I wonder what it'll be like in the theaters for this movie?

I wonder what it'll be like in the theaters for this movie?

>75% female audience
>any time they say something anti-male half the crowd starts whooping and "HM HMMMMMM"ing
>snapping fingers instead of clapping whenever something cool happens

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"Ah Hell no!" *Audiences laughs like crazy

Patton Oswald starts hitting his James Rolfe piƱata.

I don't know if it's a race thing or a lady thing, but I'm mad as hell!!!

I'll probably be in theater that gets shot up.

I think people will go see it because Ghostbusters is a well known name and normal people don't give a fuck about an all-female cast.
Most of them probably think the trailer was 'amazing' and having ectoplasm in all of her cracks is 'hilarious'.
I'm sure this movie will make it's money back regardless of the hate it has received.
400million dollars is my estimate.

>crowd doesn't want to get crushed by 400 pounds of hambeast

how is it a """"lady thang""" if the crowd was carrying the other lady Ghostbuster in a cut 1 second before that.

It's a fat thing.

How is this progressive if it perpetuates the "stereotype" of blacks being loud mouthed, impulsive, idiotic comedians?

Shut up you privileged white male, you have no business mansplaining how a minority female should perform comedy

>75% female audience

pretty sure the first ghost busters was the one, except men.

Yes user we must awaken the sheeple, but we're going to need to invert those '''''''''''''''''commas''''''''''''''''''' a few thousand percent more if we want to reach the consumerist masses!

yesterday for the first time in my life i had a black girl criticize my opinion because i was a white male

i called her a racist

she went nuts and looked terrible. theres the cure guys, call it out as what it is, racism

>go on date with stereotypical gay guy
>new Ghostbusters trailer comes on
>"Oh, that looks funny. I want to see that."

>I wonder what it'll be like in the theaters for this movie?

Theaters suck unless you are rich enough to own one for personal screenings. Paying to sit in the middle of a chimpout is a waste of money.

>I think people will go see it because Ghostbusters is a well known name and normal people don't give a fuck about an all-female cast. Most of them probably think the trailer was 'amazing'
Are you delusional? You seriously can't explain that dislike to like ratio with normies liking the trailer.

I've no fucking idea, ask the white women who write this shit. Shows written by black women actually portray them as reasonable 3D characters. The way they write black men though, not so much...

Anyways, I'm calling that this movie will be certified "fresh" even though it shouldn't be.

You pessimistic faggots are gonna mememagic this shit movie into actually doing great.

god I cannot wait to devote the next 20 years of my life to shitting on this film(assuming the West doesn't go full marxism/sharia).
>hey you remember that stupid fucking 'turn everything into females' fad? Like when they remade Ghostbusters? Yeah you forgot about that piece of shit. And then they made Girl Gladiator, and the Girlfather, and Citizen Vagina and Current Year: a Space Odyssey? And before that they remade Star Wars and killed off all the white heroes.
>then the movie industry went belly up and the only movies that were being made were Chinese films about ogres
>you stupid fuck you told them to pander to you and that's exactly what they did. In 2012 people were demanding smarter films. In 2013 people demanded political propaganda disguised as movies.

>seeing the Ghostbusters reboot in theaters
You deserve whatever happens to you.

>ask the white women who write this shit
I think Paul Feig wrote as well as directed this abomination.

This will end up just like it does when SJW and women complain about comic books. They end up not buying the product they praise and have never bought the product they denounce.

imagine the smell

correct. As I've mentioned in previous threads, if they could only manage to offer up less than a million to their Patron Saint Anita Sarkeesian over all her years in the public eye combined, then I find it highly unlikely that they'll be able to generate the 200 million or more needed for this film to be considered successfully profitable.

If I recall correctly, they edited out "Race Thing" from one of the recent TV spots.
Maybe it was also cut from the movie.

It'll be like any other movie of its rating

People who think the masses are this politicized are Sup Forums NEET shut ins. Normal people aren't the media

Like I said before, the amount of dislikes on the trailers can't possibly be just a political thing. Even normalfags think it looks like shit.



i'm going to get a ticket for another movie and i'm going to go to the theater showing ghostbusters and take a picture (just before the movie starts)
and post how empty the seats are on opening night
hopefully it will shut up the sjw/sony/etc..

I'm going to let you in on a secret.

Normie females aren't going to see it.

dumb Sup Forums poster