Weed i Moss?

Weed i Moss?

Where is this weed you mention?

In Moss

I need weed, in Moss.


Then fucking formulate a question, instead of typing bullshit teenage-girl-sms-texting-facebook-retard-typing.

Fuck off, you're probably retarded if you actually think I would try to sell weed on Sup Forums. If someone from Moss would see my post he would probably understand, unlike a retarded faggot like you.


how about BOOBS in Moss


Tønsberg doe.

Møt meg bak ishallen for bra weed


Alrdi prøvd weed før.

Noen i Vest-Agder?

Nån som kan mötas vid broen till Jeløy?

>Then fucking formulate a question, instead of typing bullshit teenage-girl-sms-texting-facebook-retard-typing
>Then fucking formulate a question, instead of typing bullshit
>formulate a question, instead of
>formulate a question, instead of
>formulate a question, instead of

What the fuck makes you think that I think you are trying to sell weed?
Are you that retarded? lol.

Shut up

Weed i Stavanger? Trenge noen å chille med

Hvor i vest agder er du fra?

Hvis du spørr etter Weed på /b så er du ikke gammel nok eller bare tilbakestående...

Varken eller. Ny i Moss och har inga kontakter, Sup Forums har levererat många gånger tidigare, men jag antar att Moss är för litet.


Hvis du er svensk så får du ikke hjelp.

Bait/10, så dum är jag inte

Dra på en bar så blir du nok spurt om du vil ha etter noen øl

Osäker på om det funkar i Moss?

Hvis du møter de riktige folka

360 no-told me there

Vilka barer möter man dom då?

