Isn't it worth noting that the areas with the highest concentration of Intellectual / educated people (universities)...

Isn't it worth noting that the areas with the highest concentration of Intellectual / educated people (universities) are Liberal and Democrats?

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You mean the same places where the highest concentration is actually poor people from the inner cities? Generally higher population = higher % of poor people

Yes, what is your point? Are you trying to argue that only a moron would vote Trump? Ironic that the political left, the side of the spectrum that supposedly sticks up for the average Joe/the proletariat, has become the most classist of them all.

If the regions supporting Trump are the ones with the lowest concentration of intellectuals, it shows that Trump is indeed a man of the people. And it shouldn't be surprising that the lowest earners are the most dissatisfied with globalization and mass migration: they're the biggest victims. They see their jobs disappear, they see their wages plummet.

You're effectively using classism to say that the poor shouldn't vote according to their own interests in a very interesting display of hypocrisy.

This elitist attitude is why your cunt lost

>vote according to their own interests
we've hit a bit of history where voting like a selfish crybaby is going to make things worse.
About half the US voted and failed the test.

You mean places choking with highly-paid-by-government people?

Keep telling Trump supporters how they should continue to kneel to their intellectual betters that their taxes pay for.

really makes you think

Well spoken, my friend.

Wow so the poor shouldn't be able to vote.

How tolerant of you.

People who disagree with you aren't selfish crybabies by definition, you know. People vote for the candidate whom they believe is most likely to take their interests to heart. That's why Trump's out-of-nowhere victory was mostly made possible by angry workers from the rust belt, who have seen their livelihoods move abroad.

Trump wholeheartedly believes climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

Yes, only a moron would vote for Trump.
He represents their stupidity.

It's so disgusting to see how many people in this country are so disconnected from the suffering of several marginalized people

uni students and poor are one in the same?

>What do they actually teach?

the best chill professors i have had where conservatives

>Browsing Sup Forums
>hear sanity

>implying educated people can't be stupid

Try to write a coherent phrase next time.


nice reading comprehension, you must be highly educated

The USA would have/be nothing if it weren't for conservatives.

>Trump wholeheartedly believes climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.
And Clinton is recieving money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, both countries that directly finance ISIS. She also insists on having a war with Russia, the country most actively bombing ISIS targets.

On the one hand we have a climate change denier. On the other hand a jingoist ISIS-enabler (who also claims Merkel is her example to boot). One man's opinions does not affect the average American personally, one woman's desire to perpetuate America's blood-for-oil policy on the other hand...

But of course, if you vote for a certain candidate you HAVE to agree with him 100%, even on minutiae that weren't part of his election program.

I think OP was trying to say idiots elected someone who represents them to represent them.

> Implying that modern college students aren't fucking retarded


Isn't it worth noting that you're a fucking faggot OP

>calls out Trump on objectively stupid positions
Clinton sucked gigantic donkey nuts, too. But she would have taken action to stop climate change which is the greatest threat to the human race.

If you do not understand this without argument, you are braindead mongrel who should not have any say in how people should be governed.

You are proof that not all liberals are smart

If he acknowledged that he believed this it would be like him saying fuck the enviroment. He'll open our energy/natural resource production wide open and that shit makes tons of cash

> it shows that Trump is indeed a man of the people

>man of the people

Pick one.

He told what those idiots wanted to hear, he won't deliver his promises.

also the ones being brainwashed by lib professors telling them how evil old rich white people are in new and impressionable years. from being in a new environment eager to learn and soak up new information. with old faggots telling them what they believe is the gospel

Being educated doesn't necessarily mean one is intelligent. Our schools are nothing more than liberal indoctrination camps with safe spaces for special snowflakes because words hurt.


What good is tons of cash without an atmosphere and with most landmass underwater?

Have you ever thought that far ahead?

Just like the Polls were innacurate , those statistics are innacurate. Liberals and Intellectuals cant even be mentioned in the same sentence. Those liberal idiots were too stupid and blind to see Hillarys criminal intent. So, intelligent, none of them are.

getting an education/degree in liberal arts or women studies does not make you intelligent at all.

As opposed to filthy rich Hillary or Bernie?

I'm comparing the flaws of the two candidates and judging that one candidate's flaws do not affect the average voter, while another man's flaws do. Same with a theoretical creationist president: it does not affect his policies in the same way jingoism does.

>But she would have taken action to stop climate change
She would also have plunged America into a war it cannot afford and isn't certain to win against the world's second most potent military power. Riddle me this, what's a more direct threat to the average American (key word: direct): climate change, or Russia on warpath?

What defines this election is "the lesser evil". 60+% of Americans have, according to polls, already stated that they don't trust either candidate. It would therefore be stupid to assume literally everyone who votes Trump denies climate change. Just as stupid as it would be to say that everyone who voted Clinton sympathizes with ISIS.

niggers are some of the dumbest on the planet
who do they vote for??

It is.

not just the rust belt, but nationwide. The people spoke.

Not in our lifetime
I suppose hillary starting a nuclear war would have better benifits?

Man that's so crazy. Its almost like poor uneducated people that live in rural areas don't trust rich educated people that live in cities to make decisions for them.

if only it was as cut and dry, black and white, plain and simple as that, OP.


If you guys are so smart how come you got BTFO?

define poor and uneducated.

wierd its almost like you group together people blindly and section them into groups almost like nazis

It's worth noting that the liberals all wanted the hard workers to pay for their education and still let them make an unwarranted $15/hr to be a bachelors degree holding barista.

>She would also have plunged America into a war it cannot afford and isn't certain to win against the world's second most potent military power.

The president does not have the power to go to war; Congress does. Please educate yourself on this matter before attempting to contribute to the discussion.

>It would therefore be stupid to assume literally everyone who votes Trump denies climate change

They either deny climate change or do not understand the threat it poses to humanity.

If they accepted climate change and understood the threat is posed to humanity, they wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't.

My guess is that you accept climate change but do not comprehend the consequences of it.

How far off am I?

They don't bother, if there isn't a black candidate.

perhaps you believed everything your parents told you as a child. Perhaps you dont understand that this planet has been through, at least, 3 seperate distinct ice ages. Proving that the planet heats and cools and its own cycle. The planet can fix itself. Climate change is just a code word for People Control. When idiots of all political backgrounds realize that, we will be much better off


He was the one rallying those idiots around bringing jobs back to the rust belt, he was the saying corporations were destroying their lives and he was the one saying he wasn't going to be bought because he is filthy rich.

It didn't even take a day for him to handle the roles in his government to the hands of the biggest lobbyists and corporate stooges in the GOP.

There were other reasons to vote for Trump, but whoever voted for him thinking he was an anti-establishment and anti-globalist candidate is an absolute idiot.


being educated in liberal agenda studies like gender and "race" studies may still be classified as intellectual, but they do also contain some of the lowest IQ people relative to other college majors. Generally speaking, the highest IQ majors like physics/econ/engineering are mostly right leaning people.

So yes most unis are left, but thats only because their composition of studies contain alot more low IQ majors than high ones. As most people now go to college and pick easy majors that dont require high intellect, you can see the problem.

Here is a graph. More people lean right above 125 as per major vs people that lean more left below 125. If you can't understand this graph, then you are most likely below 125 and left leaning.

A degree in gender studies doesn't make one educated, show me the voting patterns of those with a PhD in a STEM field

>Isn't it worth noting that the areas with the highest concentration of Intellectual / educated people (universities) are Liberal and Democrats?

Unfortunately it's not. Higher education has indoctrinated the masses into believing they have intellectual value when they do not.

More people are in higher level education when they shouldn't be. These people usually major in subjects that perpetuate low expectations, and provide the state with tax cattle by roping them into life long student debt.

>the planet can fix itself

Can you cite some peer-reviewed sources to support this claim? Or are you just talking out of your ass? Do you honestly believe you know more about climate change than 90%+ of scientists?

Don't the liberals also bank really hard on black/latino and the working class? Republicans attract the most uneducated whites, but overall, the Democrats attract a far larger uneducated vote. This coming from a Democrat too.


>Because the earth has never been hotter than it is now
>Some arbitrary increase in temp will lead to some disaster
>There is no hard evidence that humans are directly responsible for climate change
>Used to be called global warming, now climate change, cya in case IPCC is full of shit, which it is.

i see some sniper coming for these ladies.. lolol

Liberal Arts / Gender Studies majors don't count.


dont you mean
>90% of scientists paid to say what theyre told to say because while being a scientist sounds lucrative the pay is horrible

>Don't forget OP is always a faggot.

Basically none of what this guys promises is relyable.
Every single public appearance is really a caricature, or a mask per say.

>It's like electing someone you don't know at all...

Are you implying that our votes are less than yours

>I cannot understand why people want to appear a certain way in public
Underage newfag pls
Maybe if you weren't illiterate you'd have read both his book and his 'first 100 days in office'

>Because the earth has never been hotter than it is now
It hasn't. 2015 is the hottest year on record and there is a 99% chance 2016 will top it.
>Some arbitrary increase in temp will lead to some disaster
Sea levels are already rising and ice caps are melting. We are losing land mass. This is not debatable.
>There is no hard evidence that humans are directly responsible for climate change
Temperatures began rising since the industrial revolution and has since been increasing at an increasing rate.
>>Used to be called global warming, now climate change, cya in case IPCC is full of shit, which it is.
Global warming is a part of climate change which causes other parts of the climate to change.

All you've done is highlight how little you know about climate change. I take it you're not a scientist.

He literally said it on Fox and Friends. He said it on Twitter. Here's a link to politifacts:

Its worth noticing that areas with most black people wnd up being mostly republican.

If you don't believe in science why drive your car or use a mobile phone? Surely you can't trust these products of science.

None of them are. I have yet to meet one.

Who is paying scientists to confirm global warming? Who benefits from that?
It seems like people with money would benefit most by paying scientists to keep shut about climate change. But I want to know your logic on the matter.

>i took what he said and divided it in to two
>next i told him to pick one of them
>god damn i am fuking good

>2015 is the hottest year on record
HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit you cannot be this fucking stupid

smart is bad

Its also worth noting that areas like Chicago that are hell are run by Democrats

>My guess is that you accept climate change but do not comprehend the consequences of it.
I'm afraid you do not understand my question so I'll have to rephrase it: do you think climate change in the short term (The president does not have the power to go to war
As far as I understand the situation, the problem isn't so much that Clinton directly wants to declare war on Russia as much as she wants to create a situation that will almost certainly provoke Russia into declaring war on America by enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria. I'm not entirely up to date on the competences of the POTUS (by virtue of not being American) but considering America is already militarily involved in the region I'm pretty sure the Commander in Chief has the competence to, without congress, declare a no-fly zone. Supporting this would still be the same as supporting a war.

You can cause a war without directly ceclaring it, you know.

>call someone newfag & use the word illiterate

>cannot articulate a point against what I said

I can understand why people vote the way they do, but the world is changing since technology and economies around the globe have changed dramatically in the past 50 years. Trump is about nostalgia, the problem is that robots can do most of the manufacturing, producing a lot more for a lot less. And yes Trump supporter are the biggest victims as the poorer and less educated always have been when there are major changes in the world. I just hate that short term gains are the most important and it seems like long term objectives aren't given enough consideration. When will you ever hear a politician sell a bill by telling people thousands will have to lose their jobs so that policies can be implemented to create millions more in ten years. You won't even if somehow in the hypothetical situation the outcome could be objectively proven.

You're saying that your vote is better than the others votes?...
Oh my user... Your equality metter is unregulated.

It literally is, barring when the planet was still molten. The only other time is may have been hotter was during the Cretaceous, but the atmospheric composition had much less CO2 then.

I agree. Up until 3 hours before the results I was a Hilary supporter mainly because of her experience. Now I realize that Trump wants to help us, they both did, but he isn't a crack-pot. I believe that he's a genuine human being who wants nothing but the best for this country and I stand with him.

Welp, guess this thread got BTFO before it even started. Superb rebuttal, user. Way to use the ol' grey matter.

You know nothing about climate, please stop posting


Yes and those ice ages are not something human civilization as we know it could have survived and they were caused by changes in the atmosphere. We are now changing the composition of the atmosphere and while the earth does have some systems that reduce these effects they are not enough. You aren't totally wrong but you are wrong in very important ways.

>NASA and NOAA climate scientists announced recently what many had already suspected: 2015 was the hottest year ever recorded on our planet. But surprising to some was just how hot it was. The global temperature smashed the previous record set in 2014 by a wide margin. Most scientists attribute the warm-up in large part to human greenhouse-gas emissions, combined with a powerful El NiƱo weather pattern.

I'll wait for you to provide evidence to the contrary.

Take your time and don't forget to apply for NASA since they could really use someone with your insight.

Obama tried it.

We got fucking Solyndra.

Try to keep up with history, user, then you might understand why people are reluctant to buy into the "this is good for the long term, believe me" rhetoric.

I already did Here is another, a 'zoom' in of only 5.5 million years

Shame that a lot of people who "want nothing but the best" for their country managed to fuck it up royally. Take Pol Pot, for example. He believe that the best way to improve Cambodia was to return to the Khmer Empire. This meant killing everyone with glasses.

This is an extremely exaggerated example, but the point remains: someone with good intentions can do some fucked up shit.


Except for those veterans who got captured. "Hero" my ass....

>Isn't it worth noting that the areas with the highest concentration of Intellectual / educated people (universities) are Liberal and Democrats?


Dude, seriously. Have you even been to Boston? They have fucking MIT there and yet everyone is a fucking dipshit. The entire city, dipshits. All of them.

Right, just like the military industrial complex would benefit if people kept their mouth shut about wars being fought?

How does that make sense?

If we're arguing benefit analysis, it benefits "them" far greater to pay scientists to blow climate change out of proportion. This means MORE clean energy tech sold to literally every country in the world. HIGHER insurance costs for beachfront property (because you know the rising water levels and all), all sorts of "prepper" material and supplies, the list goes on and on. It exponentially more profitable for someone to pay to propel a fake narrative of climate change being real when it, in fact isn't than the other way around. Critical thinking.

>If the regions supporting Trump are the ones with the lowest concentration of intellectuals, it shows that Trump is indeed a man of the people.

An area full of retards voting for a retard
>American politics ladies and gents

So one is "this benefits some people and will have a positive impact" and the other is "this benefits some people (in the short term) and will get lots of people killed." I'm liking option A, personally.