Best coding language to learn? How to start?

Best coding language to learn? How to start?

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Okay, for real, just plain old C.
It teaches you how a program works on a hardware level while keeping it as simple as possible, avoiding messy bits like Java's classes.
Granted, you can't do anything very fancy with it, but it's a very good beginner's language.

Also, install Linux.
It makes you get acquainted with what's under the hood of an operating system.

Start with C#, use Reimer's XNA tutorials. Then practice C with what you learn. Typescript afterwards
Then kill yourself once you realize you hate being a code monkey

Thanks gents

Will do cappen

Python is probably the easiest to learn


What ever language you choose, get book to learn from. Internet has lots of learn to program sites that might seem easy and simple solution, but they dont explain things that comprehensively and lack exercises.

I saw an interview once with a former FBI agent who was explaining body language and the subtly of unspoken communication. As explained, he mentioned...

Crossed arms are usually a standoffish and defensive posture. Not to mention I heard when answering questions, breaking eye contact, touching ones face or a slight rise in voice pitch indicate the likelihood of a lie. Also, you were talking about something completely different.


Yeah, it's good for beginners.
Start using the terminal as soon as possible.
And, you should know this before you proceed, programming is a fundamentally frustrating endeavor, especially in the beginning.
It requires a little bit of intelligence (not as much as you'd think) and a fuckton of patience, and it's a massive time sink if you don't plan on doing this for a living.

C# apps with Angular seem to be the latest and greatest.

Hm. Thanks for the warning friendo

How long would it take to learn C++ if I studied once a week, and what website to use?

I'm not trying to scare you away.
Just letting you know what you're getting into.
For all I know, you'll be a great programmer.
Just chip away at it everyday for a couple of years and you'll be a master before you know it.

>Okay, for real, just plain old C.

I would also recommend C then assembly. Use a compiler that spits out out C and the assembly that the compiler generates for it. You will learn more about computing from this exercise than anything else. From there, you can pick up anything.

Honestly, just start with C. It will teach you the fundamentals of programming. If you want to do something specific you might want to learn a different language first.

Why do you want to learn how to program?

>then assembly
Understanding what's going on under the hood is the best thing for you to do.

Thanks dude

Trying to figure out what I like and what I'm good at so I have a better idea what to work towards job wise