Well, now that Trump has won presidency what are you expecting to see when he takes office...

Well, now that Trump has won presidency what are you expecting to see when he takes office? What do you fully expect to happen in the following months of him being president?

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I expect him to make America great again

I expect him to do exactly what his owners tell him to do.

I expect a wall cutting off the drug supply from mexico. I expect better trade deals. I expect a reduction in military spending but an improvement in overall military capabilities. I expect lower taxes that will encourage people to go out and work.

I expect him to fuck it up completely.


I expect a wall cutting off the drug supply from mexico.
>a wall doesn't do shit to drug trade, most of mexican drugs come by boat
I expect better trade deals.
>not sure what "better" means. He wants to raise tariffs to "protect" us jobs. Which in turns raises oil prices, which in turn fucks usa hard.
I expect a reduction in military spending but an improvement in overall military capabilities.
>thats not how shit works
I expect lower taxes that will encourage people to go out and work.
>implying people arent working bc of taxes, lmfao, esp low income/welfare ppl who will see no change in their tax rates

The wall won't be built. Neither country can afford it. Lie #1

Lie #2. Those trade deals may seem great, until regulations are gone since, well, its the states problem and you KNOW how well states handle those kinds of things (Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri)

Lie #3, We will be at war before the second year. Watch. Mr. Isolationism is going to try to sandbag every other country.

Lie #4: We will all have be paying 10% taxes across the board. Thats a given. What happens when wages don't change? You still owe your taxes, so you will have to get another job. But those tax write offs up at capitol hill and those huge offices will make their lives much easier. Why don't you get off your ass and work, huh?

Cut off media of anti-trump protests. Ignore them. Some opinions can be ignored safely.


Also he didn't say how to refinance the missing taxes.
He said, he is going to shut down Obamacare, but didn't say what kind of system should replace it. I bet he doesn't even know that yet.
I actually expect that he will embarrass himself in front of his voters and the rest of the world, like Farage and Johnson did in GB.

I expect him to repeal Obamacare, throwing the country into a tailspin/ recession.
I expect he will learn the real cost of building/maintaining a wall, try to push it through anyway, get shut down by congress, and throw a hissy fit because he couldn't get it done even though he realizes it costs way too much.

He's going to isolate the USA from trade which might help briefly, but quickly realize our economy is DEPENDENT on other nations. Prices rise, wages drop, the middle class falls into poverty while the rich get richer.

by making Trump-TV mandatory in every household (of course subsidized by your taxes) and phasing out all other news sources.

I think we should screencap all of the Trumpfags so that we can bring this shit up in a couple of years when absolutely nothing has changed.

First few days will see most of Obamas unconstitutional executive orders rescinded.

This retard wants to bring back coal, lol. I hope you all are happy

He'll realize he's over his head after fucking a few things up and then step down.

President Pence, here we come.

Name one

>which in turn fucks usa hard.

The irony is you people sing about how great everything was when Bill Clinton, he enacts NAFTA so corporation's can grow while laying off their workers after he's out of office.
Things go to shit for us and millions of Mexicans (who mostly worked in agriculture who then run here in desperation) just like Ross Perot said they would when he was running against Clinton and now "the USA is going to collapse" if we mess with the horrible globalist trade deals that have led to stagnant wages, massive trade deficits and huge amounts of illegal immigration.


I am no fan of the man's by any means, but I don't disagree with the majority of this:


The irony is that conservatives use NAFTA as a red herring to turn public opinion away from liberal trade deals when NAFTA itself was deficit neutral. It wasn't a success and it wasn't a failure either.



Tell me how everything your wearing/own is made in the USA and then you'll have a leg to stand on.

The fact of the matter is that most of the products you buy are cheaper because of those deals. Those products CAN'T be made in the USA for that price, even at minimum wage.



This guy is right. Trump is contradictory on free trade and foreign deals in relation to US citizen benefits.

I'm still genuinely worried he may not win. A bunch of precincts haven't finished reporting in swing states (I don't think they could legitimately change the states, but we've seen rigging before) and at least 4 electors who were won by republicans are considering being "faithless electors" (for those of you who don't know, that's an elector in the college vote who goes against the party who won their state). I want the god-emperor to win but we're not out of hot water yet.

Complete. and. utter. caos. #Riggedelection

I fully expect him to renege on all of his campaign promises and to become a typical establishment president, just kind of doing what they all do and not rocking the boat too much.

Hopefully all these whining babies kill themselves so the rest of us can live a happy life without being fucked with for shit that doesn't matter just because these imbeciles watch too much TV.


TPP in the garbage pile
Term limit for senate/congress.
Conservative nominated for supreme court
bonfire made from obama's executive orders
ben carson to work on obamacare
looting on the streets


This is Leader of one big party in Russia, and they celebrate Trupms triumph.

What i would prefer to see:
A bill which either limits senate, congress, and supreme court to terms


A bill which removes the term limit on the president, thus making the playing field level.

20 more years of making america great again lets go.

I see you're delusional, also he said he was gonna INCREASE military spending. 700 more destroyers.

He will dismantle Obama's legacy. Because Obama made fun of him at the Press Correspondents Dinner.


4 years of work towards a better fairer richer society.