Lets be honest. Bernie would have won if the DNC hadn't cheated him out of the nomination

Lets be honest. Bernie would have won if the DNC hadn't cheated him out of the nomination.

He looks jewish. Can anyone confirm?

Prob not. Maybe better than Hill on the white vote but not the minorities


the minorities would have sucked up to bernie eventually. they wouldn't vote trump.

The honest truth, folks.

True and more people like Bernie than Shillary, he has integrity.

inb4 someone brings up him supporting clinton after he's lost and acts like it was the wrong thing to do

Yeah, hes a kike

Wondering if the Dems are missing those Sanders supporters who were called "salty" for having a problem with the Dems and Debbie Wasserman specifically colluding against Sanders. Don't fuck over 25 percent of your party next time, cunts.

silly commie


He was also the main head hunter going after bank heads who took bailout money and spent it on themselves and their other top executive buddies. A Patriot.

Alright I'll bring up the F-35 jets he sold his state to have in it.

He would have won Michigan, Penn, and Wisconsin. So yeah.

In the popular vote, certainly. The only reason we see high 3rd party and pro-Trump protest votes is because this is the case.

But the college would have ensured he lost. Can't have someone in power who wants Congress to be held accountable for its actions or corporations to be limited in how hard they can fuck common men.

Well he was the only good candidate from the start, so yes.

You sir just exposed the game.


yes, he would have won in penn and mich no doubt.

no dout mang