Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No oversexualised content
>chain lurk pics
>heresy is a crime
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, Remember to get enough sleep!

Other urls found in this thread:


You can't make/participate in a waif claiming thread and call other people faggots. YOU fucking faggot

I can

MEME MAGIC BOYS. My lib classmates are so asshurt.


But it won't be valid

Anonon! how are you?

yes it will

I'm great! Exciting day for me.

>9/11 was 25 years ago

That's great to hear, today has been a wild ride.


Are the elections over?

feeling better?

I know it has huh? Weed legalized for 21 and older, Trump winning. Man...

This was a historic election for sure.

>Weed legalized for 21 and older
In all America? Or just a few states?



Only in commifornia baby


Still a pretty good progress.

Quite an era to live in that's for sure.

awoo checking in

Hi Syndra

Memeland USA

>wake up
>donald trump is president of the united states of america



Good job .5

Ohio false king

Not .5 and you know it.


Pretty wild day isn't it?

How are you?

Oh yes, pretty wild. And it's just getting started.
Being tired and playing vidya as always. How about you?

Lets Nightcap Rory!

>rolling between 1 and 09
>anything over 12 is an instant fail
>10 is also now a failure
>07 gives you free reign - you may choose one of the drinks or two of a random
>rerolls allowed and encouraged
Dubs - you choose the drink
Trips - two drinks. Mix and match.
Quads - one of all. Just fuck my life up.


Rolling, although I'm not sure what for.




One sec. Setting up.

(You) (You)
Musst du nicht in die Uni?


Yeah, things are going to get crazy

I'm fine, listening to music for now, gotta go to the dentist later today.

One off, sad day. Try again.

Its rolling to choose my shot for the night
This one is a bit different than what I usually drink.

>what is time?

Nö, wurde operiert und bewege mich nur spärlich.
Musst du nicht arbeiten?

Rolling for lead.

Game is done. Its 01-09 or dubs or higher.

Do your own count?

If Im rolling, yes. And we had a 02 roll earlier, . So no more rolling tonight. Only having 1 shot so I can wake up in the morning.


Something I've been wasting for the past few years.


I know that you are mine, and you should know it too.

Fucking faggot weebs

Never was, never signed. I still need to read that contract, my lawyer knows that I dont sign anything without reading. Even the EULA.

Arbeit kann man es eigentlich nicht nennen, aber ja
Haste endlich die Geschlechtsumwandlung machen lassen?
Wenigstens morphium bekommen?

Average Waifu claimer

That's not true for me, i live in england so i can't vote

im not murcan :o


You're lying. You're one of those edgy kids that pretends they're not American, like that greasy virgin in here using google translate to seem German

>1 shot per day

It seems you wasted 25 years over the last 15 years.

How's it going?

Ja, aus Prinzip. Chara soll sehen, dass ich in jedem Punkt überlegen bin.
Morphium gabs glaube ich nicht. Ich war nur weggetreten, nicht glücklich.

Being tired.
>like that greasy virgin in here using google translate to seem German
I laughed at this one.

Hey. I have work. And I drink triples until final shot.

There is no contract, i just have you.

He fucking did it.

Was wurde denn operiert?
Hat das echt den ganzen Tag gedauert gestern?
Und wie lange dauert das bis du wieder fit bist?

I've been found out!
Quick, to the Hubschrauber.

At some point in life you need to make a decision on what's more important to you: alcohol or a steady job.

Nur eine Fistel, ging relativ schnell. In ein paar Wochen kann ich wohl wieder normal gehen und sitzen.

if trips trump gets assassinated tomorrow

No owning the Rory without a contract
Alcohol is bought with the money from a steady job. My choice was made long ago.

Blacks prove that it also can be bought with welfare money and food stamps.

>in ein paar Wochen
Dann hast du ja genug Zeit um /waifu/ zu retten

Btw, wofür steht eig MAGA?

And yet im doing it.

And with a gun



>waifu retten
Ach, da ist nicht viel was man machen könnte. /waifu/ ist die Summe seiner Mitglieder, also solange die nicht mitmachen bin ich auch hilflos.
Das einzige was mir noch bleibt ist shitposten, um Stimmung und Aktivität zu erhöhen.

Make America Great Again!

Smart thinking!

Ist ziemlich schlimm geworden die letzte Zeit, ich hatte gehofft du wärst da zuversichtlicher

Und hör mal auf mit dem Google übersetzerscheiß das wird langsam echt peinlich

Aber... das bin ich nicht T_T.

You're one of the cringiest people in these threads lol


Fuckin' Trump.

Long thyme no sea.

You don't even know me. I think i'm one of the most normal people here

Greasy ass Virgin



There's no need to be so insecure about your inability to learn languages

I, for one, welcome our new supreme overlord




Why didn't we elect Boothead?

I didn't even knew he was running this year.

I'm gonna move to Japan now, thanks to God Emperor

They won't let you in, 外人.

He was
Boothead for Supreme leader ;-;

Checking those American trips


You mean Vermin Supreme?

His name isn't boothead.

I was born in Japan. I'm a naturalised citizen o:


Yeah but he wore a boot in his head. Thats his nickname.