Straight white male here

straight white male here
what am I going to get from Trump specifically?
like, I wasn't a black white male when Obama got elected, what did he do for blacks?

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He did not a damn thing for me. In fact, some policies actually went against why I voted for him. That's why I didn't vote at all the second election. I didn't vote this election, it's all useless.

Whites will realize the same thing from Trump.

You're not getting anything that other americans aren't. He isn't racist like some other parties and cadidates.
Unless you're illegal.

Obama set race relations back by 50 years for blacks.

Trump isn't racist? Why not? Does he KNOW that spics are crossing the border illegally? Does he KNOW that screening for links to al-quaeda and other terrorist groups has gotten lax?

>straight white male here
>what am I going to get from Trump specifically?
Lower taxes for one
Did you read the first 100 days plan? The contract with America? It spells it out pretty good. Its all good stuff. Don't worry about it bro, you'll be better off

Wow, tax cuts. You won't have to wait a year to receive them back. How could anyone think this is important.

What are you talking about? You don't "get them back"
You live with your mom or what?

>implying you don't get taxes back after a year
>implying taxpayers don't get their income taxes back after a year, which is why everyone files them
You're dumb.

you honestly think the fed govt just borrows the money and pays it all back after you file?

Holy shit dude

They get what they OVERPAID for back you idjit
to work with nice, round numbers, if your taxes were $1000 and you paid $1100 you will get $100 back

That's what income taxes are you dipshit. Holy shit. Are you fucking pretending to be an idiot or is this all you? Know wonder you all voted for Trump.

That's what income taxes are you dipshit. Holy shit. Are you fucking pretending to be an idiot or is this all you? No wonder you all voted for Trump.

Guess what, you fucking nigger-in-disguise? White men don't ask for hand-outs. We earn that shit.

Unless you mean 30 years of a Supreme Court that favors the moral and positional privilege of being a white man. We get that for free now.

You've never had a full time job in your life have you?
Are you 13?

Texas fag here, Mexicans are crossing illegally all the fucking time. Its going to take more than a wall to stop them.

You asked for tax cuts. That's a handout.

maybe, but you think a wall might help?

A wall would always help

There will be no wall. The drugs from Mexican need to flow through the Mexican border to feed to all you American addicts and it's big business. It's run by the government itself, so there will be no wall. Let's see how you do nothing about being lied to about a wall. And don't try to pretend like it doesn't matter. We will meme the fuck out of the lack of building the wall, we will remind you of the wall-less border.

>please steal less of our money

A tax is when someone takes what you earned. A tax cut means they will take less of what you earned. It is not in any way a handout.

Now shut up and enjoy your lower taxes, asshole.

>please borrow less of our money
>what are income taxes


Trump voters are complete morons. Holy fuck this level of stupidity is frightening. People die as a result of a stupid population like this.

No. get a job. You will understand.

>i'm a borrow some money without your express consent
>not stealing, buying something without your input and then saying 'you can use this as long as i'm not using it for something else'

obama being elected resulted in republicans shutting down government. in 2 years democrats will control the house and senate.

>what are taxes
>how does a government get its power
Holy fuck.

The Obama administration has launched more drone strikes then bush ever did. He killed an innocent man based on the fact he was tall and so was Bin Laden.

They are scared of the blue sky in that area of the world because that's when the drones fly. Every president kills people.

Taxation is theft by its very definition.

>cuts taxes which will fund a wall
>thinks a wall will be built from memes and not from taxes

>straw man argument
>still doesn't understand what taxes are
I know this is genuine stupidity too. Most Trump voters lack education.

>what am I going to get from Trump specifically?
Nothing. Well, lies. But other than that? Nothing.

>I wasn't a black white male when Obama got elected, what did he do for blacks?
See above.

A better question would be "What CAN the president do when his loyalties lie rest a very small class of Goldman Sachs bankers?"

you're retarded. taxes build things that the private sector won't like roads, military, and bureaucracy.

asking for a handout through your taxes is still a handout even if it comes from a check through the mail and doesn't say welfare.

"go pick Cotton boy" is what all blacks getting, just wait and see.

More memes. You don't actually think this is possible do you? Say it ain't so. Dummy.

nothing, lol, obama just made race relations worse.

As if the memes you're brainwashed by has nothing to do with it.

Texas has been manning the border because feds really do not give a fuck.
Go worry about your fucking refugee rapists you foreign fuck.
Help? Yeah I guess it would slightly, but the thing is, there is a whole tunnel system past the border, so you'd need a wall that starts super deep under the ground. Then they could just dig more tunnels.

Please. I'm not saying he will/should build the wall, or that it will do a goddamn thing about immigrants but increase ladder sales somewhere, but it could be done while cutting taxes. It's called resource allocation, and I'm not talking about cutting education, social programs, public services, or stiffing a few states here and there.

The military budget is insane. They could easily take a modest piece of that massive budget it has, even after taxes had been cut, and we'd still have the biggest military and enough to pay for 3 fucking walls and a medieval mote.

But... Murricans like their guns n' wars so they have to be fed bullshit lies like "durr mexico will pay for it"

Knowing Trump it would be more likely he'd just cut NASA entirely or something useful once he realizes Mexico won't play dice.

>Then they could just dig more tunnels
Trump mentions this in a rally, and said he knew of a way to prevent it, and the people he was talking to about the wall said it wouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure what his solution is, but I know the jews have their wall set up so the terrorists can't dig tunnels under it and blow shit up
Doesn't matter if its only decorative really, Mexico is paying for it so why not, its at the very least good new jobs for builders