Waifu Claiming Thread: Meowmel Tribute Edition

Waifu Claiming Thread: Meowmel Tribute Edition.
Previous Thread >Claim your Waifu/Husbando/Meowmel
>Post Pics of Waifu in Kitty Form
>No oversexualised content
>shark pouch is best pouch
>chain lurk pics
>No RP/ERP, go be a faggot elsewhere
>Naps good idea
>Go away klonatas sachi is mine
>Being an Elitist in the /waifu/ Community is like winning a gold medal in the special Olympics. You're still retarded.
>Most importantly, NYU! NYU!

Other urls found in this thread:





>Ist das dank genug?
ich bin verwirrt, dankst du mir weil ich deinen einsatz schätze
oder soll ich dir für deinen selbstlosen einsatz noch mehr danken?

Nein, nein! Das von mir gepostete Meme. Ich wollte wissen ob seine Dankigkeit (das angelosachsische dank) ausreichend sei, um die Threadqualität zu erhöhen.

fand ich eher mäßig amüsant
war aber ziemlich dank

>threadqualität erhöhen
sie müssen eine variable deklarieren bevor sie ihr einen wert zuweisen können

What ever happened to these threads? there used to be a shit ton of faggots posting in here, two luckstar ones, 2 ships, two cow tits, a hand, a fag that posted Crusader pics and some more.

Gee I wonder who spammed last thread.


Qualität = [(Anz(Aktive Poster)-Konata)/Gesamtzahl]*(1+Harambe-Memes*0,12-Anz(Shitposter)*0,1+Anz(Shiro)*0,5)
Mal als erster Vorschlag. Wir können den letzten Faktor auch verstärken.


Fuck off Hand-cunt



ich hoffe da kommt 69 raus
[(5 - 0)/7]*(1 + 0 - 0.1 + 0.5) = 1
zählen shitposter zu aktiven postern? strenggenommen sind sie aktive poster? (dann wäre Qualität = 0.8)

ist 1 gut?

>2 ships
You mean 50?


Anyone watching the live interview with Edward Snowden?
It's pretty interesting

>when you find new images of you're waifu


Well I can't fucking remember more than two of the posters.

hey hey hey hey~

Feels good man.


Cirno claimu

Like warm eggs enveloping your dick.

Haven't tried that one. I'm sure it feels pretty decent though.

Ay! Probably got an A on that chem test

It's pretty dank. Just be careful, too hot and you'll burn yourself.

>zählen shitposter zu aktiven postern?
Würde sagen ja. Sie werden später ja nochmal herausgerechnet (Faktor -0,1/Person).
Das sollte aber nochmal überarbeitet werden. Es bleibt zu diskutieren, ob 10 Shitposter den Thread auf 0% bringen würden, oder ob nicht eher 0,9^Anz angemessen wäre.

>ist 1 gut?
Das wäre 100%ige Qualität. Besser geht es kaum!
Allerdings fällt der Shirofaktor zu heftig ins Gewicht, wenn der Thread noch neu ist. Wie wäre es mit 1,2 für Anwesenheit und +0,08 für jeden Post?

Außerdem müssten wir die Anzahl guter Poster auch im Ganzen tolerieren, z.B. über die Geschwindigkeit. Wie wäre ein Gewschwindigkeitsfaktor, der abhängig von seiner Ursache (shitposting vs Aktivität) negativ oder positiv ausfallen kann?

Ich fürchte, du hast meinen Autismus getriggert.

Ahoy! How to measure quality efficiently and effectively?


I prefer to eat my eggs though.
Also, not me. Or the me you think it is. Truthfully, who even is me?

You got some dirty dick or something?

Mine is clean enough to eat off of.

You're not shiro?

I looked out this morning and the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day
I lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes and I slipped away

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)
When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)
I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)
'till I see Marianne walk away
I see my Marianne walkin' away

Am I?
I've never tried it, so can't say if it's clean enough to eat off of. I guess maybe after a shower.

ich denke man sollte das system grundsätzlich anders aufbauen und nicht qualität sondern qualitätspotenzial berechnen
also 0(ausgangspotenzial) + Posts/Anons(posts pro user) - Posts/Shitposter(shitposter pro post)
so in die richtung
weil die postqualität eigentlich zu wichtig ist um sie bei der thread qualität zu ignorieren

Now you are learning.

What is life? Is this just a fantasy?
Also that form is gayer than buttsex.


>Will never know this feel.

Sure you will. One day you will find an image that you didn't have before. EZ.


Interesanter Vorschlag, aber das hätte zur Folge, dass die Qualität grundsätzlich zunimmt, je weiter der Faden fortschreitet. Außerdem gibt es keine Deckelung und ein einsamer Faden hätte scheinbar höhere Qualität (Wären nur wir beide hier, hätten wir im Mittelteil 50 Posts/ user und eine ähnlich hohe Qualität. Sobald sich jemand dazugesellt (und sei er noch so gut) würde die Qualität sofort auf 35 abfallen).

Caught in a landslide.
Wow, rood.

Hey there both shiros! Fight to the death to determine the qtest

Hey mizore!

But I didn't specify with type of buttsex I was talking about.

Many much doubt.
Only if someone decides to draw a new image.

American politics a spook


No need, ngnl Shiro wins harder than Trump did in Florida.

You said gay, which is generally used in a derogatory manner.

Love is a burnin' thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire

I fell into a burnin' ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire


You can have buttsex and not be gay.
Don't be a racist.
Jakey money?

You don't have much faith.

QOTT: What are you listening to right now?

If trips get one of you fags post nudes


Almost done with the entire thing.

We can't all have popular waifus that attract the attention of decent artist.


Fight harder!

But many fags do butt stuff

But, he said gay.

I've come to ruin another thread awoo


Do you know this one?


At least she didn't attract RADIOHEAD's attention, right?

So do straight people.
It's not gay in a three way.
>Do you know about your waifus leeds
Is this even a question?
I don't understand that reference.


RADIOHEAD is a doujin artist/author who loves scat and futanari.

Which is kinda sad because his art isn't terrible.

And you are right, I did mean it in a gay way.
But I didn't specify it earlier.
That form was gay, btw.



Make me.

>Is this even a question?
You may not know every single one of them. I'll keep trying.


*Hugs back*


We have only had one date, I'm not a total slut

Pls do, for my amusement

Gay butt sex best butt sex

Got me some muthafuckin Reese's Pieces



-phone rings-

Nothing but this is pretty gud.


I'm OK with that.
I know all my waifus lewds, even the weird ones I don't like, like inflation.
But being a total slut is the best way for then to know you're interested!

Sorry but I don't speak German, just like the Imperial German Music.

*Who is it this time?*

Congratulations. You found it.

I'm not a fan of either.


Stupid germaboo

Darn, I can't compete with that level of fucked.
How about less lewd then?

I was just congratulating you on your dank taste.

Maybe in a few weeks I'll see if he wants to Netflix and chill

What the fuck is that shit?

Is that a dude's ball sack?


Ive seen that, and the gif it's based off.
Futa is good with me.
The classic millenia "You wanna fuck?"

Eh, the music is better than French and anything the Russians had pre communist revolution.

Oh, thanks then.

your trips can't convert me!!


Just give the succ
That never fails

>Futa is good with me.
You're mentioning this suspiciously often.
Nice trips though.

jo ich hab das falsch gemacht, bin zu müde

100 - 100/Anons * Shitposter = Shiposteranteil
AnzahlPosts / in sekunden(lastposttime - opposttime) = Postfrequenz

eigentlich sollte man aber die shitposts zählen, da hat aber keiner lust zu

ich muss jetzt eh pennen gehen, viel spaß dir noch

It's no secret I like futa.
That's not suspect.

Das Ganze ist durchaus ein ziemlicher Aufwand. Aber gerade im Moment ist der Thread recht gut, das merk ich ganz ohne Analyse.

Ich mach mich aber auch mal vom Acker. Schlaf schön, und träum was Süßes :-*

That's like 40% gay though.

I don't take dick, I give dick.

Fuck yea. Only futa on futa or futa on female though.

It's the easiest way, and doesn't HAVE to end in sex, but normally would

I will try

I-I really w-want to give him the s-succ

He is bi, that simple

And I can't blame him for liking dick