Hitler was popular too

hitler was popular too

trump has less votes that hillary. fix our shit murica.


similar shit in poland where 19% of population have legally chosen a dictator

As long as Trump won't put any Mexicans in ovens I'm ok with him

Fuck off CTR, your job doesn't exist anymore.

this guy is too much of a pussy to do anything by himself, calling him a dictator is plain stupid

>hitler was popular too
lol no
He lost his election to Paul von Hindenburg because he only got 30% of the popular vote
The only fucking reason Hitler got to be chancellor was because he had supporters who were high ranking political officials and business owners who pressured Von Hindenburg into giving Hitler a position of power.

wtf are you thinking about ? duckman is a dictator , duda and szydlo are his puppets just like whole rest of goverment

>doesn't understand electoral college
>doesn't understand that the states decide the president, not the voters of each state collectively
>probably lives in an inbred monarchy

Trump could give the mexicans jobs of building the wall and the females can look after the kids. Exchanging drugs mexico grows for cash that wallstreet males make in their jobs?

he also did nothing wrong

Hitler also repeatedly said he would "make Germany great once more"

I wish I could have voted for Hitler
no joke I really do

>state can stop citizens from voting
>less popular candidate can
>probably lives in inbred trailer park



that system is bullshit , it should be like every citizen votes and that counts , not like one of candidates takes whole state no matter if it was 55% - 45% or 90% - 10%

Agreed, learn how a republic works before you post.

It's all fun and games, but I can only think of one political leader in the whole world that isn't brimming with shit, and no one listens to that poor bastard. Shilary might have delayed what's going to happen, but it was always going to happen, maybe Trump is going to rip that band aid of quick, probably without even realising it. Mass. Fucking. Murder. Kids being tortured to death. Your mum begging for your life as she watches you being fucked with a knife. Laugh while you can because the rest of most of your lives is pain and your too fucking dumb to see it coming. If ANYONE makes it through they'll try and be a damn sight better to each other, after WWII people chilled the fuck out. It was the first war with mass modern media coverage, people couldn't believe the horrors they were seeing. Especially after the smoke was settling, rumours of mass genocide turning out to be true, work camps and torture beyond belief, medical experiments of the truly psychotic on a phenomenal scale. Not just the Nazis either, worldwide horrors in ways that had previously been impossible and on both sides of the conflict. Before that time men who returned from war generally didn't say shit about it, for the most part their minds got fucked and all they wanted was a nice life with people they loved and never to have to hurt anyone again.

But now, we are desensitised, we are radicalising, our technology is unprecedented. The depth of horror the world is about to sink into will drive the madness of a war machine never before witnessed in scope, with thousands upon thousands of factions across the globe, each as righteous as the next, each nightmarish action fully justified. This train cannot be stopped. Nothing but burning.

tl:dr Fucked. You're all fucked.

Cry more

lay off the shrooms man

this much projecting
like the puerile ignoramus that you are
better cling to your hysterical narration
you know nothing of history
you know nothing of politics
you know nothing of philosophy