What does Sup Forums watch when they're stoned

what does Sup Forums watch when they're stoned

I'm seriously curious

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breaking bad, and stranger things recently

Also fuck white widow made me paranoid as fuck

videogames and music

Impractical jokers while stoned is pretty great sometimes

casey neistat videos on YouTube. try it - being high turns into brilliant satire

Stuff like "Despicable Me" is just right for my brain. Animated bullshit with humor that even I can understand.

adventure time and archer

The Eric Andre Show is unbeatable

Waking Life. Check it out

Anime, I only watch anime when stoned it can be pretty good stoned.

My viewing habits don't really change much until I'm really cained but Monty python stuff is good when really stoned

That show is funny. Never seen a full episode but I've seen Compilation vids and they're hilarious.

I usually just zap through all the channels and end up on animal planet all the time. Sometimes I turn on rick and morty but i already seen all the episodes


Also, Pink Floyd concerts and stuff on /r/woahdude.

Star trek the next generation, that 70-
's show, how it's made, Bob Ross

Jojo's bizarre adventure

archer is a good series to watch

listen to music, porn, watch shows...


Are you old or young? Either way grow up loser

Kill yourself pls.


Music videos of Tool.

I like really deep thinking stoner things. Top of the list has to be terrence McKenna. Radio lab is up there. This American life. Documentaries about nature, like planet earth. Mystery science theater 3000 is the standard fall back if I can't find anything though

stoned Battlefield (aderal a plus) was always my goto.

/wsg/ and sometimes /gif/

True Detective Season 1 (Season 2 sucks cock, they are two different stories, so dont bother with season 2)

Watch Cosmos....world changing


fuck yea. especially short, yet funny animes like one punch man

Seinfeld, American dad, or ID channel

I know I'm a fag