Can we get a rekt thread going

Can we get a rekt thread going.
>pic related

if you want a thread then dump something yourself you piece of camel shit


Fake. Check 'em

holyyy fuck

Found this in another thread last night, just reposting

Well, it's better not to repost snuff porn in rekt thread. It's pointless...


Dubs replying to dubs, nice black hole you created there

Dubs dubs dubssss

holy molly

>i will now never get dubs again

Chekt in the wreckt

Why is she wearing a jacket? Because this is fake and the jacket hides the harness

And so on

I'm getting tired of seeing these Trump voter threads.

In what way is this a Trump voter thread?

the cycle continuous

Either he didn't mean to write in this thread or he was complaining about the other threads but still weird either way.



more dubs incoming. beware faggots.

czech em


user we need you to reply with more dubs

I meant to write ITT.

How deep does it go?


