Post posts from your Facebook feed about Trump

Post posts from your Facebook feed about Trump

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thanks for the name dumb ass


WTF? Gay marriage is decided in the judiciary branch. The president doesn't even have the ability to change it


He has the power to put people in power who will change it.

>itt: cold hard proof that dems are as dumb as reps


>itt: cold hard evidence that dems are as dumb as reps


Can't really repeal gay marriage. I believe it's a constitutional right now. Might read up on it a bit more later.

Anyway, I'm tired of seeing people overreact as if they're about to be hunted down and killed. Slavery isn't coming back, illegals will get deported(they already do once caught) and no one is going to hunt down any lgbt fags. People are acting as if the world is about to implode and that they're going to die tomorrow. They know dam well they'll be going about their lives as usual within the week. He'll most people didn't even seem phased by it today at school. Only talked about it in class since the professor mentioned it. Outside in the lounge, everyone was already back to stressing over school or doing jack shit.

At least give the fucking guy a chance. I don't like him too much either but I at least want to see what will happen over the next 2 years first before saying stupid shit about him.

lgbt internment camps? first of all, they would be called "queer camps" not any lgbt because only actual faggots say that kind of faggoty shit.

Second of all, nothing like that will ever happen, no one is getting hurt by anyone. If anyone does go apeshit, it's just a fucking moron who took irl trolling to a next (but hilarious) level. something on an institutional level would never fucking happen. god. damn. morons.


Yes you can. Just need a new court to say it isn't. Just like the separate but equal thing.

Because children have never been cruel to each other before Trump came in office. fucking twats.

I'll take things that never happened for 500

There's also already a wall separating Mexico from the US.

WTF are people smoking

So a Camp camp?

oh i got two of these

Surprisingly not much from mine. Only one black friend crying about it but he's a bitch who complains about something new every day. We both work in a factory an he doesn't look like one but he's a pussy.

Worked up over nothing? I want to terrorize his family and see how he deals with it. It's probably nothing, right? Dumbass.

where the fuck do these people come from? I thought Sup Forums was safe from them

this really happened /s


>the greater good

lol, fucking commie shit.


if we admitted america was a fascist hate mongering what-have-you, would they fucking leave?


Went to that HS, could totally see the drawing on the breezeway being real but not the other stuff. More than enough people at that school would beat you into a coma for calling someone a nigger.


America's one of the least xenophobic, racist, hatemongering countries I've been in. And that ABSOLUTELY includes Europe before anyone says that shit. These assholes just never leave the comfort of their house, and are allowing the rest of the world to sit back in their real hate because they can pin it all on Americans

I'm from the other side of the planet - so this election doesen affect me directly. Except I truly find satisfaction in seeing things crumble - this whole situation is absurdely arousing to me, I wished it to happen - but good things are rare. Trump and brexit in the same year, its been a good one.

In 30 years we will be 9 billion angry and fanatical people, at the same time we will "run out of" oil, fresh water, copper, lead, ect Its my dream and biggest wish to see it go down.

This comment is really stupid... Trump would NEVER ever split families. He would deport the children too ;)

How bout you stop whining and be thankful that you live in a first world country "o boo hoo, a Republican got in. Oh noooo" at least your house isn't bombed by American fighter jets or shot by some islimist cunts.

How bout you stop whining and be thankful that you live in a first world country "o boo hoo, a Republican got in. Oh noooo" at least your house isn't bombed by American fighter jets or shot by some islimist cunts.

everyone in the world except americunt knows that is a load of pigshit


>the brainwashing of foreigners who like to think they're in a shared competition against americans

Why are you dipshits so hellbent on playing some "victim" card. Do you even know what the word "terrorize" means?

These retarded ass trannies and SJWs huddling in their house are just as bad as the shitstain conspiracy theorists that went and hid out in bunkers when Obama got elected (you know, the SAME fuckers you guys called stupid before?) You're acting just like them and you all look goofy as fuck fabricating shit in your head while everyone else is going about their day as usual.

I don't know who told you that anytime you don't get your way it's ok to just protest and burn/break shit. If anything, it's a testament to how badly your parents raised you since you fucktards throw a fit any time you don't get your way. It's time to grow up. The majority made their decision, you don't like it? You're welcome to leave.

>fuck your money
>fuck you that those things are more important than love, and kindness



The typical "dindu nuffin" editorial where the poster conveniently leaves out the first half of the story. You know, the part where the "muslim girl" was likely some dipshit sheboon who initiated some confrontation, snapping their fingers and getting in someone's face aggressively then had to step the fuck back when the other person naturally pulled out a knife and told them to fuck off and leave them alone.

It's the Trayvon narrative all over again. "Poor, poor minority wasn't doing anything wrong. Look at this adorable picture of him/her from 15 years ago in primary school and ignore the fact that they've grown into an unbearable, aggressive and dangerous dipshit and got what was coming to them for their actions."

>brainwashed americunt calling foreigners brainwashed

>I'm a woman and my opinion matters so much that I'll ramble for a few paragraphs

Those fucking liberals. Crying their eyes out that Trump was voted president. Blaming all Trump-voters for having destroyed the last trace of democracy and nice-ness in USA. Don't blame the republicans that voted Trump, it was their choice. Blame the liberals who did n-o-t vote Hillary. Because... if Hillary really was the best alternative, shame on them who did n-o-t vote for her. And t-h-a-t, you fucking liberals, is an entirely different thing. You betrayed yourselves. So, HAAA !

what year?

I have to censor the name, picture and location because if it comes back to her some how (it will she's still triggered from the 2014 tumblr raids) but fuck I hate her. I don't support Trump Her and I live outside of America so I don't know why she even cares.

fuck me picture didnt attach

I don't think you know what that word means...


What I find the most paradoxically mind-bending part is how those who always bring up the "divided we fall" argument, seem to be the exact same ones who keep bringing up the differences between everyone, like sex, gender, race, and so forth.

Now, if you decide to opt out of associating with someone you dislike, but if this individual happens to be something that isn't an exact carbon-copy of what you are, you are a bigot. The message being: although you are still allowed to hate others, you can only hate them if they belong to this arbitrary list they created, otherwise it's wrong.

It's almost like they want to police what you can, or cannot think about the world, or about other people... Hmm... Wait... Oh I see, now. Well, never mind then. I just realized something.

where ya at?


are you kidding?

he will appoint the new AG and at least one USSC justice.

>Not Caleave


Exactly, you get it.

In Sweden, the first question anyone asks you is "where are you from?". In any situation, literally, it could the cable company calling to ask if you want cable and they'll ask you. I moved around a lot, so I don't really have a place where i'm from, and they would ask me "well where are your parents from".

I never recall anyone asking that in America

Why are all these anti trump fags saying the disabled will be affected?

Are we just spewing untruths because we don't like trump?

Its like they haven't seen a Republican before. The way these people post reminds me of the movies you see about slavery and the slaves saying their final thoughts to their loved ones.

what kind of shameless snake writes this?

Thank you for demonstrating your vast knowledge of the judicial branch of the US government. Now could you please fill me in as to which court one would take the case to that would be able to overturn a ruling made by the Supreme Court?

no, because he cancelled his disabled nephew's insurance when daddy Trump's estate was settled. It was part of cutting his own brother off from the estate.

dunno? some pretty famous celebrity? why do you ask?

to the Supreme Court after Trump appoints the new justice.

Is that supposed to be some kind of sly diss? "Why do you ask?"?. Lol wtf?

Trump will more than likely put in a conservative court which will more than likely overthrow certain liberal victories.

Lol, when they can't blame Trump for "people being killed" thing anymore, they'll start killing/harming themselves to prove Trump did it to them

These posts are so embarrassing

>this thread
jesus christ and i thought our liberals was bad

YOU are embarrassment


what a fucking douche. You know he only does this so he can fuck his underage female fans

Nobody has used the word correctly since like, the 90s. Find a new name to operate under.

Fuck you, g_eazy.
Don't call Trump a rapist, until you know about skank Hillary.

12 is still legal that time

Based jess

... and rape was legal that time ?????

The most stunning aspect of it all is that they don't seem to be aware of the cognitive dissonance of what they are saying. It doesn't seem like these people even know what they are complaining about, it's ALWAYS the exact same vague, empty, points, every single time. Sometimes it almost feel like those empty statements were hammered into their heads by social media, and everything they "know" about the, so called, "social issues", could be resumed in a few lines from those posts.

>Yeah... Things are really bad... You know? Like, for women, and for lgtb, and for blacks, and for latinos, and for cripples, you know? It's all the white man's fault... You know? Yeah, we need equality, you know? Equality for latinos, and blacks, and women, and lesbians, and children, and people, you know? Yeah, we need to stop racism, because racism is bad... You know? No more homophobia, and transgender... Man, transgender are people too, you know? Women need equal pay also, and more female power too, you know? Yeah! Female power! Down with the patriarchy! Yeah!

Every single fucking time, every single post is just a variation of this same vague trash that says nothing about nothing, it's unbelievable.

who the hell is @g-eazy anyway? i dont have a twitter so i know nothing about those @lameassnames

jumping in here

i agree the hashtag "divided we fall" is fucking retarded.

it should be "divided we fight, until one side eventually wins and last time we did that it was close and a lot of people died."

You. I like you.

Even Chris Chan is mad

It's because they're dumb, as fuck. And also acceptance/popularity hungry. They don't give a fuck about these issues! They do it so they can have a group to fit in with, and because it's the popular view at the moment. A lot of guys spout this vague rhetoric JUST so they have an avenue to meet and fuck the girls that do this.


I fuckin hate these greedy fucks

Oh my god this thread is amazing

let the fire rages

Fake? I mean, I know who chris Chan is, but goddamn, no person can be this stupid to post something like this public.


yo if there is a civil war can we at least get walkie talkies and shitpost across trench lines and make each other laugh before we all die? i'll throw u a can of beans, user, if u make me kek

Is that thing even aware of the irony in that post?

>pic related: probably me

those people are so retarded, it's almost good stuff for a You Rage You Lose bread, but then I remember that Trump won and I jut think haha deal with it

a good page to fuel your butthurts. hillary will overturn the results in the supreme court. let me remind you that she is a pretty good lawyer. trump is fruckped

Looks like the FBI will talking to good old Chris Chan.

Not gonna happen bud


slimy comedians capitalizing on everybody-hates-trump

When someone has buried its head so deep up inside its own ass, they don't get to be facetious. I'm afraid.

whats the fux an LBGTQ+?

first it was fags
then queers
then gays and lesbians
wtf is the q and +

… are you joking m8
>shows me his firearm
>r u deaf or something nigger