You are b

you are b

you hate fat

man is fat

go hate man

Jesus Christ, fatties like this are the worst. I only wish we could kill them all faster than they're killing themselves. What kind of fucking disgusting human being do you have to be to actually WANT to gain weight.

not your personal army you fucking faggot. Send him a link to /fit/ and kill yourself

I mean I can kind of tolerate fatties who wish they were skinny, they're obviously so self obsessed they still value their own disgusting overfed stomachs over the well being of the rest of the world, but at least they recognize it's wrong of them to feel that way and they feel SOME guilt over it, even if not enough. But people like this guy are just straight up monsters. The world would be so much better off without them.

You miss the point, this fucker actually wants to be fat.

Is this some kind of fetish video?

Hahaha, he really is going all in for eating himself to death. WP, excellent way to kill yourself in. Doing it so people can follow. Love it

yes and that's exactly what's so awful about it

people like this truly honestly need to die how can you do this to society and call it a fetish

Why would he post videos of him eating and getting fatter? Why does he find this sexy?

I'm scared. Hold me!

kill the fats they hurt the world :(

I can answer this. I'm actually the OP and also the channel owner.

It's all about power.

Think about it. There are millions of people who don't even GET to do this to themselves. They're out there dropping dead of hunger and disease every day, mainly because my ancestors decided to go subjugate their ancestors a long time ago with colonization and such. Imagine how those poor suffering people would feel if they could see me. If they could see what all their pain is making possible. They'd probably cry. They'd probably decide to cut out the middleman of starvation and just kill themselves. And that fucking turns me on.

What about the people who deprive themselves on purpose to fit in size 0 pants? They KNOW people like me exist, and it hurts them so much. And I have that power. I can hurt them. That turns me on.

And all the skinny people out there who have subscribed to my channel. They know, too. They know, that in some way, my gluttony and greed are probably making life harder for them. And instead of being disgusted, THEY'RE turned on by that, and wish they could bring our socially inherent exploitative relationship even closer. They WANT to be the victims of my greed. They WANT me to live in unreasonable excess and luxury at their expense. And that turns me on the most.

(continuation) So, to sum up: yeah, it's true, I really am the worst, foulest, vilest, most awful kind of human being. And, like any truly repugnant soul, I fucking revel in it.

And what about a girlfriend? Do you have any desire to have one?

nah i'm gay

Okay....then a boyfriend?

grommr my dude

i got more romance opportunities than any one man needs

it's a little much at times to be honest




