'm sorry I called you a cuck earlier dude you're a good guy and we've been friends for too long for this petty shit

I'm not good people

it's ok I'm "tired" too

>fuck off from the chan
you're very right, dude

guys I'm sorry I have to leave you all, I'm really happy that you guys have been my friends all these long years, I'm a dick a lot of the time but it's because I think you're all precious to me and I just want you to be perfect in my lunatic megalomaniac mind

I'm sorry for all the times I did you all wrong

>wait also that's statistically not true people with higher incomes

With higher median _family_ incomes. Look at the actual working professional population. It's quite the different landscape. We're a state with retired fucks and grand children who live off their estates. It's fucking stupid. No one in any of the major population centers voted Red, and that's for a reason.

None of the people who work 40+ hours a week. No one that I know who makes 90k+ a year voted for Trump. Honestly fuck this state. I specifically know people who fall into that "higher income" bracket who don't do _anything_. They live in poshy villages and have houses that could sink my investments but they don't do _anything_. They can go fuck themselves.

Just to sample from my own group of people, here's a list of groups that I personally know who were against Trump:

* Software Engineers
* Electrical Engineers
* Doctors
* Lawyers
* Social Workers

I know a _minority_ of people who were for Trump, and they're all generally nobody's from my younger days. Granted anecdotal, but look at the population centers that are _actually_ productive economically speaking. It's not some fluke.

And then there's fucking Amendment #1. I voted against every one of our justice's just because they allowed that thing to go through. What a bunch of unmitigated bullshit. In a twist of irony, the amendment that the GOP passed a few ago is so far preventing #1 from going through, so they fucked themselves. It's still ridiculous it got more than 30% of the vote.

So here's a list of things Florida hates based our dumb fuck counties:

* People who actually work
* Sustainable energy
* Sane social policies


>using exit polls

Please do not.

At least we have marijuana passing.

It's always worth it, at least to make people see there is support for something.

you've drank too though, i haven't had any intoxications even though I had money to


Hello again gents.

Graduate in December of 2014 with a geology MS like me and become borderline suicidal sitting at home hating yourself at your parents house.

It's cool, I've been called worse, besides I'm a total cuck

Hang in there, buddy.

I'm getting treatment for that now


clearly I missed something in these threads

nothing of value was lost

SF called me a cuck for voting for Stein, someone had a stroke from trying to kill themselves, gay furry porn and election 2016

So, nope, you missed nothing

Need moar porn




Fuck no, I'm no faggot

yeah pretty much sums this place up.


Oh fucking 2016 just take me already.

Just close your eyes and pretend.....

I've seen so revolting furry porn on the Sup Forums but that's got be the most revolting

i like to imagine he is spinning around like he's on a record player


Why have I not played This War of Mine before?



Well it was either her or Clinton, and I figured Clinton's Hawkish nature weighed out Steins slight quack science stance.

Why would I have to pretend, I like dudes, but I ain't a faggot

I'll take you~

because your previous rig was a shit

ok power bottom

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.

Oh hell no, I'm a total sub, I just also like chicks

oh hi badj

now it can be put behind you

oh god here we go with the labels and their correct categories again


badj make me hurt till I don't think about anything else

I was kidding relax


Snuffles hi

Also Wat

I'm sure there's a lewd double meaning to this.

I'll make you hurt in all the right ways~




Stuff me until I can't talk

replace it with I


I'm too high for this shit

no you're not

badj I have so much free time and nothing to do with them halp me

so sxe


I'm too high and drunk for this shit, and I don't smoke or drink

florida went solidly trump

>Nate Silver literally using Plan B of his election forecasts because we're fucking retarded




You're into femdom.


>I know us bitches can be touchy, but these threads are for masturbation, not political emaciation

Here's some porn to shut you up... unless you're actively sucking a dick... don't hurt that dick



This is now about airplane dicks.

no one asked you

I mean, that's one of my fetishes

why borderline suicidal?


I am so ashamed it's not even funny.

Also, Vermin Supreme for El Presidente




Really? Because I remember this happening last election, dumbass

I like you a little more now



Because 7 years of college were flushed down the toilet by a market collapse and now I can only get seasonal retail jobs because I'm "overqualified" for everything else, and there are zero actual geology jobs.

I need to get out of this fucking house away from my micromanaging mother.

No never go full suicidal... It's good to have murder suicide as an option

The body of a woman, and the face of scott pilgram....

>Trump is president now
Despair, the end of the world, I see the rising phoenix in my dreams~


Oh my....

I can't do that from thousands of miles away.

O-oh my~

Come visit me. I'll introduce you to someone special~

maybe no


this can't be happening


but there's plenty of work for geologists nowadays. Career opportunities have been increasing for a few years now




Why do spamfags try so hard

There are two settings for liking me
>attempted murder

>and screwing me

I will leave the condoms on the window sill, and you can figure out what to do with them

Over a year, still think about ex and haven't had another guy since.


Suck a tailpipe

once again Sup Forums impresses me
and scares me all at once


stop being in relationships
you'll thank me later