

Suck it minorities.


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You're 3 days late user, the hype is over. Get back to class

What happened to you in your life that made you so hateful and angry?

theres nothing wrong with being happy that a woman wasn't elected, man.

plus every actual nigger in America is realizing that in only a few short months, they'll be back where they belong, where they were when Bush was in office.

Subservient and able to take the word "nigger" straight-lipped, and with no baclktalk, easier than a bead of sweat rolling down their forehead.

>Being this stupid

A report just came out that he's keeping provisions of ObamaCare.

He b8ed you faggots good!


lel, I'm screen capping all these posts and sharing them on social media so more people hate Trumpanzees


Aaaand yet he removed his pledge to bad muslims, hillary won't be prosecuted, the wall is not going to be built and instead is going to be a 'fence extention' and his top donators are now his advisers.

Oh poor dear, you didn't think anything was really going to change did you? Isn't that precious...

Oh yes, Please in a few months time do that. Go show them all they are back to where they belong. Why you can even start in detroit! Just be sure to live stream, kthnx

God bless Massah Donald, he made it okay for us to hate again!

Only the extremely wealthy know what is best for America user. They will stop the politicians from destroying our way of life and caving into to corporate interests. If you have less than a billion dollars to your name, you don't know whats best for the little guy.

>literally every election ever anywhere in the world

TJ Lane speaks for Trump in: Draining the Swamp

"In a time long since, a time of repent, The Renaissance. In a quaint lonely town, sits a man with a frown. No job. No family. No crown. His luck had run out. Lost and alone. The streets were his home. His thoughts would solely consist of "why do we exist?" His only company to confide in was the vermin in the street. He longed for only one thing, the world to bow at his feet. They too should feel his secret fear. The dismal drear. His pain had made him sincere. He was better than the rest, all those ones he detests, within their castles, so vain. Selfish and conceited. They couldn't care less about the peasents they mistreated. They were in their own world, it was a joyous one too. That castle, she stood just to do all she could to keep the peasents at bay, not the enemy away. They had no enemies in their filthy orgy. And in her, the castles every story, was just another chamber of Lucifer's Laboratory. The world is a sandbox for all the wretched sinners. They simply create what they want and make themselves the winners. But the true winner, he has nothing at all. Enduring the pain of waiting for that castle to fall. Through his good deeds, the rats and the fleas. He will have for what he pleads, through the eradication of disease. " ....(cont)

"So, to the castle he proceeds, like an ominous breeze through the trees. "Stay back!" The Guards screamed as they were thrown to their knees. "Oh God, have mercy, please!" The castle, she gasped and then so imprisoned her breath, to the shallow confines of her fragile chest. I'm on the lamb but I ain't no sheep. I am Death. And you have always been the sod. So repulsive and so odd. You never even deserved the presence of God, and yet, I am here. Around your cradle I plod. Came on foot, without shod. How improper, how rude. However, they shall not mind the mud on my feet if there is blood on your sheet. Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."

Trump actually had the majority of the vote of white women and more minority support then the average republican candidate

This was about a corrupt corporatocrate cunt who used identity politics to mask that she was a corrupt corporatocrate cunt vs a businessmen who puts himself up as a challenger of the establishment by giving voice to many issues the working class citizens face regardless of race and gender which are nowadays taboo to discuss in USA's PC culture

trump will be gone


Praise the science-hating Christian Jesus God! God hates soldiers!

>Implying it'll happen

kek try and overthrow the government dumb hippie nigger

we put him in we'll put him down

I think Trump's biggest triumph was making people believe he understood, cared, and was champion for anyone that actually works for a living, and not just some extremely wealthy guy trying to get his wealthy buddies and him jobs that could make them all considerably richer.

Donald Trump "I may not repeal Obamacare"
and so it begins

Trump is a false flag of our party, we all voted for him, hes our provoction to ourselvs. on jenuary 20 well start burninig thing. come to washington and help burn. join the fun join civil war. come come children YLYL #DisruptJ20

Fuck the working class and the environment too!

And fuck net neutrality and fuck not being throttle by companies according to Trump because he just announced he wants to remove net neutrality and let the companies limit Internet bandwidth

OP what is he gonna do to make america great again.how is yr life going to improve now he has been elected. real questions




Im a democrat and I can agree this sjw bullshit was getting really fucking ridiculous in the past few years. I think we might have needed trump being elected to fix this.

>fat blue haired feminists think they can take on the US government and the gun-toting republicans
Good luck, retard. I hope all you lefty nut jobs get genocided like you deserve

Build that wa... Fence?

stop being a slave and join civil war, burn things dont just sit infront of the computer


The civil war is a psyop created by globalist shadow leaders like George Soros.
Don't play their game. That is how they want you to feel.