Ok he became the president

ok he became the president.
this was funny and all,but IS HE GONNA BUILD A WALL after all? what do you think?

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Being this fucking retarded.

Contractors don't do work that they won't get paid for. If you think that Mexico is going to write a check to pay for a wall it doesn't want, you're delusional.

The only way this happens is if we pay for it, which will send us another trillion into debt. So....no.

i don´t think so.
neither is hillary going to jail.
nor is any of the other shit he´s been fantasizing about the past few month will become reality.

I am actually exicited about this... How is he going to explain that he cannot build the wall :)?

Try more like 25 million

Me, I'm just waiting for the new South Park episode


I think you're a crying bitch


no wall, something like that is a boondoggle.

sure kid. you can stop crying now

shh only tears now.

>john oliver
>Calculating anything
Ok liberal cuck believing the words of another liberal cuck, it's time for you to go back. Over the wall.


The wall already exists. There was a john oliver skit on it so it's in the format of an 'explain like I'm five' that anybody could understand. However the promise of wall-building implicitly was also received as a promise of more jobs through people being hired to work on the wall. But this will never happen. Trump will just funnel tax dollars into his favorite and closest construction contractors (as a favor) and pay them to renovate parts of the already-existing wall.


a common defense of the
>'ok donald, good joke, but where is the money ACTUALLY gonna come from?'
is that the money will come from mexico indirectly by imposing higher tax levied on goods to and from mexico.

Remind me, why did Bush's wall attempt fail? It was a combination of them giving the contract to an idiot and the fact that they'd need to seize a shit ton of privately owned land right?

Not even American, idiot. I'm not crying, I'm laughing at your country. Laughing at you

From Argentina I am willing to make millionaire donations to build this wall and many other compatriots also donarian ..

I am EU fag I dont give a fuck about murica... Youre a reality show to me...

Trumps demeanor is going to change after the White House briefing. You'll see, watch for it. Same shit happened to Obama. That's when he's going to learn the real truth why he's there and what he's going to do the next 4 years. He's gonna meet the string pullers behind the White House.

Not a good idea for Mexicans to build the wall cause they will make their own secret entrance. MFW this plan backfires

You can already see that in how he handled the win

>be Argentinian
>make donations to wall
>donation completed
>mexicans can't cross border illegally to north
>mexicans instead go south to brazil and argentina
>mfw now I can have all those cheap landscapers and janitors all to myself
>oh wait 90%+ of illegal mexicans arrived legally to US by plane and overstayed their visa
>mfw no mexican cleaning lady to myself.

was this your plan?

He doesn't have to.

check em

>from Argentina
>willing to make "millionaire" donations

Fuck off you 3rd world pseudo-white-wanna be filth. We don't need your worthless money, and we definitely don't need your bullshit broken English. Now that trump won, I hope to keep scum like you from coming into this soon to be glorious country.


As cliché as this sounds, America is doomed, partly due to dumbasses like yourself who can actually vote.

>>oh wait 90%+ of illegal mexicans arrived legally to US by plane and overstayed their visa

well it's pretty easy to calculate how many Mexicans have overstayed their visa's because we know that number.

It is kind of hard to calculate how many Mexicans are in USA illegally... Most other countries fail to realize that USA is big. Texas is about the same size as France.

He got serious real quick. Just a matter of time before its politics as usual. Just like Obama. America has an agenda, and no one person can stop or change that agenda. Trump, like the rest of the politicians will have to do what they tell him to do. End of story.

One can only hope.

There aint going to be a wall kiddo.

Exactly. Nothing is going to change. America isn't going to implode. It isn't going to burst into economical growth. There isn't going to be a wall or a mass expulsion of immigrants. Everything is going to remain more or less the same as Trump falls in line, just like all the other presidents before him, and in a few weeks time nobody is going to care about any of this bullshit.

Not enough money to do it


At least there is one person here besides me who clearly sees the world for what it is.

I don't think it's really going to happen. Seems far too extreme, even for him. It's more likely just standard politician's bullshit.

I broke my back 10 years ago and am wheelchair / bed bound. I paid 20 years of social security taxes and well, I got unlucky as fuck. I really hope he doesn't fuck over SSDI or federal pensions as this is my only means of support I have. Well, I guess I could always become a wheel chair bound greeter at Walmart and shit my pants in public for now on.

Another retard who can't grasp economics.

Here in Oakland County, we're repairing a 17-mile stretch of road. The cost is $1 billion. This is roadwork on a flat stretch of land.

Assuming you're going to want a wall which will actually keep people out, the per-mile cost is probably going to be on par. In addition, the government will be building it, so you can quadruple the cost like you do for all things government.

2000 miles at a 58 million per mile, is half a trillion dollars - excluding financing, inflation, etc.

He won't be doing anything, the Republican congress will and he'll be a rubber stamp.

So, basically, you're fucked.

>the money will come from mexico indirectly by imposing higher tax levied on goods to and from mexico.

Right, because that won't have any impact on trade or consumer costs at all.

If that worked, we'd have done it to the Chinese a decade ago. Enjoy your ruined economy.

you guys sound like delusional idiots honestly

tell me, who are these "puppeteers" or "string pullers" as you call them?

like, believe me, I believed every thing that came up about hillary so i'm no conspiracy denial freak, but you two just sound flat out retarded

>OH HE'LL LEARN, like they all learn, because I, user, know everything

Sorry, accidentally a few words.

2000 miles at a 58 million per mile, QUADRUPLED for government waste, is half a trillion dollars - excluding financing, inflation, etc.

explain instead of just spewing.

No, but it will be funny to see the reaction of all the tards who believed that crap

not to mention having staff 24/7 guarding all that wall

As I see it, it's completely necessary to build the wall.

Climate change cannot be reversed.
Equitorial nations will only grow more inhospitable.
A superbug is eventually going to wipe out half the world's population.
And war is not out of the realm of possibility.

The point is that some day, shit will go so far south that it will literally try to come up north. And unless we take preventive action to limit its flow, we'll be fucked along side of latin america.

I don't expect it to be an end all. Of course people will still get through. But the wall will at least make the influx managable.

man, Its going to be hillarious when people realize 90% of what Trump has proposed is impossible to actually do
> what do you mean Trump couldnt wipe out ISIS instantly??!
> why are there still spics in america??

Absolutely true.

If anyone seriously thought Trump's wall, mass deportation of illegals or the halting of Muslims coming to America was in any way feasible, then unfortunately they have been lied to and voted for policies that will not exist as promised.

Trump did this as a stunt to prove that he could win. As a multi-billion dollar business magnate, where else was there to go but into the highest seat in the land?And he's done it.

He'll fall in line with regular agendas from the GOP and that's it.

As a Brit watching this, your entire election has fundamental parallels with how Brexit was conceived and accomplished. Just powerful, influential people's games to make them more powerful and more influential.

This isn't the movies. There isn't some scary organisation stood behind a curtain pulling Trump's strings. America, like any country, has a direction and an agenda. Once you get into the hotseat, you soon realise that it isn't as simple as getting a few Mexicans to knock up a wall and rounding up all the immigrants in trucks. Shit just isn't that simple. You just have to go with the flow and Trump isn't any different.

Look at every single president or primeminister in the last 30 years. They have said xyz before getting elected but then when they had their turn on the throne, they ended up doing abc. Why do you think that is? It isn't because there is some scary world order running the show, it is because change in the current climate is impossible unless there is a full on revolution. Trump supporters will tell you this is a revolution, but it fucking isn't. It is just signing up to another 8 years of bullshit. Queue up, collect your bowl of fast food, and move along. That's the way it is.

A real revolution would be telling both Clinton and Trump to fuck off and redesigning the entire social and economical construct in which the modern world operates. Do you really see that happening in our lifetimes? Or even our grandkids kids lifetime? Fuck no.

It's all bullshit. In a few weeks time, it'll be some other fucking bullshit that a bunch of virgins on here are losing their shit over. It all means nothing.

stop troling fag
you know neither of those two things were trumps proposals

Trump is going to wind up spending his term destroying the careers of anyone in congress who stands in his way.

I hope you realize this.

You need to inform yourself my friend. I can't convince you otherwise. Nobody likes to learn that their reality and everything they knew all their lives is one big lie. This is something only you can learn on your own. Let's just say everything you see an experience in life and on tv is not real.

this, just this

Couldn't have said it better

Well Obama got the deficit down by a trillion so trump has room to play since no one actually cares about it

Truth, historically.

Whoever is making the decision to pay that much is getting maximum cucked by the contractor

>maximum cucked
please just fuck off back to tumblr or wherever the fuck it is you came from

Go on google earth..
Look at us/Mexico border..
Actually LOOK at the landscape...
There will be no wall, nobody has the equipment or $ to accomplish such a feat, not even murica.

Slap yourself for being retarded.

I'm gonna help him build it.
Next step is building a boat and sending the niggers back

if you get 4 walls you almost got a house

Holy shit. Some real talk right here.

Hey guy! Argentine here, I immigrated to your country illegally and I now live in a beautiful gated community making an extremely comfy living. Btw I'm a legal resident now so I'm staying. Thanks neighbor! :^)

this IS true

if he said hes gonna fly to mars would you believe too ?

He said that Mexico was going to pay for it, not build it
Anyway it won't be built