Ylyl actually funny edition

ylyl actually funny edition

>ylyl actually funny edition
not funny

what a disgrace. lets safe it


i have basically nothing named ill just post random shit instead




pls save my thread


don't get it

top right corner

I did this but with chocolate chip cookies.

me too they tasted great never thought of nitroglycerin as the key factor but it really is

I still don't get it

i made them at my friends house
in the middle of the night
then i left before they were done

Brilliant. Fucking Brilliant.

fucking top notch

my hero

This is such bullshit.

Medical nitroglycerine is not volatile/explosive.

You could light it with a lighter and nothing would happen.

>my opinion is all

Don't do this it makes mustard gas


go and put foil in your microwave.

that is the best thing I read all day

It will fuck up your microwave.

Well, you could save the nitro in the picture.

Just tell people "put a spoon in the microwave and it turns to silver" or something. That at least some retards could try, but noone who can get his hands on medical nitro would be dumb enough to fuck his microwave.
