Elect a rapist dictator

>elect a rapist dictator
>endorse racism even though police tensions are higher than ever
>complain too many Latinos voted
>tell every non WASP they're trash and should kill themselves, even though we outnumber you and we know it
>deny people's rights
>disenfranchise people from voting
>purposefully try to "offend" half the country to the point of violence
>when you're not really the majority
>what the fuck could go wrong
>lets ask the magic fucking 8 ball

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

i r8 8/8

>spend half the campaign openly calling for doubt in the election process
>suggest that someone should shoot his opponent if he wins
>wins anyway
>guess it wasn't rigged lol
>promises start disappearing from website literally one day after the election


This is why I support Trump.

Which promises have been disappearing from his website?


still looks the same to me

but what is in those emails she deleted?

>Which promises have been disappearing from his website?
ban muslims

Someone doesnt know what Sexual harassment is

Your kind wasn't meant to feel safe. Not because of us normies like to torment you, but because you yourselves crave it. Your identities are defined by not feeling safe. When we allowed you to join us as protected classes, it was intended for you to not only to survive, but thrive as fellow citizens. However, your mental illness was exacerbated, causing you to kill yourselves, provoking and lashing out at the very people who granted you sanctuary with your privilege checking, safe spaces, microaggressions, triggers and Sharia zones.

We understand now that this was you subconsciously trying to regain that unsafe feeling which defined your identities. And on Nov. 8, 2016, we granted your wish. You're welcome.

>us normies
>referring only to men
>straight white women aren't "normies"


I wanted him to keep that one, too

OP is trash and should kill itself. Save the government the bullet.

>not be American
>troll Americans during elections

I've seen the flags on Sup Forums.

I bet OP is a Canadian.

GTFO and go conspire with a moose.

go back to class, now.

oh wait, nvm...your teacher isn't going back to class, either.

it's a meme

people use canadian proxies to shitpost sjw babble

does no one realized he spoke out for LGBT right at the fucking RNC?

He never promised a ban on muds the TV said that. They are also the ones saying he now reneged on that promise

>>purposefully try to "offend" half the country to the point of violence
One side has limp dicks liberals and feral nigs
The other side has guns
Oh no I sure hope the libs don't take over everything

Feral nigs have guns, retard. Ever hear of Chicongo?


there is literally video of him promising it

he read a press release in the third person

>a ban on immigration from countries where ISIS operates until a proper vetting process can be set up
Sure sounds like a ban on muslims to me

Nignogs aim like stormtroopers

>post a bunch of random shit on Sup Forums with no sources

What an intelligent nigger

They're not scared of a candidate funded by a country that executes gays? Did Hillary not incite violence against Trump supporters by constantly labeling them as degenerates?


Funny thing is, with how the SJW bullshit was baatatntly singling out straight white males as the ultimate scapegoat, that image pretty well sums up a valid reason for white guys to vote against Hillary. Because the laws of libland constrain us, but no longer protect us.

I just love how the left tries to act like they aren't guilty of the exact same shit, just targeted at different demographics.

>Thinking that trump was elected from the straight white male vote alone
>Doesn't realize how many white people are liberal
>HUHUHUHUHUHHU all Trump supporters are white
You should really turn off your anti Trump propaganda from Europe.

>REEE fucking white people they are all bigots and I wish they would just DIE
>wait why aren't they voting for me

Normal women don't give a shit. It's only the tragic feminist who feels personally attacked by a national election. And they actively seek to become victims in every facet of their lives, so fuck them. >without consent
